Saturday, December 31, 2022
#Resolutions to make into habits – what will you do with your #time?
When we celebrate the New Year, we find ourselves caught in time. We look backward to the past year and forward to the upcoming year. We are caught between the going and coming. Some of us have regrets for the past and many of us have hope for the future.
In our modern-day world, we get lost in time. That’s because time becomes a commodity that we use, hoard, trade and exploit. We waste time, keep time, give time, find time, lose time, make time and on and on…. But remember time is really the only thing we have. When it is gone our time on earth will end.
So, what you do with your time, says so much about you and the life you live. Ask yourself what do I do with my time and what can I do to make good use of it?
I would suggest this year that you take time every day to practice these five resolutions and to make them into habits: gratitude, generosity, kindness, joy and peace. If you incorporate each of these into your goals and your everyday life you will find that your time is wisely spent. You will be working your karma in positive ways. This will bring you prosperity. It only takes moments to practice each of these. This would be a good use of your time – and so would practicing our yoga class – so let’s get started.
END: Time flies – time really, really flies; and here we are another year about to end and new year to begin. We can’t slow down time, but we can use time to create quality of life, and isn’t that what we all want; a life that is full of gratitude, generosity, kindness, joy and peace. What you do with your time says so much about the life you live. Live it fully and remember, what you do with your time is the only thing you take with you when you depart this world. Make your time count.
EGO: flip up your palm and extend out your index finger – The ego feels it never has enough time to express itself. It fears its own demise and looks upon time as the enemy. It frantically runs after work and life experiences always trying to beat time. But time cannot be beaten. We cannot stop it or control it because time does not stand still and our experiences rarely fulfill us.
Bring your index finger in and place your thumb on top. When we surrender our ego the demands of life subside and we experience being in the present moment. The soul then realizes that we are here on earth to build virtues and remove vices. That’s why we all make resolution. We want to do better and live a better life. Letting go of the ego allows us to participate in life as a grateful, generous, kind, joyful and peaceful soul. These would be good resolution to make into habits.
Happy New Year
May you walk the path of life with health, happiness and peace
Doctor Lynn
For more books, classes course and consultations
Saturday, December 24, 2022
Resolution Five -a good habit that will bring you serenity and calmness.
When we do something repeatedly it becomes a habit. If we continue with this habit, it becomes part of our character. So how can we resolve to develop healthy habits to enhance our character? Awareness and practice. Without these nothing can be achieved.
The four resolution we worked on over the last few weeks was to develop the habits of gratitude, generosity, kindness and joy. This week we will work on peace.
Peace means to be serene and calm. The whole goal of yoga is to be able to restrain and balance the chaos that often goes on inside your head and then create calmness; body, mind and soul; which leads to peace.
We live in a material world. Karma yoga does not discourage us from creating wealth and acquiring things. But it does encourage us to stay detached from these things and not to let them own us or bind us. We should be grateful for what comes into our lives, but not obsessed with hanging onto things. Obsession creates greed, chaos, fear and none to these things can create peace.
We are here to find joy and to enjoy our lives. If you have beautiful home enjoy it but do not fear letting it go. In this you find peace. So, karma teaches us to find and maintain peace in our heart while keeping our mind working within the material world. The whole goal of yoga is to be able to detach and then see and use the whole world for what it is – opportunities to learn and work through your karma. It is an opportunity to discover gratitude, generosity, kindness, joy and peace. Takes awareness and practice. let’s get started…
END: The goal of yoga is to maintain a peaceful mind while living in a very chaotic material world. Karma teaches us that there are four types of people in the word that can disturb our sense of peace. The happy, the unhappy, the virtuous and the wicked. Yoga gives us four keys to use when we encounter each. Friendliness for the happy; enjoy being around them; compassion and generosity for the unhappy; wish them peace; be gladness for the virtuous; admire their gratitude and kindness; and for the wicked do not judge simply observe be indifference and find peace. Do not try to advise them. Wicked people seldom take advice. If you try you will lose your peace; be indifferent. Use these keys friendliness, compassion, admiration and indifference at every encounter in your life and you will discover peace of mind, and that is the goal of yoga.
Ego: Flip your palm up and extend out your index finger the symbol of your soul. Your body and your mind must continue to fulfill the job for which they were created. Housed within is the ego and it is the ego that needs you to work your karma. Once you learn how to let the ego remove the citta and disturbances in the mind you will find peace. Pull your index finger in, place your thumb on top and surrender to your soul. Simply learn to be selfless. Give more than you take and be grateful, generous, kind, joyful and indifferent, and you will find peace. These are all good habits to practice!
Namaste ~ may you walk the path of life with health, happiness and peace
Doctor Lynn
For more classes, course, books and consultations
Saturday, December 17, 2022
Five Resolutions - Four -a good habit that will bring you great pleasure and happiness.
When we do something repeatedly it becomes a habit. If we continue with this habit, it becomes part of our character. So how can we resolve to develop healthy habits to enhance our character? Awareness and practice. Without these nothing can be achieved.
The three resolution we worked on over the last few weeks was to develop the habits of gratitude, generosity and kindness.
Resolution four to make into a habit is joy. To truly experience joy is to feel pleasure and happiness. Next to health most people would say that happiness and joy are the most important. And yet karma teaches us that the greatest amount of negative karma goes into prohibiting the expression of joy. If joy is so wonderful, why do we try to destroy it?
• Comparing and competing
• Lack of gratitude for what you have. ...
• Letting D-GAP control you. ...
• Focusing on the past or the future. ...
• Trying to control what you can't. ...
• Caught in being a victim - blaming others
• Obsessed with your possessions.
Chinese proverb – although you may amass a million gold coins; when you depart this earth you cannot take with you even one copper penny.
Any one of the four great passions or the trouble some four will prohibit the expression of joy.
Joy connects the hidden dimensions that unite the body and the mind. We experience joy both from a biochemical point (dopamine) and from a mental point of happiness and pleasure.
When people tune in to the feeling of joy, what often emerges is an awareness that this joy is somehow always with us. Joy is quietly, invisibly ever-present. It is not “out there,” and it is not “in here”; rather, it is simply everywhere and it is a choice we make whether to experience it or not. Let’s see if we can find it today
Joy is the soul of happiness. Like pleasure, it can express itself through the body, but it is not of the body. Like satisfaction, it can be felt emotionally and appreciated mentally, but it is so much more than just an emotion or a state of mind. It means to stand outside yourself finding happiness and joy in the moment.
True joy is limitless and always available to us. It requires awareness and practice and like gratitude, generosity and kindness, finding joy everyday would be a good habit to choose.
Flip your palm up and extend out the index finger. Feel the pull away from your center. When we turn inward and face ourselves, our issues take center stage and the spotlight prevents us from seeing what is going on around us. In other words, the ego has its grip on us.
Joy feels somehow beyond space and time. Joy does not come and go; what comes and goes is our awareness of joy. Ironically, we often feel the presence of joy the most when we stop chasing pleasure and we stop trying to satisfy our ego.
Pull the finger in and place the thumb on top; true joy means to find happiness and bliss while standing outside of yourself experiencing the pure joy of life. It can be as simple as the joy of feeling the warmth of the sun on your face. Look to find joy in each day. It will remind you of how precious life can be. Joy is necessary for our survival. A world without joy would be a dismal place. Joy is a choice you make, and if you let it, you will find that Joy is bigger than your ego.
Namaste~ may you walk the path of life with health, happiness and peace
Doctor Lynn
For more classes, corpses, books and consultation
Saturday, December 10, 2022
Five Resolutions to Make into good Habits – in this you will prosper
When we do something repeatedly it becomes a habit. If we continue with this habit, it becomes part of our character. So how can we resolve to develop healthy habits to enhance our character? Awareness and practice. Without these nothing can be achieved.
The two resolution we worked on the last two weeks was to develop habits of gratitude and generosity.
The third resolution to make a habit is kindness. Kindness is inherent in all human beings, and essential for survival. It means to show consideration to others, as opposed to being insensitive, harmful or apathetic.
Our most basic motivation is to strive for survival, well-being and happiness. Being treated by others with cruelty, indifference or insensitivity goes directly against this basic wish. So, we want others to treat us with kindness and this is common to all humans.
Naturally, kindness is also supported by compassion. If you are inclined to wish another person to be happy, protected and relieved of suffering you are practicing compassion. However, in order to fully practice kindness, you must first learn to be kind to yourself. When we are not emotionally aware, or are unkind towards ourselves, it is very difficult to be kind to others.
Kindness is supported by forgiveness, empathy, compassion and discernment. Further, to develop kindness for the greatest number of people, these practices should rest on a foundation of impartiality, where we learn to see our common humanity. In other words, we must realize that what all human beings have in common vastly outweighs our differences, and that all human beings naturally seek survival, well-being and happiness. Kindness, therefore, would be a good resolution to make into a daily habit.
END: This week as well as gratitude and generosity practice kindness; first towards yourself and then towards others. Remember that it is basic to the survival of all of life. Kindness creates sharing, caring and protection.
‘The World Happiness Report’, a project undertaken by the United Nations, has shown that even more than economic factors, happiness and life satisfaction is even more important than wealth. Kinder people are happier people and kinder people create happier societies.
EGO: Flip your palms up and extend out your index finger – the symbol of your ego. Feel the pull away from your center. The ego seeks its own survival often seeing itself at the center of the universe, alone and caught in its own projection of reality. It seeks kindness for its own survival, but sometime forgets that it is connected to all living things and all living things need kindness to survive. Pull your finger in and place your thumb on top to surrender to your soul. The soul reminds us that we are all interconnected in this vast web of life and if we are to survive, we must remember that what all human beings have in common vastly outweighs our differences. Always seek to do the greatest good for the greatest many. Be kind and resolve to make kindness a daily habit.
Namaste~ may you walk the path of life with health, happiness and peace
Doctor Lynn
For more courses, books and consultations
Saturday, December 03, 2022
Five Resolutions to Make into good Habits – in this you will prosper
When we do something repeatedly it becomes a habit. If we continue with this habit, it becomes part of our character. So how can we resolve to develop healthy habits to enhance our character? Awareness and practice. Without these nothing can be achieved.
The resolution we worked on last week was to develop a habit of gratitude. Take a moment each day to be grateful for something. Make it your default habit even in tough and stressful times.
The second resolution to make into a habit is generosity; it’s a quality that's a lot like unselfishness, or as yoga calls it being selfless. There are seven ways to practice generosity; our thoughts, words, money, time, material things, influence and attention. Karma yoga reminds us to pay careful attention to our thoughts, words and deeds. We create generosity through all three. Remember that greed is one of the four great passions. It must be removed if you are to master your karma. The opposite of greed is generosity. This would be a good habit to develop.
Generosity creates good punja and good punja is the good merits we gain from living a soulful life.
Karma teaches us to do unselfish work without expecting anything in return. It also means to give more than you take. Acts of generosity, such as giving your time, talent or resources, and expecting nothing in return, have been proven to be good for your health. Generous individuals are personally more fulfilled, happier and more peaceful within themselves, not to mention more productive at home and in the workplace.
Takes conscious work to be generous especially in stressful and trying times. That’s karma – it takes work – let’s get started.
END: generosity is not so difficult to practice and something we can all do every day no matter what life hands us. Be kind, be sincere and always give more than you take. Here are some free gifts to give every day that will create generosity.
To your enemy give forgiveness, to an opponent give tolerance, to a friend give a helping hand, to those you love give an open heart, to a customer give good service, be charitable and give your time, to every child give a good example of what it means to be a good person, and to yourself give respect.
Ego: The ego is the part of you that says I want it all. It is the part that inserts itself at the center of existence and in this becomes selfish and greedy. Karma reminds us to conduct ourselves in ways of self-surrender meaning to ask ourselves who is really the author of our lives? The self-centered one, or the one who observes and acts selflessly? Pull your finger in and place your thumb on top.
Surrender to your soul and then take actions that allow you to act unselfishly. When you give do not look for something in return. If you give from a selfless place, you will always prosper. When you make others happy you are also happy. Be aware of your thoughts, words and deeds, and then act in ways that create generosity. Soon the habit of being generous will be with you every day. Remember generosity can be as simple as being kind, giving a helping hand, or a smile to cheer someone up.
This week make gratitude and generosity a part of your daily habits. Take the time to become aware of our thoughts, words and deeds and then practice giving more than you take, and in this you will develop the habits of generosity and gratitude. Without awareness and practice nothing can be achieved.
Namaste~ may you walk the path of life with health, happiness and peace
Doctor Lynn
For more classes, course and consultations
Wednesday, November 30, 2022
HEALTH RECIPE for the HOLIDAYS Sugar Plums Dancing in my Head
HEALTH TIP for the HOLIDAYS Sugar Plums Dancing in My Head
Did you know that plums are the second most cultivated fruit in the world? Plums date back to Confucius who listed plums as one of the popular foods in China. In 65 BC, Pompey the Great introduced plums to the orchards in Rome and Alexander the Great eventually brought them to the Mediterranean region.
But, what about those sugar plums dancing around in children’s head at Christmas time? Well sugar plums also mean any dried fruit that is dipped in honey and then rolled in aromatic spices and served as a treat. Now if your take a dried plum (prune that it) and dip it in honey and then roll it in anise or cardamom you would in fact end up with a healthy snack. Honey is a complete food and a powerhouse of nutrients. Anise and cardamom are two spices that were widely used in Europe and throughout the Middle East. Anise is a calmative spice while cardamom is used as a stimulant and as a digestive aid.
So, whether it’s a fresh picked plum, a dried prune or sugar plums dancing in your head, the plum is a great choice when it comes to your health.
• DRIED FRUIT antioxidants Vitamin A
• Walnuts – protein, prebiotics
• Honey – a complete food
• Anise - calmative
• Cardamon – stimulant digestive aid
• ½ cup California Prunes about 3.25 oz
• ½ cup walnuts toasted & coarsely chopped (about 2 oz)
• ¼ cup dates pitted & chopped (just over 1 oz, about 5) or dried figs
• ¼ cup dried cranberries about 1.25 oz
• ¼ cup hazelnut meal or almond meal* toasted (or hazelnut or almond flour) (see note to use whole nuts)
• 2 Tablespoons apricot preserves or honey
• ¼ teaspoon cinnamon
• ⅛ teaspoon ground cardamom or anise
• ⅛ teaspoon ground cloves
• 1 pinch fine sea salt
• ½ cup sugar I use coarse sugar for crunch
To toast the walnuts and hazelnut or almond meal:
1. Preheat the oven to 350 F
2. Spread the nuts out in a single layer on one side of a sheet pan, and pour the nut meal in a pile on the other side, and flatten with you hand or a spatula so it's an even layer, about ¼ inch thick. Place the sheet pan in the oven for 8 minutes, then remove and allow to cool.
To make the Sugarplums:
1. Put the chopped prunes, walnuts, dates and cranberries in the bowl of a food processor and pulse until the ingredients are chopped into small, even pieces. Stop before the mixture becomes a ball.
2. Add the toasted nut meal, apricot preserves, cinnamon, cardamom, cloves and salt. Pulse several times (you may need to stop to scrape down the sides) until the ingredients are fully combined and the mixture will hold itself together when rolled into a ball. (You should still see some texture from the fruit & nuts.)
3. Line a tray or container with wax or parchment paper. Scoop the mixture into heaping 1 tablespoon portions and roll into 1 inch balls, and place on the paper.
4. Roll the sugarplums in the sugar just before serving.
You can store the sugarplums before they are rolled in sugar. Store at room temperature in a covered container (but not airtight/sealed) for up to 1 week. Or, refrigerate in an airtight container for up to 1 month. Allow the sugarplums to come to room temperature before coating in sugar.
*If you'd like to use whole almonds or hazelnuts instead of flour/meal, use the same toasting and chopping method as the walnuts.
2. Calories: 87kcalCarbohydrates: 14gProtein: 1gFat: 4gSaturated Fat: 1gPolyunsaturated Fat: 2gMonounsaturated Fat: 1gSodium: 4mgPotassium: 39mgFiber: 1gSugar: 12gVitamin A: 7IU
Saturday, November 26, 2022
Five Resolution that will Bring to You -Health, Happiness and Success
We all resolve to give something up; to eat better, live better, exercise more and make more money in the upcoming year. 95% of resolutions fail because with a resolution we are attempting to change something, or resolve a conflict. This take motivation and self-control which can be difficult in stressful times. That is why it is suggested that we make our resolutions into habits because habits are what we tend to default to when stressed. So, let’s resolve over the next six weeks to develop habits that we can carry into the new year and all the years to come that will make a tremendous different in our lives.
The first resolution for us to make into a habit is gratitude. It simply means to stop, each day, take a moment and appreciate something about your life. It also means to be grateful to others and to be thankful for even the smallest of things.
Sounds simple and yet gratitude has a way of eluding us. We often get caught up in the things that make us unhappy leaving little room to be grateful. We fall back on the habit of being unhappy and sometimes resentful. We have desires and when those desire are not met, we become unhappy and therefore lack the ability to be grateful for the beauty that comes to us each day.
Studies show that those who practice gratitude are happier and healthier. Positive psychology research indicates that thinking three to five grateful thoughts a day improves the immune response and boost the neural chemicals in your brain that boost happiness. Gratitude is truly healthy for the body, the mind, and the soul.
So, let’s begin our karma yoga practice today with the habit of gratitude
To keep a resolution, you need to make it a habit. It should be something you truly want and what more could you want than to be healthy, happy and at peace? Gratitude is good for the body, the mind and soul. It keeps us healthy, boost happiness and brings a sense of peace to our soul. So, lets’ make our first resolution a habit to stop for a moment each day and be grateful for something Make this a habit you default to in stressful and troubled time and you will discover the beauty that is found in every day of your life. Let’s work on the habit of gratitude. Each day this week stop and take a moment to be grateful for something. Before you know it, gratitude will become a daily habit!
EGO: Flip your palm up and extend out your index finger; the symbol of your ego. The ego is that part of you that wants to control and when things don’t go its way it becomes unhappy. The soul looks at life as simply an opportunity to experience all of life. What you do with these experiences determines your karma and the path of our life. Pull your ego in; place your thumb on top and surrender to your soul. From the center of your soul resolve to develop the habit of gratitude. Each day take a moment to stop and be grateful for something – it’s a good habit for the body, the mind and the soul and will surely make your new year and all the years to come successful, happier, healthier and peaceful.
Namaste ~ may you walk with health happiness and peace
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Tuesday, November 22, 2022
Three Actionable Tips for Managing Stress Turkey Day and the Holidays!
The one thing that accelerates aging and often causes us to put on weight, eat unhealthily and stop exercising is…STRESS! And what happens during the Holidays? …STRESS!
Here are three actionable steps you can take to reduce stress and stay healthy anywhere and anytime.
Yoga Breath
Not only can the meditative effects of yoga help you manage stress and sleep better, but practicing yoga breath has a slew of other cognitive and social benefits. Cultivating a yoga practice can improve your memory and focus, as well as give you the peace of mind needed to face all the stress of the holidays.
The breath is one of the best actionable ways to let go of stress. Letting go requires a connection with the present. Most likely the stress you are hanging onto happened in the past, and when we are focused in the present moment, the past loses its grip.
Close your eyes, take a deep breath, say to yourself “let go” and then count from one to ten as you exhale. The ten count allows the body and the mind to focus on being present and in the moment. I always remind my students that breathing in is cleansing and exhaling is removing debris. Do this five times.
Take a walk, dance and do yoga. Exercise has been shown to be very effective in reducing stress and helping us to let go of whatever is disturbing our sense of balance and peace. Just remember “don’t sweat the small stuff, and in the big scheme of life; it’s all small stuff.”
Did you know that creativity reduces stress! There is nothing like a nice walk to get the creative juices brewing. Walking is easy, stress free, and anyone can do it. When we walk, we are circulating blood and oxygen throughout the body and that includes the brain. The mind is free from distractions and we are getting plenty of fresh air and sunshine. Vitamin D which we get from the sun (which is the best source) is important for overall health including brain health. Scientist know that low levels of D effect cognitive functioning. Think about this; we evolved under natural sunlight and part of the process of evolution is survival; the ability to manage stress and be creative.
Talk to yourself; ask yourself this; is it worth hanging onto? Most likely it is not. What might seem insurmountable today might be nothing tomorrow. It’s the things we identify with that create stress. It’s what yoga calls all the “citta” or useless mind stuff that keeps us in the illusion of life. Everything is fleeting. Nothing last forever. So, to de-stress and bring harmony and happiness to your world; change the way you look at things and the way you look at things will change. Just let go and let be.
We put so much pressure on ourselves to be happy and to fit in, especially during the holidays. Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks for all the good things in your life. You don’t need a family gathering, a turkey, or a party to practice gratitude. What you do need is the ability to take a breather, move your body, and let go. Take time to relax and focus on the most important thing in life; your health; body, mind and soul. If you are healthy enough to celebrate Turkey Day – give thanks for that! Just remember without your health everything else is meaningless.
Doctor Lynn
Join me Thursday Dec 1 at 10 AM PST 1PM EST for a FREE WEBINAR
How to Survive the Holidays without…
Stress- Burnout- Weight Gain – Neglecting Exercise – not getting Adequate Sleep?
Why is it so difficult to stay on the health track during the holidays?
Learn the three thing that sabotage our health, happiness sand balance and how to master them
Learn the foods to eat to insure you stay healthy and manage your weight
Learn simple exercises that will help you manage stress and stay balanced
Learn simple techniques for improving sleep
Get a Holiday Recipe that is healthy, delicious and full of happiness!
FREE 30-minute WEBINAR – Thursday Dec 1 @ 10AM PST - 1PM EST
Join Doctor Lynn a Naturopath and Yoga therapist as she shares with you not only how to survive the holidays but how to sail into the New year with vim, vigor and vitality.
CAN’T ATTEND? Sign up and get access to the FREE RECORDING!
Saturday, October 15, 2022
Compassion creates Prosperity
🧚♀️SOUL WALKING🚶♀️ ~🎁 Compassion requires an understanding of human nature. Understand it and you will prosper
By lifting your thoughts to a higher level of consciousness you open the heart chakra allowing your self to invoke noble thoughts, and by continuing to invoke these thoughts you purify the mind, which in turn allows you to practice compassion leading to a state of peacefulness.
In practical terms compassion means - suppose someone says something that is upsetting to you. This person is caught in one of the four great passions. Let’s say it is anger. You have a decision to make. You can react with an equal force of anger, or you can find your balance, tap into your inner strength, stay flexible and open and remain peaceful. When you see the situation for what it really is; an expression of human emotion; you will realize we all experience these emotions. We have all felt and expressed anger. Who doesn’t know what it feels like to be angry? You then have a moment to catch yourself, connect from the heart and practice compassion. By observing, you learn the purpose for practicing yoga. In its purest form we work on balance, strength, flexibility and peacefulness. Find it in your body and you will find it in your mind and your soul. Takes work – that’s karma - let’s get started.
As we become more aware of the nature of life, we become more self-ware and with this we gain a greater sense of balance, strength, flexibility and peacefulness. We become more aware of how we live and how we interact with all of life. We move from insanity to sanity. It is simply the movement from a passionate reaction to the compassionate realization that we are all interconnected and that at any given time we are all doing the best we can with where we are in our own evolution. To forgive and practice compassion is to practice yoga. The purpose of the yoga poses is to achieve a state of pure balance, ultimate strength, fluid flexibility and peacefulness. This brings us wisdom and prosperity; so, keep practicing.
EGO: Flip your palms up and extend out your index finger the symbol of the soul. Feel it pull you away from your center. The ego protects us and as such is always ready to fight, deny and be righteous. Be aware of when the ego arises and then try to be quiet and calm. Pull your index finger in (your ego) and place your thumb on top, which is the symbol of the soul. Remember we are all interconnected. We all share the same feelings and emotions. How we react is simply a reflection of our balance, strength, flexibility and peacefulness. Practice compassion and live from your soul.
To understand all is to forgive all. We can facilitate our own and each other’s’ release from suffering by practicing compassion. Look into your own heart and start by being compassionate with yourself and then from your heart reach out and extend compassion to all those in need.
Namaste ~ may you walk the path of life with health, happiness and peace
Doctor Lynn
Friday, September 09, 2022
This next treasure is both loved and despised. Can you guess what it is?
There is an essence that exists everywhere and yet at times can be hard to obtain. However, this essence is available to everyone. It can be as hard and unrelenting as rock, and yet agile and yielding. It is both loved and despised. We call it free will. Next to a healthy life, free will is the most precious treasure of all. We all have been given free will, and yet few souls understand it, or know how it works. Through will and will alone humans have overcome tremendous odds. It gives us the capacity to endure sorrows and suffering. It is the power to consciously choose and control the force of our energy towards a particular desire. To will is to have faith in the ability to transform the ordinary into the extraordinary. It is akin to tenacity- the ability to hold on with deep determination. It is based in an unshakable faith that allows anyone who understands it, the ability to attain whatever they desire.
Takes work – that’s karma let’s get started
Free will is the unrelenting ability to direct your life towards a desired end. We can use it to change every level of our reality. We are only limited by the boundaries we choose. Every moment we are presented with choices that allow us to define and redefine who and what we choose to be. We call this thinking. Karma yoga teaches us; there are no right or wrong thoughts, words or actions; only consequences.
You are defined by what you let occupy the space within your mind. You are what you think and not because you think. You control your thoughts through the exercise of free will. Understanding how to turn self-destructive negative thoughts into positive self- enforcing thoughts is how to use free will constructively and how we prosper. How do you do this?
Flip your palm s up and stick out your index finger – tap into your ego - the ego likes to control to acquire and to command often confusing this with free will. When using free will constructively you will realize that it does not mean you can do whatever you want – it means to want whatever you are doing and being. It means choice. Bring your finger in and place your thumb on top – surrender your ego to your soul. If you control your mind, you control everything and then there is nothing in the world to bind you. If you feel bound you are bound, and if you feel liberated you are liberated.
Pay attention to what you let occupy your mind because what occupies your mind occupies you. The greatest use of free will is to consciously choose to bring joy, cheer and bliss to the world. This is the treasure that leads to moska, or liberation.
Namaste ~ may you walk the path of life with health, happiness and peace.
Doctor Lynn
For more book, classes, courses and consultations
Saturday, August 27, 2022
What is required to find true happiness?
Contentment. Be content with what you have and then reach out to create more. This is how we prosper, succeed and become wealthy. Contentment is one of the goals of yoga and one of the most difficult things for us to attain. There is a natural tendency for humans to want more. Even when we experience happiness, we want more happiness.
Contentment means to be happy with what you have and not desire that which you have not earned. Jean Paul Sartre said, “Happiness is not doing what you want, but wanting what you do.”
To find happiness, stop anguishing. It never solved anything. Anguish only brings pain, stress and ill health. Approach the world with selfless motives. Know that you are the source (potential) of your happiness. Stop expecting and start enjoying life and you will see a very different world. You will begin to use the world for a very different purpose and that will bring you happiness. Remember the greatest amount of negative karma goes into destroying happiness and joy. So, change the way you look at things and the way you see things will change.
In yoga there is a pose called the Prosperous pose, or lotus pose. It is also called the happy pose. In Sanskrit it means the swirling motion of a cross symbolizing the spinning of creation and evolution. Happiness is created within and then evolves outward into our intellectual view of the world and is present in how we move through the world; be it graceful or awkward. Move with grace and you will discover happiness.
Gratitude is good for your health, body, mind and soul
Be Grateful for the Sunrise
It brings you a new day
Be Grateful for your friends
They are your greatest support
Be grateful for what you have
Count your blessings
There is a fable about a musk deer that best describes our search for happiness. The fabled musk deer has a scented spot above its forehead that gives off the scent of musk. The deer is intensely attracted to the scent of the musk and so runs here and there in search of it, not realizing that the scent is on its forehead. Happiness is like that. We run here and there in search of it never realizing that happiness is within us and not somewhere out there.
Understanding this you will find contentment. Then when you ask yourself “who am I” the answer will be, “I am happy.” Be the source of your happiness because it is truly a gift to be treasured. Be mindful of each step you take along the pathway of life, and each step will be an end in itself. With no distinction between the journey and the destination you will discover that happiness is not a destination. It is here ~ right now – just like the musk deer, right in your head. Be mindful ~ Be happy!
Flip your hands up and extend out your index finger.
How can we be happy when we are sad, hurt, angry and alone? All of the seeds of life’s emotions and feelings are within us. What we feed these emotions and feelings is what will manifest. So, if we feed sorrow with sorrow, sorrow will manifest. But if we feed sorrow with happiness before long happiness will be your state of being. That is the whole point to happiness. It is within us and we alone have the power to be happy no matter what the circumstances. Pull your index finger in and place your thumb on top (symbol of your soul) Happiness then is about self-realization; realize you have the power to self-control and direct your life. Money and material gain won’t buy happiness. Those things of the world come and go. But remember this; happiness does not come without work. You must work your karma (make punja – good merits) so your life works for you, and in this you will discover true happiness.
Namaste~ may you walk the path of life with health, happiness and peace
Doctor Lynn
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From the movie: Café Society.
“Live life every day as if it is your last day and one day, you’ll be right.”
Saturday, August 20, 2022
Karma - Life’s Treasures – the nidhis
Of all of life’s emotional gifts happiness might just be the most treasured gift of all.
Happiness is to be content with what you have while having the confidence to know you have the potential, the power and the courage to reach out and be so much more. Everyone wants to be happy and yet happiness eludes most of us. That is because of our expectations. Why are we unhappy? Most likely because we feel we got less than we expected. True happiness is simply pure joyful energy that flows and harmoniously moves through space and time. Once you know you are the source of your happiness, instead of your expectations, happiness will be with you forever.
The thing to remember about happiness is that life is ever changing. Nothing is permanent accept that which you cultivate within. In the Hindu practice Lord Shiva is the King of the Dance of life. Shiva is portrayed as the force of destructive energy that lays the foundation for creation. Shiva dances at the cosmic wheel of life surrounded by a ring of fire which symbolizes the eternal cycles of birth, life and death. The name Shiva means liberation, or the freedom to dance and express oneself. He cannot stop time from passing, or things from changing, but he can find happiness and bliss amid the chaos of life. To find happiness keep dancing! Let’s get started
In yoga there is a pose called the Prosperous pose, or lotus pose. It is also called the happy pose. In Sanskrit it means the swirling motion of a cross symbolizing the spinning of creation and evolution. Happiness is created within and then evolves outward into our intellectual view of the world and is present in how we move through the world; be it graceful or awkward. Happiness manifest as, “the sweet nectar” or the molecules within our brain’s chemistry called endorphins. These molecules of happiness may take us on a euphoric ride where we begin to experience bliss; body, mind and soul.
Did you know that happiness is just a thought away? Positive psychology research indicates that thinking three to five gratitude thoughts a day improves the immune system and boost happiness. Gratitude fills the soul with joy.
Be Grateful
Be grateful that you don’t already have everything you want
That means there is more to come!
Be grateful for your health
It is your true wealth
Be grateful for the simple things
Food, shelter and warmth
END: With calmness of being happiness becomes contagious. A happy soul brings joy, good health and bliss to everyone and everything they encounter. If you want to prosper remember that prosperity is drawn to happiness just like we are drawn to happy people.
Happiness is as basic a need as food and water. Ask anyone what they would want most in life and most likely, right after good health, they will choose happiness.
EGO: flip your hand up and extend out the index finger the symbol of your ego.
Happiness requires discipline and self-control. Something the ego sometimes finds difficult to do. Even the moments of unhappiness that we wish never transpired can bring us happiness. No one wants to go through a divorce, a strained relationship, loss of a loved one, loss of a job, or any other disappointment in life. But when we see these things as simply a part of the big picture of life, we intuitively know it is best to let go and let be. Pull your ego in (index finger) and place your thumb on top. This is the symbol of your soul and symbolizing your ego bowing to your soul as it lets go. Remember to be the Observer of Life. Be content with what comes into and goes out of your life, and you will begin to find the true nature of happiness.
Namaste ~ may you walk the path of life with health, happiness and peace.
Doctor Lynn
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Saturday, August 06, 2022
Health is the Twelfth Treasure
Your health is your true wealth and the most important thing in the world. Money won’t buy you good health, however prosperity may afford you good food, warm shelter and good medical care; things that are necessary for good health. Therefore, it is good to live in a prosperous society. Good health is the ultimate treasure of life for it is with good health that we enjoy all the treasures of life. It is very difficult to enjoy life when you are sick and tired.
The basic three pillars of health are diet, exercise and sleep. Every day keep your focus on the three pillars for without your health everything else is meaningless. Let’s get started on exercise with yoga.
Your journey on earth is not about the body and the mind; however, without the body and the mind the soul cannot experience this earthly life. The body is the vehicle and the mind is the GPS of the soul. Therefore, it is our responsibility and duty to take care of our health. Eating healthy, exercising, relaxing, reflecting, laughing and loving are all good for our health.
When the body, the mind and the soul are in prefect balance, we have perfect health. And when we have perfect health, we have so much more to give to the world. A healthy, balanced perfected human has the power to equally disseminate joy, cheer and bliss to all.
EGO: Flip your hands up and extend the index finger the symbol of the ego. The ego is our friend in that its main purpose is to help us survive in a sometimes-hostile world. The problem with the ego is that is begins to believe it is supreme. We lose sight of our true self which is unlimited. We define ourselves by our experiences in relationship to everything else. This leads to object referral instead of self-referral. We then get caught up in defining our life by the “I”; our body, our relationships, our possessions, our fears and desires. We say, “I am feeling ill.” But it is not the “I” that is ill. It is the body that is ill and not our true self which is the soul. However, without the health of the body and the mind the soul cannot complete its earthly mission and must return again (reincarnate) as another being to work out its karma. Therefore, we need the ego to protect us and give us insight into our experiences, but not as the main reason for our walk here on earth. Pull in your index finger and place your thumb on top – the symbol of the soul.
Value the treasure of health above all else by honoring yourself; body, mind and soul, because; “When health is absent wisdom cannot reveal itself, art cannot become manifest, strength cannot be exerted, wealth is useless and reason is powerless.” Herophilies, 300 B. C.
Namaste ~ may you walk the path with health, happiness and peace
Doctor Lynn
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Saturday, July 30, 2022
Beauty is the Eleventh Treasure
Beauty is in the eyes and the heart of the beholder, or simply put; the beauty of the world is within you. Beauty is not found in an image, but in how you see the world. Beauty is as much about attitude as it is about the physical body.
Beauty like all of life comes in different forms. It is physical and material, it is conceptual and mindful and it is ethereal and soulful. Mostly we are drawn to physical beauty by conceptually deciding what is and what is not beautiful to us. We then hope to hold onto what we believe to be the permanent and satisfying aspect of beauty. But with all things in life, we must appreciate that beauty is continually changing. The physical beauty of youth gives way to an inner beauty that can only be gained through maturity. The blossom of a fruit is beautiful, but it is only when it changes, ages and ripens that it becomes life sustaining and sweet fruit. Understanding this brings calmness of mind, and with calmness of mind we become poised, tranquil and contemplative. Here we have the opportunity to develop a sincere and intellectual appreciation for beauty.
A beautiful thought is to see beauty where there is ugliness. To see the good where there is bad. This is not a naïve Pollyanna approach to life, but rather the realization that beauty is found in symmetry and in contrast. For example: you see a horrible ugly crime, like the Boston Marathon bombing, or 9-11 World Trade Center attack. But with this horror comes the comforting and caring for those who are grieving. This touches the beauty of humanity.
Let’s focus on beauty today – takes work -that’s karma
Beauty is one of the great treasures of life. It has nothing to do with attributes and adjectives and everything to do with understanding the true nature of beauty. It is the ability to live fully embracing each moment with joy. When you walk through life with calmness, contemplation and appreciation for all of life you will find beauty everywhere.
The world is real and full of beauty. The maya (illusion) is in your perception and interpretation of things. Whether you see the world as beautiful or ugly is all up to you. To see the beauty of life is truly a treasure and sure to bring you prosperity.
Beauty is not an image. It’s a vison embedded in your soul. Practice self-control and intellectual appreciation. Look within and you will find beauty everywhere. Doctor Lynn
What destroys beauty? Fear! All of the great pleasures of life bring with them the fear of losing them. Beauty is one of those things. It’s alright to have a beautiful face and a beautiful body. The problem comes when we fear losing them. That’s when vanity and ego come into play.
Vanity and the ego can blur the line between real beauty and the perception of beauty.
In most religious teachings’ vanity is considered to be self-centered and a form of self-idolatry. It means to consider oneself of great importance. Philosophically vanity is referred to as the ego or pride. Nietzsche wrote, “Vanity is fear of appearing original; it is thus a lack of pride, but not necessarily a lack of originality.” Mason Cooley in one of his aphorisms wrote, “Vanity well fed is benevolent. Vanity hungry is spiteful.” It is this last quote that blurs the line between vanity, the ego and real beauty.
Show me a person who does not see and appreciate beauty and I will show you a spiteful and angry soul. But show me a person, who sees, lives and believes in beauty and I will show you a benevolent being. Embrace the treasure of beauty and you will prosper.
Namaste~ may you walk the path of life with health, happiness and peace.
Doctor Lynn
For more books, course, classes and consultations
Saturday, July 23, 2022
Humor is the Tenth Treasure
Never lose your sense of humor! Laughter is a great sound -- that's why we've all heard the saying, "Laughter is the best medicine." There is strong evidence that laughter can actually improve health and help fight disease. Laughter improves immune functioning, outlook, moods and emotions while reducing stress. Studies also show that people with a good sense of humor live longer.
Humor (laughter) exists in all cultures and at all ages. It is an essential and fundamental part of human behavior. Humor can be used to make people feel good, to gain intimacy and to help us cope with stress. A sense of humor helps us to form connections to the world and provide meaning to our life. Humor also correlates with learning, wisdom and emotional well-being.
The key to a happy life is to laugh and make others laugh without mocking, ridiculing or hurting anyone. It is also the ability to laugh at yourself and the absurdities of life. Self-acceptance of your own idiosyncrasies is the key to a happier and more joyful life. Find the humor in all of life and you will discover the power of laughter. So, let’s get to work and have some fun.
To me the most beautiful sound in the world is to hear the ones I love laughing. I know in those moments they are experiencing pleasure; one of the great four aims in life. There will always be wars, famine and violence in the world. We should not ignore these things, however, if we focus on laughter and a sense of humor, we might be able to lift the energy of the world to a better place. The quality of a sincere intellectual appreciation for life will keep you laughing.
Flip up your hands and extend out your index finger the symbol of the ego.
Maya means illusion or boundaries. We’ve all heard it said, “the worlds an illusion.” It is not the world that is an illusion. It is our perception of it. The world is real. It is how we see it and experience it that determine our reality. The ego is here to protect you, but it is also the part of you that gets caught in the illusion of life. The ego often believes that its interruption of life is the final reality forgetting that we all have a unique view of life gathered through our own unique experiences. Pull your finger in and place your thumb on top. Surrender to your soul. Just remember the world is made up of real experiences through which we gain real knowledge into the nature of the world and our true self. Our sense of humor is part of our true nature and is an integral part of how we see the world. It is not the world that is the illusion. The illusion is found in our interpretation of our experiences.
Life will present you with many challenges. Each of these will test your resilience. If you cannot laugh at yourself and at the craziness of life, you will lose one of the great pleasures of life; laughter and a sense of humor. Never lose it! It’s a great treasure.
“If we couldn’t laugh, we would all go insane?” Jimmy Buffett
Namaste ~ may you walk the path with heath happiness and peace
Doctor Lynn
For mor books, classes, courses and consultation
Saturday, July 16, 2022
Wealth is the Ninth Treasure
When asked whether one wants to be rich, or poor most everyone would say rich. The rich have more choices. They can go first class with everything. When we think of wealth we think about money and what we can get in exchange for it. That’s because monetary exchange makes the world go round. Where would we be without a method of exchange? But wealth is not just about money, or the accumulation of material things. Wealth is the ability to take potential energy and create.
But wealth does not come without sacrifice, compromise, accommodating and negotiating. Nothing is life is free. Everything has its price. The universe has a perfect accounting system. If you wish to be wealthy you must do the work.
The potential to create wealth exist everywhere. Just keep an eye out for the time gates; the opportunities that exist all around you. When you find them use the power of your courage to stay focused. Then keep moving forward shifting your view from wealth to prosperity. Focus on what you can do to make the world a better place and then do it. Everyone will prosper and you will become wealthy.
Remember that wealth is the manifestation of divine energy and this energy must be honored. Wealth if misused will eventually bring Alakshmi the evil sister of Lakshmi; she will rain destruction and poverty upon you. When wealth comes to you, no matter how big, or how small remember that it can rise very fast, but if you are not careful the fall to poverty will be even faster. So, if wealth comes to you use it wisely. Never take without giving something back.
Everything in life must sacrifice. For every gain there is always a loss. A tree blooms. Then its blossoms give way to bearing fruit and then the tree sacrifices its fruit to nourish the earth and replenish. If you want to be wealth you must be willing to sacrifice. But remember Wealth can mean a lot of things such as, good health, great friends, a loving family and a comfortable life. When food, shelter, health, the arts, education and pleasure coexist with good ethics and morals true wealth is achieved. Be generous and count your blessings.
The real measure of wealth is not found in your bank account, but is found in the degree of your happiness. Doctor Lynn
Flip your hands up and extend out your index finger – the symbol of the ego. To prosper and become wealthy takes more than pure positive thinking. Wealth is the manifestation of divine energy and this energy must be honored. This stream of energy can reshape your life in either positive, or negative ways depending upon how you use it. Wealth can bestow great power while misuse will surely make a person suffer.
Draw you finger in and place your thumb on top – the symbol of your soul.
True prosperity can never be achieved when we have more than our share at the expense of others. That’s where good ethics and morals come into play. Use these two treasures together and you will prosper. Just remember wealth is not about possessions, but about an active flow of energy that benefits all of life. Dwell in a state of prosperity and you will dwell in a conscious state of wealth energy.
Wealth in its most perfect form, equally disseminates, health, happiness and peace to all.
Namaste ~ may you walk the soulful path with health, happiness and peace
Doctor Lynn
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Saturday, July 09, 2022
The Eighth Treasure
So far, we’ve explored the treasures of sexuality, love, ethics and morals, potential, courage, power and authority and now the eighth treasure; TENACITY
Through tenacity we learn to persistently and consistently apply potential energy to our endeavors. Without it nothing will be achieved. Tenacity is at the head of the list when it comes to the use of potential energy. Karma gives us a formula for success; have a vison + a burning desire, backed with a well thought out plan, that you work consistently and persistently. This leads to success no what the endeavor; whether it be work, relationships, or self-related matters. And the only way to do this is to use the treasure of tenacity.
Without the ability to withstand hardships and sufferings nothing is achieved. Success is impossible unless you have the will power and determination to move past hurtles and difficulties. Tenacity is the ability to not give up even when met with defeat. It means to have the faith to overcome what might appear impossible. It is an intuitive understanding that defeat is only temporary. The ability to keep marching through all of life’s ups and downs is the marker of a tenacious person. This requires a lot of balance, flexibility, strength and the ability to be calm and find peace. Takes work – that’s karma - let’s get to work.
In yoga it is said that without the ability to withstand great hardships self-discipline cannot be attained and character cannot be built. Without self-discipline contentment and happiness is impossible. Without contentment and happiness, it is impossible to prosper. It is through tenacity that a person unleashes the energy to attain the unattainable and overcome the struggles and hardships that are part of the human experience. We all have these experiences. Its’ what we do with these experiences determines the direction of our karma.
The ego by its very nature seek to minimize hardships and sufferings. It much preferers pleasure and fun. We should enjoy life and have fun. Pleasure is part of nature’s way of making sure we both survive and thrive. But when the ego believes it has all the answers and is above suffering and hardship something will happen to remind it to humble itself. Draw your finger in and place your thumb on top, the symbol of the soul, and I will remind you that tenacity applied from a place of dedication and love is a treasure not to be missed.
Namaste ~ may you walk with health, happiness and peace
Doctor Lynn
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Saturday, July 02, 2022
Authority is the Seventh Treasure
Authority means to have the power, or right to give orders, to make decisions and to enforce rules of order. This is truly a treasure of great importance for it has the power to create, or destroy depending upon ones moral and ethical underpinning.
Just remember orders, decisions and rules of conduct based upon good and sound morals and ethics is the basis of a prosperous society.
We all have some level of authority. Mostly it is the authority we have over our own conduct; our perception and attitudes. How we decide and enforce our conduct runs counter to our moral and ethical point of view. So, although we often think of authority as someone with great power it is a treasure, we all share. How we use it determines whether we prosper or not.
Authority means the power to make and implement rules of order. Whether it is the head of a household, or the head of a nation rules must be followed
The problems happen when authority and power is misused because of greed, deceit, anger and pride. The four great passions will lead to destruction if not tethered by ethical and moral codes of conduct. Never forget that life has a perfect accounting system. Nothing goes unbalanced or unnoticed. The laws of karma state that for every cause, there will be an effect. Life becomes what life does.
Authority brings with it a great responsibility. Someone of great authority is often known as an expert and therefore holds great knowledge. This knowledge often grants power, prestige and position. Authority also means to have the legal and formal rights to give orders and make decisions. How we use this authority determines whether a person, family, group or society prospers, or not.
Just remember, we all have the treasure of authority. Every day we make decisions and enforce rules of order. The moral duty of anyone in a place of power and authority is to make the world a better place by making those who they have power and authority over, healthy, happy and safe. Their happiness and welfare then become the authoritarian’s happiness and welfare. When this happens, everyone prospers. Sincerity and appreciation are required to discover this treasure. Authority is truly a great treasure. Use it wisely and you will prosper.
EGO”: flip your palm up and extend your index finger – the symbol of your ego. The ego loves power and authority. It gives it a feeling of strength and autonomy. However, when used to dictate, coheres or abuse others, or the world it will always be deflated and depleted. Think of those who yielded great power and authority only to abuse it. Eventually they lost both of these treasures. Pull your finger in and place your thumb the sambal of your ego on top. If you wish to proper do not give away your power but rather use it along with your authority to make the world a better place. Remember do no harm and do not abuse your power and authority. As Gandhi reminded us, “The day the power of love overrules the love of power, the world will know peace.”
Namaste~ may you walk with health, happiness and peace
Doctor Lynn
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Saturday, June 25, 2022
Power is the Sixth Treasure
Power is referred to as the ability to influence the will, or conduct of others. It is also the ability to control and direct your energy towards your goals, as well as control over your conduct. Power resides within the individual. It is independent and informal in nature and is derived from charisma and status. Power allows a person to influence and set an example for millions of people. On a smaller scale we have power over our children, employees, students, family members, friends and ourselves. How we use power determines our prosperity.
Power has nothing to do with accumulating great material wealth, however often times great wealth comes as the result of this treasures. Misuse of power is known as manipulation. It may gain you the upper hand temporarily, but it will at some point bring rebellion, disgust, hatred, humiliation and destruction. Think of all the powerful leaders who misused their power. All were eventually met with great opposition, defeat and death. Power at its best is used to empower yourself, as well as others towards making the world a better place.
Here we need to implement the qualities of discriminating between right and wrong, self-control and sincere intellectual appreciation for all of life. Takes work – that’ karma – let’s get started.
END: Remember as you think, say and do your life becomes. Examine the power of your intentions and remember to do no harm. In this your power will evolve and it will always be used for good. Self-control and sincere appreciation are required to discover the treasure of power. What you do with this power depends upon your moral and ethical understanding. If a friend asks your opinion about taking a new job, or needs a little support when it comes to a love interest are you able to guide them unselfishly? You have just gotten a promotion and are now in charge of other people. Do you treat them fairly, or are you overcome with a sense of misguided power and seek to rule rather than lead? Power brings great wealth. Do you use it to buy and control other people, or do you use it to help other people excel?
EGO: flip your hands up and extend out your index finger – the symbol of your ego. Feel it pull you from your center. When it comes to power the ego is all in. Power and control are the nature of the ego. When used properly it seeks to use its power and control to help you both survive and to thrive. But when used in combination with deceit, greed, anger and pride it is destructive. Pull your ego in and place your thumb on top – the symbol of the soul; seek to do no harm. Use your power to make the world a better place by striving to become the perfect human being; true to yourself and equally disseminating joy, happiness and peace to all.
Namaste ~ may you walk the soulful path with health, happiness and peace
Doctor Lynn
For classes, books, consultation and more
Saturday, June 18, 2022
FOUR DAILY AIMS FOR PROSPERITY – wealth, pleasure, harmony and liberation
Lesson 6/11
THE NEDHIS – the treasures of life
Qualities needed to Prosper
1. Have Unshakeable faith, leading one to attain what might appear unattainable
2. To endure suffering and hardships
And of course be calm, reflect and have self-control
Procreation, love, ethic and morals. potential and now:
Courage is the fifth treasure
Courage is seen as an attribute of good character and respect. We equate it to a mighty warrior or someone who goes to battle. Yet courage is not just about physical bravery. Courage involves the ability to speak out against injustice, to take a risk in the face of adversity, to open yourself up to the vulnerabilities of life and to believe in your convictions even when met with mockery and contempt. Personal growth lies within the unknown, courage permits you to explore this space.
Nothing in life is ever accomplished without a dose of courage. That’s because courage is the engine of ingenuity. Attempt something new and above the mediocracy of everyday life and you will be met with opposition, criticism and ridicule. Rise above this, solider onward and you will discover the treasure of courage. Courage takes balance, flexibility strength and the ability to find peace within a chaotic world. Its’ take work – that’s karma let’s get started!
It takes courage to forgive, to be humble, and to be respectful and compassionate in a world that equates courage with brute force and domination. It takes courage to speak your mind and be true to yourself when faced with conformity. It takes courage to love and be open to vulnerability.
Courage therefore is the ability to remain strong within even when the outside world is nebulous and moving. But the greatest use of courage is to overcome dis-couragement. Courage is the only antidote for failure and disappointment. The capacity to endure suffering and hardships requires faith and courage.
Our fiercest enemy is the ego. It is a mighty force and not easy to control. It takes courage to look within and find the strength to successfully manage the challenges of life. Courage requires nothing more than simply letting go of fear with unshakable faith. Remove fear and the warrior stands courageous rather than the hapless victim. Thus, the warrior with courage conquers all.
Courage is not the absence of fear; it is the conquest of it. William Danforth (1870-1955)
Namaste ~ may you walk with health, happiness and peace
Doctor Lynn
For more classes, books and private consultation
The Wellness Universe introduces you to Dr. Lynn Anderson Ph. D, ND, Holistic Health Expert Leader, Author, and Speaker in partnership with The Wellness Universe, Wellness for All programming instructing her live virtual flex course: HEALTH You Are What and How You Eat
Every 3rd Monday between July and December, 10am ET/7am PT, join Dr. Lynn live for 60-minutes in her interactive flex course supporting your health journey.
Register Now:
This donation-based flex course supports those seeking health and well-being. Donate upon registration, during sessions or at your convenience as you experience the support you seek through Dr. Lynn’s guidance. Free seats for those in need.
“There is a branch of yoga that is dedicated to what and how we eat; simply you become what you think, say, and do. This is not a quick fix diet plan or any specific diet but rather an understanding of how foods effect our weight, stress, moods, sleep, sex, and holistic health and what we can do to improve our health; body, mind and soul. It is called HEALTH.”
Saturday, June 11, 2022
FOUR DAILY AIMS – wealth, pleasure, harmony and liberation
THE NEDHIS – the treasures of life
Qualities needed to Prosper
1 Be Calmness
2 Have Self-control
3. Self-withdrawal; reflect
4. Unshakable faith
Sexuality or procreation, love, ethic and morals and now:
Potential is the fourth treasure
Potential energy, unlike kinetic energy which is energy in motion, is stored energy that exist by virtue of its’ relative position to everything else in the universe. Just by your existence in relationship to everything else in the world you have been given the treasure of potential energy. That means you have the potential to create and your potential is only limited by how you position yourself in relationship to everything else in the world. Self-acceptance is fundamental to discovering your potential. You are who you are so you should make the best of it. Don’t compare yourself, or your life to others. Instead encourage yourself to attain your highest potential. Life is abundant with potential energy. Realize this and you will never go without.
The laws of thermodynamics tell us that energy is never lost. It simply changes form. Padmini Vidya, as a science, tells us that when we consciously create and release a particular desire, the energy of that desire manifest into material form. But be careful because consciousness has the potential to create or destroy. This is not a think positive proposition. It is about giving a thought the potential to manifest. Nothing in life is created without first some level of conscious energy. This requires you to have faith and a belief that you can attain what you desire through the use of your potential energy. Develop the qualities of self-withdrawal(reflection) and unshakable faith and you will prosper.
For life to exist at all there must be potential energy. Even science tells us that for the material world to exist there must be the potential. Consciousness needs a vehicle, such as the brain to bring thoughts into material manifestation. But it needs nothing to exist. It is potential waiting to materialize through its relationship to everything else in the universe.
Every thought, word and deed are a manifestation of potential energy. But for potential energy to bring you prosperity it must follow this formula: have a vision + backed with desire + a well-thought-out plan + persistent and consistent action = success.
Dreams and desires are a part of life. Even aimless people aspire for things. However, not all people have clear and concise goals, but everyone harbors vague ideas about their future, where they want to go, what they want to do and how to become prosperous and happy. Potential energy exists everywhere. Use it wisely.
Potential energy is not simply positive thinking, or mind over matter. The ego wants to be important and sometimes believes it has the power just by its existence to succeed. The ego can be quite self-serving and selfish. But it takes more than wishful thinking to make things manifest. Potential exists everywhere and it is up to us to turn it into kinetic energy, or material form. If your energy is negative, you will draw negative destructive energy towards you. Alashimi, the evil sister of Lakshmi might visit you and wreak havoc on your house!
If you are positive, you will draw positive energy towards you. This is essential if you wish to prosper. No one ever prospers in a negative place of negative energy for very long. So, pull your ego in and surrender it to your soul reflect upon life, have unshakable faith and know that within you is the potential to create or destroy.
Namaste~ may you walk with health, happiness and peace
Doctor Lynn
For classes, books, consults and more
Saturday, June 04, 2022
THE NIDHIS – the treasures of life Qualities needed to Prosper
1 Be Calmness
2 Have Self-control
3. Self-withdraw reflect
4. Have the Capacity to endure sorrows and sufferings
5 Be Sincere and intellectually appreciate
6. Be Tranquility; develop the poise gained by constant contemplation
7. Be able to Discrimination between right and wrong
8. Have Unshakeable faith, leading one to attain what might appear unattainable
9. Strive To become the perfected human, living connected to the true self; equally disseminating joy, cheer and bliss to all.
The first treasure is sexuality; the second is love and the third is:
Ethics and Morals
There are three things’ humans need in order to both survive and thrive. The first is material goods including shelter and food. The second is erotic practice, or sex to ensure the continuation of the species and the third is rules of behavior, or ethical and moral codes of conduct.
One of the qualities need to prosper is the ability to discriminate between what is right and what is wrong. The underlying factor is to do no harm.
All humans desire long life, knowledge, justice, fame, love and salvation. Living beings other than humans only seek survival. Therefore, the successful survival and thriving of the human species is based upon good morals and ethics. Make the wrong choice and there will be
consequences; life becomes what life does. But you must decide what is right and what is wrong. No one can do this for you. How and what you choose is a reflection of what you value. or wrong.
It is good to make money and enjoy the pleasures of life. However, when people are only attached to money and pleasure without a moral and ethical underpinning the decadence of the world is inevitable. When profit and pleasure are guided by ethics and morals, they become instruments for humanitarian and soulful growth. It is good to make a profit just do it from a consciously guided way. This takes work – that’s karma let’s get started.
Some people think the desire to fulfill our inner life makes it difficult to make money. This is not true. When we do things with a clear conscious, prosperity is sure to come. Just remind yourself that money and wealth have the power to do more than poverty. So, seek wealth and enjoy the pleasures of life based upon good morals and ethics.
Wealth, sex, love and ethics is the cornerstone of a civilized society. Just as your soul needs to be fed pure energy, the conscience needs ethics, the mind love and sex, and the body wellbeing. Without these things life begins to crumble. The measure of success, or failure in life is the degree of your happiness and not the size of your bank account. However, fulfilling the desire for wealth, sex love based upon reputable morals and ethics will lead to prosperity.
While our modern-day culture and our ego encourages us to get rich no matter what the cost, yoga challenges us to look at money as a divine force that we must handle responsibly. We are encouraged to earn a good living and even to become rich. However, the path must be honest and lawful. We must always seek to do no harm. Pull your ego in and place your soul on top.
Humans desire long life, knowledge, justice, fame, love and salvation. The rest of life only seeks to survive. The successful survival and thriving of human beings are based upon good morals and ethics. This is a treasure of great importance. Act ethically from this moral base; do unto others as you would have them do unto you and do no harm.
Namaste ~ may you walk the soulful path with health, happiness and peace
Doctor Lynn
For books, classes, consultation and more
Saturday, May 21, 2022
The Four Aims Wealth, pleasure, harmony and liberation.
The first treasure is sexuality. To find the treasures you need to:
1 Be Calmness
2 Have Self-control
3. Self-withdraw reflect
4. Have the Capacity to endure sorrows and sufferings
5 Be Sincere and intellectually appreciate
6. Be Tranquility; develop the poise gained by constant contemplation
7. Be able to Discrimination between right and wrong
8. Have Unshakeable faith, leading one to attain what might appear unattainable
9. Strive To become the perfected human, living connected to the true self; equally disseminating joy, cheer and bliss to all.
Love is the Second Treasure
Love comes in many shades and in many forms. Romantic love is one kind of love, but love of family, friends, interest, work and life are aspects of love that will also fill the heart and nourish the soul. Just remember that love is not sex. It is a spiritual experience that touches the soul. Love is a precious treasure that materializes through, caring, compassion and understanding.
Love may come and it may go more than once in your life time. No two loves will ever be the same. Romantic love may come with a burst of powerful energy, but it will evaporate and change with time. How love changes are based upon the absence, or presence of true love. So do not think yourself unfortunate if you have loved and lost. Love comes and loves goes without reason or cause. It is whimsical and comes as it will. If it comes enjoy it and if it must depart let it go. No amount of fretting and anguishing will bring it back.
Stay unattached, but never indifferent to love. This requires the capacity to endure sorrow and suffering. For love to endure it must stay open to the endless possibilities of life.
Now if we mix our sexual energy with love its power begins to multiply. Calmness of purpose, judgement and balance come into play when sex and love become one. When love and devotion are mixed with sex, we create the ultimate pleasurable human experience; the gift of giving and receiving joy. But remember love and sex, as well as romance also have a darker side. The troublesome four - envy, jealousy, resentment and revenge can turn love into hate and abuse. Itaek work to maste the four great apssoina and the troubsme four and that is what is need to allow true love to exist. That’s karma takes work let’s get strted.
Love is one of life’s’ greatest experiences. Love alone will not bring you happiness, but when mixed with sex and romance we have the ability to move beyond the finite world and into the realm of the infinite soul. Sincerity and intellectual appreciation for the nature of love is needed if we are to truly experience this treasure.
Love also involves devotion. Bhakti yoga, the yoga of devotion, teaches us to devote ourselves to that which we love so that we might discover the true meaning of success. Love, if consciously cultivated, can harmonize and uplift our personal relationships so that they can serve the spiritual process of self-discovery. With this we discover how to disseminate joy, cheer and bliss to all.
But this takes work and that is why we are here on earth; to work our karma. It is said that if you encounter a bad marriage in this lifetime, it is because you brought that energy forward when you reincarnated. It is simply an opportunity to correct and evolve. Consciously work to create true and meaningful love and you will discover one of the great treasures of life.
EGO flip your palm up and stretch out your index finger r – the symbol of your ego. If ever the four great passions and troublesome four can come into our lives it is through the experience of love. The ego wants and need to be loved, admired and accepted. If not, it fears losing its control and this is when passions can over take reason. Pull your index finger in and place the thumb on top – the symbol of your soul. Consciously use your soul to create true and meaningful love and you will discover one of the great treasures of life. Love may come and it may go more than once in your life time. No two loves will ever be the same. What would life be like if we did have this beautiful treasure? Just remember you are here to experience all of life, and Tis better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all. Alfred Tennyson
Namaste ~ may you go with health, happiness and peace
Doctor Lynn
For classes, books, consultation and more
Saturday, May 14, 2022
Nidhi and the treasures of life
Now to the Nidhi and the treasures of life – remember to ask Lakshmi every day for Wealth Pleasure harmony and liberation and then keep these qualities in mind:
1 Calmness
2 Self-control
3. Self-withdrawal (reflection)
4. Capacity to endure sorrows and sufferings
5 Sincerity and intellectual appreciation
6.Tranquility; the poise gained by constant contemplation
7.Discrimination between right and wrong
8. Unshakeable faith, leading one to attain what might appear unattainable
9. To become the perfected human, living connected to the true self; equally disseminating joy, cheer and bliss to all.
Sexuality is the First Treasure
Most likely this first treasure surprised you. Your sexuality is a great treasure because the very first thing you are in life is a sexual being. Long before you have a name, or an image you are a sexual being. From the moment of conception your sexuality is formed. Your sex and then your sexual orientation define you and strongly influences how you live your life. This energy must be harnessed if you are to prosper.
The human mind needs stimuli to fuel its enthusiasm, imagination and desire. At the top of list of stimuli is sex. This powerful force has the ability to destroy great empires, or to build great fortunes. The world is ruled by emotions and not reason, and the emotional desire, or drive for sex is the most powerful. Everything in the world is designed to stimulate the sexual urge; to make us feel sexier and more desirable. Take sex away and the world would crumble. Sex by itself is simply the drive towards procreation and physical gratification, but the treasure of sex is so much more. The powerful sex drive is the force that gives rise to all of creation. Without the sexual drive, life as we know it would disappear.
Most highly successful people are very sexual. The secret to their success is their ability to turn the sexual energy of charm and charisma into a force that creates prosperity. They understand how to use posture, adornment and charm to create a powerful force that is so much more than pure physical sexual energy. Sexual energy is a powerful force that must be harnessed and used to create, or if left to run wild it will destroy.
Research tells us that sex is good for our physical health and for clearing the mind. To prosper calmness and self-control must align with our sexual energy. When this happens, we transform the use of our sexual energy from the drive for pure physical expression and gratification into a highly developed drive towards achieving our goals.
This takes work – that’s karma – let’s get started
The creative use of sexual energy requires unshakable faith and will power. The desire for sexual expression is inborn and natural. It cannot and should not be suppressed. It should be given a creative outlet that enriches the body, the mind and the soul. If harnessed the sexual urge will find expression through creative endeavors and these will bring you prosperity.
The greatest creative gift to the world is when a soul reincarnates in the body and the mind for the purpose of bringing forth potential energy. It is about realizing that our personal creativity is rooted in and derived from cosmic creative potential itself. Creativity is a manifestation of sexual energy. Creativity is the basis for all prosperity. Therefore, sexuality is a great creative treasure and if used properly will lead to prosperity.
Understanding this you will then have converted the most powerful drive on earth into a force that is creatively unbeatable. But it will require self-control and this requires discipline. This takes work – this is karma.
EGO: the ego sometimes uses sexual energy to persuade and manipulate in an attempt to gain power and control. Remember the ego is the part of us that helps us to survive. Survival, which includes sex is necessary, if the human species is to continue; but it also seeks pleasure and self-gratification; sometimes at the expense of other’s, health, happiness and peace.
Pull your finger in and place the thumb on top. The soul looks upon sex as a beautiful expression of creative energy that if directed with self-control and sincerity brings us true pleasure and this is truly a treasure. Use it wisely.
Namaste ~ may you walk the path with health, happiness and peace
Doctor Lynn
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