Saturday, June 11, 2022

FOUR DAILY AIMS – wealth, pleasure, harmony and liberation

THE NEDHIS – the treasures of life Qualities needed to Prosper 1 Be Calmness 2 Have Self-control 3. Self-withdrawal; reflect 4. Unshakable faith Sexuality or procreation, love, ethic and morals and now: Potential is the fourth treasure Potential energy, unlike kinetic energy which is energy in motion, is stored energy that exist by virtue of its’ relative position to everything else in the universe. Just by your existence in relationship to everything else in the world you have been given the treasure of potential energy. That means you have the potential to create and your potential is only limited by how you position yourself in relationship to everything else in the world. Self-acceptance is fundamental to discovering your potential. You are who you are so you should make the best of it. Don’t compare yourself, or your life to others. Instead encourage yourself to attain your highest potential. Life is abundant with potential energy. Realize this and you will never go without. The laws of thermodynamics tell us that energy is never lost. It simply changes form. Padmini Vidya, as a science, tells us that when we consciously create and release a particular desire, the energy of that desire manifest into material form. But be careful because consciousness has the potential to create or destroy. This is not a think positive proposition. It is about giving a thought the potential to manifest. Nothing in life is created without first some level of conscious energy. This requires you to have faith and a belief that you can attain what you desire through the use of your potential energy. Develop the qualities of self-withdrawal(reflection) and unshakable faith and you will prosper. END: For life to exist at all there must be potential energy. Even science tells us that for the material world to exist there must be the potential. Consciousness needs a vehicle, such as the brain to bring thoughts into material manifestation. But it needs nothing to exist. It is potential waiting to materialize through its relationship to everything else in the universe. Every thought, word and deed are a manifestation of potential energy. But for potential energy to bring you prosperity it must follow this formula: have a vision + backed with desire + a well-thought-out plan + persistent and consistent action = success. Dreams and desires are a part of life. Even aimless people aspire for things. However, not all people have clear and concise goals, but everyone harbors vague ideas about their future, where they want to go, what they want to do and how to become prosperous and happy. Potential energy exists everywhere. Use it wisely. EGO Potential energy is not simply positive thinking, or mind over matter. The ego wants to be important and sometimes believes it has the power just by its existence to succeed. The ego can be quite self-serving and selfish. But it takes more than wishful thinking to make things manifest. Potential exists everywhere and it is up to us to turn it into kinetic energy, or material form. If your energy is negative, you will draw negative destructive energy towards you. Alashimi, the evil sister of Lakshmi might visit you and wreak havoc on your house! If you are positive, you will draw positive energy towards you. This is essential if you wish to prosper. No one ever prospers in a negative place of negative energy for very long. So, pull your ego in and surrender it to your soul reflect upon life, have unshakable faith and know that within you is the potential to create or destroy. Namaste~ may you walk with health, happiness and peace Doctor Lynn For classes, books, consults and more

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