Saturday, March 25, 2023

Obstacles As you think so you become

Whatever we repeat over and over to ourselves is what we become. To overcome the obstacle of life, not only do we need to take action, but we also need to think and repeat words that keep us focused and aligned, which means to create balance. There are nine major obstacles: ill health, boredom and apathy, self-doubt, distractions and carelessness, feeling heavy and burnt-out, doubting one’s progress, getting caught in the illusion of life and an inability to a maintain a practice. To over comes these requires alignment with life, focusing the mind and remembering to take a breath and let go. As you think so you become; so, to overcome the nine obstacles think; health, enthusiasm, self-worth, focus, lightness, progress, reality, and dedication. Let us get started END: Cravings, desires, distractions, and carelessness. When it comes to balancing your lives, alignment and focus are needed. This means to align yourself with the positive side of life. Keep your focus on the things that are important because what you align yourself with and what you focus on is what you become. Just remember; as you think so you become Many obstacles are put in our way purposely to make us understand and express our own capacities. We all have the strength to over comes them, but we do not always seem to know it. We need to be challenged and tested to know our own capacity. That is the natural law of life. Like a river if it flows with out any obstructions it has no power. But once we put an obstacle in it flow by constructing a dam it finds the strength to produce power. Be like the river. As you think so you become. EGO: Flip your palm up and extend the index finger – the symbol of the ego. Unawareness which yoga calls ignorance creates egoism. This creates a clinging to obstacles. That is why we need to continually practice letting go and finding balance in our lives. Life will always present us with obstacles. How we think, act, and speak determines whether we succumb to them or overcome them. Pull your finger in and place your thumb on top. Take a moment to surrender to the soul. The soul is the I that sits atop the me and it reminds us of our true nature; we all have the inner strength to overcome life’s obstacles. In life there will always be obstacle. Connect to your soul and you will master them. Remember; as you think so you become; think health, enthusiasm, self-worth, focus, lightness, progress, reality and dedication. Next week we will begin to work on the qualities or characteristics needed to overcome life’s obstacles. Namaste~ may you walk the path of life with health, happiness, and peace Doctor Lynn For books, classes, courses and consultations

Saturday, March 18, 2023


What is an obstacle? An obstacle is something that impeded your progress. Karma yoga presents us with nine obstacles to overcome if we are to live a healthy, wealthy, happy and peaceful life. They are Ill health, boredom and apathy, self-doubt, distractions, and carelessness, feeling heavy and burnout, having cravings and desires, doubting one’s progress, getting caught in the illusion of life and an inability to maintain a continual practice. All of these can distract us from living a healthy, happy, and peaceful life. Karma yoga reminds us that obstacles will always be present in life. In fact, that is why we are here on earth; to solve problems and make decisions that allow us to overcome life’s obstacles. If we wish to overcome obstacles, whatever your level of practice, there are three aspects that we need to keep an eye on and always care for. These are alignment, focus and breathing. Let us get started. END: Alignment means to be in harmony and balance with life, Focus means to be present and aware and breathing means to relax, let go and appreciate the rhythm of life. The goal of yoga is to quiet the mind and to live healthy, happy, and peaceful life body, mind, and soul. Just remember you take none of the stress dramas and problems with you when you depart this word. What you do take is the Punja (good merits) you have made, and the love and kindness you have given and received. This requires a healthy alignment and focus with what is important in life; health, happiness, and peace EGO: Flip your palm up and extend out your index finger; the symbol of the ego. It is the ego that gets caught in the illusion of life. It believes that it is here to elevates its importance. In today’s world we are constantly bombarded with messages that cause us to question our self-worth and progress. This can cause us to become misaligned, unfocused, and confused as to why we are here on earth. Pull your finger in and place the thumb on top and surrender to the symbol of the soul. We are here to assist the soul on its mission which is to see life as it really is; an opportunity to learn, know and master health, happiness, and peace. Namaste~ may you walk the path of life with health, happiness, and peace. Doctor Lynn For classes, course, consultations and more

Saturday, March 11, 2023


Karma Yoga gives us nine obstacles to overcome, so that we might have in our lives, vitality, happiness, and peace. The first is ill health. The second is boredom. The third is self-doubt. The fourth is distractions and carelessness. The fifth is feeling heavy and burnt-out. The sixth is having cravings and desires. The seventh is doubting one’s progress. The eighth obstacle is getting caught in the illusion of life. It means to have a false impression of life as being a certain way, a false sense of security and a false sense of importance. The ninth obstacle is an inability to maintain continual practice. This means to remain steadfast and committed to something. If you want to succeed, or master anything you must practice, practice, and continue to practice. Without practice nothing can be achieved. If you wish to achieve a state of vitality, happiness, and peace you will need to focus on your health, your self-worth and seeing life for what it really is; an opportunity to learn This requires constant practice, otherwise we get careless and get distracted by cravings and desires. Everyday life will present you with obstacles to overcome. That is why you need to practice finding your balance, strength, flexibility, and peace. Takes work; that’s karma; let us get started. END: Even after you have succeeded and mastered something you must continue to practice. Karma yoga is a lifelong practice because it is about how you choose to live your life. You make choices every moment you live. The most important thing in your life is your healthy, followed by happiness and peace. Each of these takes continual practice. So practice every day taking care of the most important thing in life; your health, body, mind and soul. EGO: Flip up your palm and extend out your index finger the symbol of the soul. The ego thinks itself the master. Forgetting that it is the reflection of the true self filtered through the mind. Karma teaches that the true self is selfless. But when filtered through the perceptions and attitudes of the mind it has a tenancy to become selfish. It often gets caught in the illusion of life boosting its own importance. Pull your index finger in and place your thumb on top; surrender to the symbol of the soul. At the core we are our selfless essence, or our true self which is pure, simple and unique. Its independent of the body and the mind, and yet depends upon the body-mind for its existence here of earth. Life will present us with many obstacle. Takes practice to overcome life’s obstacles Many times, we climb up hills only to slide down, or we climb to the top of the mountain only to realize we climbed the wrong mountain for the wrong reason. So, we must come down and being a new climb. Takes continual practice to navigate life. Do it with health, enthusiasm, self-worth, focus, lightness, satisfaction, faith, and clarity, and you will prosper with a purpose. Namaste~ May you walk the path of life with health, happiness and peace. Doctor Lynn For books, classes, courses and consultations