Saturday, May 11, 2024

Karma Yoga and the Nine Flavors of Life

Yoga philosophy Gives us nine flavors of life, also known as emotional essences. They are love, joy, wonder, courage, peace, compassion, anger, fear, and disgust. These emotions are not isolated; they interact and coexist within each of us, shaping our emotional experiences. By understanding and balancing these energies, we can create emotional harmony and realize our true potential. For example, if we balance anger with love, fear with courage, and disgust with compassion, we change our emotional experience. Balance does not mean we eliminate any of these experiences. It means that when we experience anger, if we can counter it with love, we bring harmony to our emotional existence, bringing us a sense of balance. Let’s work on our balance today. END: Yoga philosophy gives us nine flavors of life, also known as emotional essences. They are love, joy, wonder, courage, peace, compassion, anger, fear, and disgust. These emotions are not isolated; they interact and coexist within each of us, shaping our emotional experiences. Please watch them as they appear this week and observe the experience. Then, seek balance in all things, and in all things, find balance. EGO: Flip your palms up and extend out the index finger. Feel the slight pull away from your center. The ego is transitory and artificial for how you see yourself, and your life is based on your experiences, emotions, and judgment. The ego is not to be destroyed. It is essential for our survival. The problem is when the ego believes its view of reality is the only and final view. Pull your index finger in and place the thumb on top. Take a breath and surrender to the soul. The soul is your true self. It is the part of you that observes life without emotion or judgment. It sees things for what they are: opportunities to learn, grow, and evolve. Namaste ~ may you walk the path of life with health, happiness, and peace. Doctor Lynn For books, classes, consultation, and more,

Saturday, May 04, 2024

Reincarnation – why are we here?

According to karma, when we transcend to the astral world (die), we go to the holdover place, which is not the final resting place. It is a place for reflection. We can accurately appraise our deeds and misdeeds free of emotions and sensations. We then decide what areas need improvement and need to be atoned. After we have decided, we find a suitable body and parents that will best help us accomplish our mission. Because we cannot achieve this without human emotions, experiences, and sensations, we return to Earth to take on earthly form and begin again. On the spiritual plane, the karmic debts appear reasonably straightforward, but we once again experience pain, cold, heat, grief, fear, and physical limitations in the physical world. When we uncover our karmic obligation, we are faced with a decision: to conquer our fears and guilt or allow them to overwhelm us so that nothing gets resolved. To awaken and grow, we must be willing to become the witnesses and observers of our lives and learn to live from a place of compassion, faith, balance, serenity, peace, strength, and divinity. Not an easy task. It takes work, and that is karma. Let’s get started. END Remember, the present is shaped by the past or the memory. If we don't achieve all our goals in this lifetime, let this chapter of your life reflect a truthful, happy, and loving existence. Remember, this is just a chapter in your book of life. There's no deadline for completing the book. However, there's a sense of urgency if you wish to end your suffering and continual rebirth. You must sincerely strive to transcend the lower human aspects of yourself and replace them with honesty, generosity, kindness, and humility. When you learn to work your karma, your life will start working for you, leading to a more fulfilling life. EGO Reincarnation will not provide you with a straight and clear path. You will soon discover that from here to there, there is never a straight line. There will be many twists and turns, as well as many detours. There will be low valleys, high mountain tops, and ravines. How low you go or how high you climb will depend upon your moral compass. Let it be your guide, not the ego. Pull your index finger in and place your thumb on top. Take a breath and surrender to your soul. When life takes you on a detour, don’t resent it, fear it or avoid it. Be on the lookout for opportunities, adventures, and chances to learn and grow. This is your soul leading you towards liberation. You never know what you will find. But remember, as long as the ego is pushing you towards the path, you are not on the path. The true purpose of your journey here on earth is to do the work that frees you from all encumbrances: body, mind, and soul; in this, you will be free. Karma Yoga with Doctor Lynn http://www.doctorlynncom