Saturday, October 19, 2024

Karma plus the Troublesome Four

Remember, as we practice Karma yoga, the key is to steer clear of D-GAP. The four great passions of deceit, greed, anger, and pride may try to interfere with your journey. But as you progress through life, working on your karma, remember that they can only latch onto your work if you allow them. Your labor can be a source of joy, not a burden if you exercise your agency and remain vigilant against the troublesome four: envy, jealousy, resentment, and revenge. This joy in labor is a constant source of hope and motivation on your journey. Each of these emotions can be toxic if not handled constructively, leading to negative actions or feelings that harm both the person experiencing them and those around them. Life and Karma yoga often present us with a conflict. We are told not to harm, yet when faced with a dilemma, we must always strive to do the greatest good for the most significant many. We kill a mosquito—that is harmful, but if the mosquito is allowed to breed, it will cause terrible illnesses and harm many humans. The key is to be aware of the great passions and the troublesome four and then handle them so that we first try not to harm and then do what creates the greatest good for the greatest many. END: The four great passions and the troubles four will always be a part of life. They will show up one by one and sometimes all at once. You cannot avoid them, but you can be aware of them when they arrive and seek to diminish them by not engaging in harmful actions. Compassion and understanding will always lead you to do what is the greatest good for the greatest many. EGO: Flip your palms up and extend out the index finger. The ego’s first defense is to protect itself, and in doing so, it can often fall into DGAP and allow the troublesome four to enter its life. When we engage in these emotions, we risk hurting ourselves and those around us. Pull your finger in and place the thumb on top. Take a breath and surrender to the soul. Awareness, the key to living life, creating goodness, and removing harm, is a beacon of enlightenment. Be compassionate and understanding, for in this life, everyone is doing the best they can. Some souls have evolved to a deeper level, and some lack the awareness to live a peaceful and joyful life. Be aware and then always do what is the greatest good for the greatest many. Namaste~ may you walk the path of life with health, happiness, and peace. Doctor Lynn For Books, classes, consultation, and more,

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Mother Nature’s WRATH

Living through a hurricane reminds me how Mother Nature humbles us. She reminds us not to get too comfortable or complacent because things constantly change. That is the nature of life. There are two forces of energy: creative and destructive. Everything is continually changing through these two forces. Forces of nature, such as Hurricane Milton, remind us that the world is chaotic, destructive, and stressful. We cannot change natural forces, but we can control how we react. It's tough to stay calm in moments of chaos and panic. Karma Yoga teaches us that one of the best qualities we can develop is calmness, even amid chaos. It is good for the health of your body, mind, and soul. Let's take a moment to start our journey towards calmness. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and let go. Experience the calmness that comes with this simple act. This is the first step towards a healthier, happier, and more peaceful life. Let's begin this journey together. END: Mother nature, in all her might, certainly humbles us. It is crucial to respect and appreciate her. She may bring destruction, but she also brings creativity, beauty, and joy. As we navigate through Milton's destruction, we must look for the creativity, beauty, and joy that emerges from people helping each other rebuild and recreate their lives. This fosters a sense of gratitude and a deeper understanding of the delicate balance of life. EGO: Flip your palms up and extend out your index finger – the symbol of the ego. The human ego prides itself on its ability to control much of life. We believe ourselves to be the intelligent species. Then suddenly, something like a hurricane comes along, and we are at the mercy of Mother Nature. There is nothing we can do but wait for her to finish her destructive path. Pull your finger in and place your thumb on top – the symbol of the soul. Take a deep breath and surrender to the soul. The soul understands the true nature of life. There will always be destruction and creation. A peaceful soul accepts this with a sense of calmness. Namaste~ may you walk the past of life with health, happiness, and peace. Doctor Lynn

Saturday, October 05, 2024

Don’t Fall into the DGAP – How to Use Your Free Will

Pay attention to the four great passions: deceit, greed, anger, and pride. When they arrive (and they will), use honesty, generosity, kindness, and humility to keep you from falling into DGAP. Four things will block you from seeing your great passions, and if you block these things, you will surely fall into the DGAP. They are knowledge, feeling, vitality, and free will. Free will is essential to living a life of happiness and good health. Free will is the ability to choose between different possible courses of action independently of any prior event or state of the universe. Whether we have free will or not has never been truly settled. However, we all have choices, which karma calls free will. With every situation in life, we are free to choose how we interpret and experience it. Often, we forget and get caught up in habits that cause us to be mechanical. We act without thinking. However, if we are aware, there is the opportunity for the discriminating mind to choose various possible courses of action depending upon which action we perceive to be the most appropriate. When faced with a problem or a decision, take the time to be still and listen to your inner self. Then, take actions not based on what you have been told is right and wrong but on what you know to be right or wrong. Practice honesty, generosity, kindness, and humility to find your free will. It is about knowing that you can freely experience anything in any way you choose. Choose wisely. END: Stay open to learning, be aware of your feelings, stay healthy, and know you have the right to choose. It's called free will. But remember, do no harm and don't fall into DGAP—be honest, generous, kind, and humble. EGO: Flip your palms up and extend the index finger—the symbol of the ego. Free will is the capacity or ability to choose between different ways of thinking, speaking, and acting. We all have choices when it comes to our conduct. The ego sometimes gets stuck, believing its way is the only way, and may close itself off from the diversity of life. Pull your finger in and place the thumb on top. Take a breath and surrender to the soul. In life, you always have choices. You have the power to create happiness and good health, which is the ultimate goal of karma. When faced with a choice, choose honesty, generosity, kindness, and humility. In this, you will exercise your free will and thus work your karma. Namaste~ may you walk the path of life with health, happiness, and peace. Doctor Lynn For books, classes, consultations and more

Saturday, September 14, 2024

The Four Great Passions

Combating deceit is a challenging journey that requires strength. But remember, the antidote to deceit is honesty. While the truth may be complex and difficult, it's also a reassuring guide. Like the story of the yogi, the truth is a complex path. Combating Greed requires flexibility. The antidote to Greed is generosity—not just with your money but also your time, words of kindness, and a helping hand. Combating Anger requires balance. The antidote to Anger is kindness. It takes balance to remain still amid a storm and wait for calmness to return. Pride is the fourth great passion. The antidote to pride is humility. Pride is a false sense of self-worth. It is good to be proud of yourself for your accomplishments, but when these become means for believing we are better than others, we experience the great passion of pride. Practicing humility can sometimes be difficult in a world of inequality, exploitation, and injustice. Humility is the ability to look deep within yourself only to realize that we're all the same at the core of our existence. It means to remove judgment. Humility calls upon us to question ourselves, our motives, and our actions. In this way, it teaches integrity and honesty. When we look inward and observe the workings of our minds, we don't always like what we see. Our minds can be downright infuriating, irritating, and humiliating. It takes great courage and humility to look deeply and own up to what we see. But the rewards are tremendous: cultivating honesty, integrity, kindness, and discernment. How we relate to ourselves and the people in our lives directly impacts our happiness level. Being humble requires that we trust ourselves enough to live out each day as if it were our last and, at the same time, be the change we wish to see more of in the world. Let's start working on strength, flexibility, balance, and peace. END: Be proud of yourself. There is a big difference between having self-worth and being prideful by comparing yourself to others with a sense of superiority. Remember the humble dirt of the earth. Without the dirt, we could not exist. Pride can often be seen as arrogance and conceit or believing oneself to be better than others due to status, money, or material gains. Just remember that things of the material world can come, and they can go. It takes courage and humility to look deeply within and own up to what we see. But the rewards are tremendous: cultivating honesty, integrity, kindness, and discernment. We are all different, but we are all equal. EGO: Flip your palms up and extend out the index finger, the symbol of the ego. When the ego rises in self-importance, inequality, exploitation, and injustice will increase; if the ego subsides, these will subside. The more profound our humility, the deeper we connect with the core of our being. We realize that we are all the same. We should pass through this life with one mission – to master our existence by finding joy and peace. You can't find true happiness and peace with inflated self-importance and at the expense of others. Pull your finger in and place your thumb on top. Take a deep breath and surrender to the soul. In mythology, Shiva is an image of the higher self, who slays the prideful ego for the sake of compassion. Through infinite compassion and understanding of the higher self, Shiva forgives the ego. How we relate to ourselves and the people in our lives directly impacts our level of happiness. Being humble requires that we trust ourselves enough to live out each day as if it were our last and, at the same time, be the change we wish to see more of in the world. Be honest, generous, kind, and humble, and remember not to fall into D-GAP – deceit, Greed, Anger, and pride. Namaste~ may you walk the path of life with health, happiness, and peace. Doctor Lynn For books, classes, consultations, and more

Saturday, September 07, 2024

The Four Great Passions

Combating deceit is a challenging journey that requires strength. But remember, the antidote to deceit is honesty. Like a reassuring guide, honesty may lead us through the complex and difficult terrain of truth. It's not always an easy path, but it's a path we can trust and lead us to a better understanding of ourselves and others. Combating Greed requires flexibility. The antidote to Greed is generosity—not just with your money but also your time, words of kindness, and a helping hand. Combating Anger requires balance. Anger is probably a passion with which we can all identify. It is something we have all experienced. Although no one likes to be angry, it is easier to admit this passion than the other three. Perhaps that is because Anger is seen as a worthy passion if used to right an injustice. However, practicing the right amount of Anger at the right time for the right reason is tough. Balance is the key, for Anger will surely throw you off balance. But remember, balance means returning to the present moment, being still and calm, and acting in ways that produce compassion and understanding. It's a skill we can all learn and master. Anger is a part of human existence. We all have felt Anger from another person or within ourselves. Be compassionate and understanding. Today, let's fully embrace the transformative power of balance, strength, and flexibility. These are abstract concepts and powerful tools that can shape our lives and relationships. They inspire us to navigate our emotions and relationships with grace and understanding, motivating us to be the best versions of ourselves. END: The antidote to Anger is kindness, compassion, and understanding. It takes balance to stop and be still when the storm of Anger is brewing from without or within. Anger is like a storm. It comes and it goes. After the storm, there is also calmness. Seek to find that stillness within. It takes balance to be still, compassionate, and understanding. Remember the value of balance, strength, and flexibility as we navigate our emotions and relationships. EGO: Flip your palms up and extend out the index finger – the symbol of the ego. The ego is good at placing the blame on others by projecting the emotion of Anger. Anger is often its defense mechanism, yet Anger is precisely what throws the ego off balance, and when off balance, we subject ourselves to falling and getting hurt. Pull the finger in and place the thumb on top, the symbol of the soul. Take a breath and surrender to the soul. The soul is the observer. It watches us react to life's emotions. Anger is one of those emotions. Connecting with the soul is about awareness. It is the realization that we can solve more with kindness. Be aware of the nature of existence – we are here to learn, know, and master our lives. Mastering life is best done with honesty, generosity, and kindness. Namaste~ may you walk the path of life with health, happiness, and peace. Doctor Lynn For books, classes, consultations, and more

Saturday, August 31, 2024

KARMA - The four great passions

Combating deceit requires strength. Each one of us has been deceitful, whether to others or ourselves. Being honest is challenging work; sometimes, the truth can hurt. It takes courage not to fall into deceit in a world that functions on untruth and misguided information. The antidote to deceit is honesty. But truth can be complicated. (story of the yogi) Combating Greed requires flexibility. Greed needs to hold onto and not be open to the energy flow. Energy, however, is what creates wealth. It's not wealth that destroys. It is Greed. To remove Greed, a moral compass tethered to generosity is required. Be generous with others—not just with money, but also with your time, words of kindness, and a helping hand. The more you give, the more that comes flowing back to you. This power of generosity is within you, waiting to be unleashed. Today, let's focus on strength and flexibility. END: Combating deceit and greed requires honesty and generosity. Practicing this in a world that operates on dishonesty and Greed can be very difficult. Use your strength and flexibility to be honest and generous. But be aware that sometimes honesty and generosity do cause harm. Like the yogi sitting in the woods, use your moral compass to always act in ways that are the greatest good for the greatest many. EGO: Flip your palm up and extend out your index finger – the symbol of the ego. The ego is our protective mechanism. But sometimes, it gets confused and sees deceit and Greed as ways to survive and thrive. We see others getting ahead by being dishonest and greedy and assure ourselves this is what it takes to be successful. Pull your finger in and place your thumb on top. Take a breath and surrender to the soul. The soul reminds us that we take no material things when we depart this world. We take the honesty and generosity we have given not only with our possessions and money but with our words and deeds. Always act in ways that are for the greatest good for the greatest many. Namaste~ may you walk the path of life with health, happiness, and peace. Doctor Lynn For classes, books, and consultations NEXT WEEK -anger and pride

Saturday, August 24, 2024


Karma, a guiding principle in life, is the belief that every action, thought, word, or deed produces a physical or mental effect. It reminds us we're here to work through life's challenges, seeking balance, joy, and peace. What you think, say, and do shape your reality, so it's crucial to be mindful of your actions and thoughts. According to karma, we leave this world with unfinished business. We go to the holdover place, which is somewhat like heaven. However, it is not the final resting place but simply a place to reflect. When the time is right, we return to another life to fulfill our mission and remove any negative karma from our past lives. The soul does not possess human senses and thus must return to earth in human form to experience the desires of this lifetime. This means that your karma is divided into percentages, and these percentages rule out different areas of your life. We cannot change our individuality or family of origin, but we can change everything else about our lives, especially our ability to experience happiness and joy. We have chosen to return to a particular family as a particular individual to complete our karmic lessons. This takes work, which is karma, so let’s start. END: Karma particles, representing our karmic balance, come into our lives in percentages. These percentages play a significant role in shaping the nature of our lives, influencing our experiences and outcomes. We cannot change our individuality or family of origin, but we can change every other aspect of our lives. We have chosen to return to a particular family as a particular individual to work through our karmic lessons. Realizing the power we have to shape our lives, we can see ways to improve, and this is known as working our karma by making conscious choices and taking positive actions to improve our lives and the lives of others. EGO: Flip your palms up and extend your index finger. Only the ego makes humans pessimistic and prohibits joy, which causes us to suffer. We think we are working through life when, in fact, we are repeating negative behavior that keeps us in the karmic wheel of suffering. Pull your finger in and place your thumb on top. Take a breath and surrender to your soul. Nature, like the soul, is optimistic. Nature always finds a place of balance. This state of balance will remind us that Joy is found in the little things, such as the calm after a storm. It begins with being grateful for our chosen life and finding value in all its lessons. Practice positive karma -be and express your joy. Namaste ~ may you walk the path of life with health, happiness, and peace. Doctor Lynn For books, classes, and consultation

Saturday, August 17, 2024


The fourth kind of Karma is one that hinders your willpower. When this kind of Karma operates, it makes us incapable of doing even the simplest things. Negative thoughts grow and become more negative, more emotional, and more dangerous. These thoughts develop into anxiety, fear, anger, and even hostility. Finally, they break out into self-destructive actions. Many complications will arise when you lose the ability to harness your willpower. Willpower is the practice of self-control or self-discipline. It involves resisting shorter temptations and impulses to achieve long-term goals. To achieve this, we must consciously regulate our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors and be careful not to block our knowledge, feelings, health, and vitality. Conscious control takes effort and work; that is how we work our Karma. It requires balance, being open and flexible, and remaining strong and steadfast. Let’s go to work. END: Be aware of your willpower—both its strength and weakness. Being conscious of self-control means working on bringing balance to your life. Achieving goals requires motivation, monitoring behavior, and willpower, which helps us resist short-term temptations. Working your Karma is not about self-denial but about being able to consciously work on bringing balance and strength advice to your life. EGO: Flip your palms up and extend the index finger, symbolizing the ego. Daily decisions and suggestions may take us off the soulful path. The ego is very good at giving in to impulsivity. This impulse is called ego depletion, or when willpower gets used up on a particular task. As a result, we cannot exert the same level of willpower on another task. Willpower is like a muscle. It can be both strengthened and fatigued. The key to successfully using your willpower is balance. Pull your finger in and place your thumb on top. Take a breath and surrender to the soul. Be patient with yourself and recognize that setbacks are a part of the process of experiencing life. Focus on bringing balance to your life, body, mind, and soul; you will then discover the secret to strengthening your willpower, and this is how to work your Karma towards a successful life. Namaste~ may you walk the path of life with health, happiness, and peace. Doctor Lynn

Saturday, August 10, 2024

What is the Third thing that can block our success?

Karma, a profound concept, introduces us to the four great passions-deceit, greed, anger, and pride. These passions are emotions and the driving forces behind our actions. They play a significant role in our personal development and understanding of karma. It further enlightens us about the four things that can hinder our karma—the first two block knowledge and feelings. The third and crucial block is hindering our vitality or our health. Our journey on this earth comes with percentages that direct how we live our lives. Your name would be an example. It identifies you. A small fraction of these percentages is the length of your life. This concept is thought-provoking, as it underscores that the length of our lives is not as crucial as the quality of our lives. We significantly influence the length and quality of our lives through responsible choices that empower our health, body, mind, and soul. Therefore, the third block in karma underscores the need to focus on our vitality or health. Vitality is crucial for living a long and prosperous life. The theory of karma suggests that the longer you live, the more experiences you have, the greater your knowledge, and so the wiser you become. The length of your life is one thing, but the vitality of your life is another. The vitality you have now is a direct result of your past life. Be tremendously enthusiastic about life now; it will affect this life and your next life. The karma affecting your next life gets formed during the last 48 minutes of this incarnation. We cannot know how long our life will be, so make good use of your time and pay careful attention to your health. Your health and vitality are your wealth. Without them, everything else is meaningless. Be enthusiastic and grateful for the health and vitality of your body, mind, and soul. Let's get to work. END: The length of your life is one thing, but the vitality of your life is another. Be tremendously enthusiastic about life now, and it will affect this life as well as your next life. The karma affecting your next life gets formed during the last 48 minutes of this incarnation. We cannot know how long our lives will be, so make good use of your time and pay careful attention to your health. Remember, your health and vitality are not just important; they are crucial for a prosperous life. EGO: Flip your palms up and extend your index finger, the symbol of the ego. In psychological terms, the ego often revolves around self-identity and self-importance. Regarding the length of life, the ego might fixate on achievements, legacy, and how one is remembered. This egotistical view can lead to anxiety, regrets, and feelings of not living a meaningful life. Pull your finger in and place your thumb on top. Take a breath and surrender to the soul. Balancing the ego's desires with a more comprehensive view of life is crucial, as this promotes a healthier perspective. What truly matters is not the length of your life but the quality of your life. Life is meaningless without knowledge and experience, but you will find peace and fulfillment when you take the time to appreciate and value your life. It's not the quantity of your life that counts. It's the quality. Your health and vitality are your wealth. Without them, everything else is meaningless. Be enthusiastic and grateful for the health and vitality of your body, mind, and soul. Namaste~ may you walk the path of life with health, happiness, and peace. Doctor Lynn For books, classes, consultations, and more

Saturday, August 03, 2024

What Are the Four Great Passions That Block Your Success

Studying karma is to soften and thus change one's karma. But with knowledge, finding meaning, direction, and ultimate happiness is possible. According to karma, ignorance is the source of all suffering, resulting from the four blocks of karma that obscure or conceal the truth. Last week, we explored the blocking of knowledge. Be open to learning and pay attention to the things happening around and within you. The second thing that blocks our progress is our feelings and emotions. Karma is about experiencing all of life, which includes all feelings and emotions. Everyone must experience joy, sorrow, pleasure, and pain. How we respond to these feelings is our emotional reaction. In simple terms, it means that we cannot separate the opposing forces of nature. We cannot eliminate night from day or pleasure from pain. They both exist as a reflection of the other. Every experience in life can be viewed as pleasurable or painful, depending on our interpretation. A mosquito bite causes pain, but scratching the itch brings pleasure. The same bite brings both pain and pleasure. We cannot block feelings and emotions and truly comprehend the nature of life. We are here to observe and find balance by staying flexible and strong. Let's get to work. END: Human beings are here on earth to experience all of life, including pain and pleasure. Life is comprised of opposites. We cannot know one without knowing the other, so be open to your feelings and emotions. Observe them when they arise and remember whether pleasure or pain keeps them balanced. Observe, acknowledge, and then let go. EGO: Flip your palms up and extend out the index finger. Feel it pull you from your center. The ego processes and manages our feelings to help us navigate and function. The ego balances the desires of the id (instinctual drives) and the superego (moral and societal standards). This balancing act influences how we experience and express our feelings. The ego uses defense mechanisms to protect itself from anxiety and uncomfortable feelings. Examples include: • Repression (pushing uncomfortable feelings into the unconscious). • Denial (refusing to acknowledge a painful reality). • Projection (attributing one's unacceptable feelings to others). Pull your index finger in and place your thumb on top. Take a breath and surrender to the soul. According to karma, the soul imbues feelings with deeper meaning and purpose. Feelings and emotions are part of the soul's work along its earthly journey. Its goal is to transcend the ego by bringing us to a state of unconditional love and acceptance. This tendency can lead to more harmonious feelings and a less reactive emotional life. Namaste~ may you walk the path of life with health, happiness, and peace. Doctor Lynn For books, classes, consultations, and more,

Saturday, July 27, 2024

KNOWLEDGE The Four Things that Block our karmic work

The first is the karma that blocks knowledge. Our knowledge of the world is gained through the six senses. Knowledge is a powerful tool. When knowledge is blocked, one cannot see the subtle connection between things and events. It is like a person who is emotionally cruel to their partner and cannot understand why the partner is cold. Understanding this power of knowledge can empower us to break free from such karmic blocks, patterns, and habits. Studying karma is a journey towards softening and changing our karma. But this transformation is only possible with knowledge. Knowledge is the key to finding meaning, direction, and ultimate happiness. According to karma, ignorance is the source of all suffering, and this suffering results from blocking our ability to learn through gaining knowledge of the world from within and without. Embracing knowledge empowers us to transform our lives. The world exists so that we might have real experiences through which we might gain knowledge of our actualized being. We are here to learn and master life, and the way to do this is to be flexible and open, balanced and steady, strong and steadfast. It also requires being calm and peaceful, removing distractions, and practicing self-reflection. Let’s get started. END: Yoga is a powerful reminder to seek calmness, detach from distractions and desires, and practice self-reflection. These practices lead to a more profound sense of wisdom and inspire us to continue learning. We are here to gain wisdom, and the only way to do so is by acquiring knowledge. Karma reminds us to stay open to learning every moment of our lives because, as the saying goes, 'the more you know, the more you know you don’t know.' This is wisdom. Self-reflection, an active and engaging process, is a key component in this journey. EGO: Flip your palms up and extend the index finger – the symbol of the ego. Yoga is about centering and balancing our energy. This produces supreme knowledge, but the problem is that the ego interferes. It considers itself all-knowing and superior based on criteria, experience, and material gains. We call this egotistical karma. Our energy then becomes scattered, and we lose sight of the true nature of our existence; it is to gain wisdom. Pull your finger in and place your thumb on top. Take a breath and surrender to the soul. Wisdom is the ability to discern the real from the unreal, the permanent from the impermanent. Everything in the material world is constantly changing. The only real and permanent thing is the eternal nature of self. So, “To thine own self be true.” Self-reflect and stay open to gaining proper knowledge of the world from within and without. In this commitment to authenticity and integrity, you will be wise. Namaste~ may you walk the path of life with health, happiness, and peace. Doctor Lynn For books, classes, consultations, and more

Saturday, July 20, 2024

HABITS – established patterns that are either wise or foolish

The habits you form result from repeated actions you initiate over lifetimes of experience, whether wise or foolish. They are repetitive thoughts, patterns, or habits that deepen over time. If negative impressions get ingrained, the mental and emotional self cannot integrate with the other layers of self—the physical, energetic, higher wisdom, and, ultimately, bliss. Once you establish a pattern, it takes conscious work to dissolve it or constant work to maintain it in the case of a positive pattern. According to karma, ignorance is the source of all suffering, resulting from the four patterns of karma that obscure or conceal the truth. Once the truth is revealed, we can begin the work to transcend our karma. Through the practice of yoga, you are not just exercising your body but also shaping your mind and soul. The repetitive nature of yoga, focusing on balance, strength, and flexibility, helps us establish a life of healthy habits. As our body becomes stronger and more flexible, so do our thoughts and words, aligning with a positive way of interacting with others and ourselves. Over the next four weeks, we will work on the four patterns that hinder us from experiencing physical, mental, and soulful bliss. This journey holds the promise of personal growth and transformation, as we learn to dissolve negative habits and enhance positive ones through the power of yoga. Let’s get started END: As you navigate through your week, the key is to be mindful of your habits, whether wise or foolish. Remember, self-awareness is the catalyst for change, enabling us to transform negative behavior into positive and cultivate positive and worthy habits. Stay conscious of your thoughts, words, and actions. In doing so, you will be the architect of your transformation. EGO: Flip your palms up and extend your index finger—feel the ego pull you from your center. It’s important to note that the ego is not inherently good or bad—it simply exists as part of the human experience. The key to controlling the ego lies in finding balance and harmony between our identities and the interconnectedness of all beings. Pull your finger in and place the thumb on top. Take a breath and surrender to the soul. Through yoga, we become more aware of our wise or foolish habits. Soulful awareness empowers us to dissolve negative habits while diligently enhancing positive habits. It takes work. That’s karma. Be aware of what you think, say, and do. Namaste~ may you walk the path of life with health, happiness, and peace. Doctor Lynn For classes, courses, books, consultations, and more

Saturday, July 13, 2024

How to soften or lighten your karma

Our work here on Earth is to transcend the four great passions, deceit, greed, anger, and pride, which are the root cause of all our so-called problems. All four play a part in our lives. One will be stronger than the others, and it will be our lesson to learn in this lifetime. As we lessen the intensity of a passion through awareness, our aura softens, and we take on a new, softer coloration as we change. The practice of karma yoga is one way to soften the coloration. Karma teaches that with the proper work, the coloration of your aura will improve about every twelve years, with significant coloration changes happening between the ages of twenty-nine and a half to thirty-two, fifty to fifty-two and a half, or eighty-eight and a half to ninety-one. These cycles can begin one and a half years earlier and thus end one and a half years sooner. Although the soul has an infinite ability for creativity, it only has three central activities: thinking, speaking, and doing. These three activities create our karma, and all karma seeks expression through our thoughts, words, and deeds. So, to soften your karma, pay attention to what you think, say, and do. It's important to remember that it takes awareness, and awareness requires balance, flexibility, and strength. This emphasis on awareness empowers you and puts you in control of your life. Let's get started. END: To lighten or soften your karma (aura), you must manifest specific actions and inhibit others. Practicing yoga (physical) helps us learn to become motionless and balanced without losing consciousness. Practicing yoga is how we eradicate karma, being balanced and still body, mind, and soul while holding onto awareness. Awareness is our "witnessing consciousness," the observing principle of life. EGO: Flip your palm up and extend your index finger. Feel the ego pull you from your center. Desiring satisfaction for the sensory self, we are driven by the ego, where we fall prey to the four great passions: deceit, greed, anger, and pride. Our human cravings and desires bring about discontent and suffering. As long as we are caught in the cycle of discontentment, we can never find balance and peace. Cravings and desires cloud our awareness; thus, we become what in karma is known as the "ignorant, unaware self." Pull your finger in and place your thumb on top. Take a breath and surrender to your soul. Sit still and be aware of the calmness and peace within the body, the mind, and the soul. This is your witnessing consciousness—the observing principle of life. It reminds us to stay balanced, flexible, strong, and peaceful with our thoughts, words, and deeds. This emphasis on balance and peace in your soulful growth should make you feel calm and reassured, bringing a sense of tranquility to your life. In this, you work your karma. Namaste~ may you walk the path of life with health, happiness, and peace Doctor Lynn For books, classes, consultation, and more,

Saturday, June 29, 2024

The Impact of Pride on the Ego: A Yoga Perspective on Self-Perception and Growth

While pride is often associated with self-respect and confidence, it can become destructive when excessive and misplaced. This is because excessive pride can lead to resistance to constructive feedback, hindering self-development. It can also foster arrogance and an inflated sense of superiority, essentially insecurity and fear projected outward in defiance. Moreover, excessive pride can lead to a constant comparison with others, resulting in resentment and envy. Comparison can make it challenging to genuinely celebrate others' successes, as they may be perceived as threats rather than achievements to be appreciated. In its most extreme form, pride can drive individuals to engage in self-destructive behavior as they strive to uphold their self-image. Self-destructive behavior can manifest in various ways, such as taking unnecessary risks, overworking, or even participating in harmful activities, all in an attempt to prove one's worth or superiority. Recognizing the potentially destructive effects of pride is crucial in maintaining a balanced and healthy self-perspective. By actively cultivating humility and openness, individuals can harness the positive aspects of pride while effectively mitigating its negative impacts. This process requires a delicate balance of adaptability and inner strength. Let's get started. END: pride is crucial for maintaining a balanced and healthy perspective on oneself. By fostering humility and openness, individuals can harness the positive aspects of pride. It is good to be proud of yourself and your accomplishments, but it is also good to appreciate others. EGO: Flip your palms up and extend out the index fingers. Feel the ego pull you from your center. • Pride can be positive and negative, depending on how the ego processes and expresses it. When the ego becomes overly inflated, leading to excessive pride (hubris), it can result in arrogance, narcissism, and interpersonal conflict. This form of pride often involves an unrealistic self-image and a lack of empathy for others. • Pull your finger in and place your thumb on top. Take a breath and surrender to the soul. On the other hand, when the ego experiences pride in a balanced way, acknowledging achievements while maintaining humility, it can enhance motivation, resilience, and interpersonal relationships. Be humbly proud, and you will prosper. • Namaste~ may you walk your life's path with health, happiness, and peace. Doctor Lynn For books, consultation, and classes

Saturday, June 22, 2024

How to Find Calmness in the Storm: Harnessing Anger Through Yoga

Anger, a passion that resonates universally, is an emotion we have all encountered. It's a complex emotion to navigate, even though it's easier to acknowledge than others. This could be because Anger can be perceived as a justifiable response to an injustice. However, it's a challenge to wield Anger in the right measure, at the right time, and for the right reason. Feel the grip of Anger after an argument with someone, and you can feel the body tense, and the mind becomes scattered and irrational. Basic instincts such as violence kick in as the adrenaline runs through our bodies. Often, we say and do things we later regret. But Anger, like everything else in life, is transient; it comes and goes, and sometimes, we can't even remember what angered us. Anger destroys self-awareness. Anger rushes through the body, causing it to go off balance while enslaving the mind. In yoga, we embrace a positive approach to Anger. We strive to maintain our composure, and instead of reacting aggressively, we aim to respond with actions that elevate our sensibility and rationality. This practice holds the potential for profound personal growth and transformation, offering a beacon of hope in the face of Anger. Managing our emotional balance and regaining our inner equilibrium is a journey, not a quick fix. It requires us to recognize our emotional imbalances and find the strength and flexibility to bring ourselves back to a state of balance. Balance is a challenging task, but it becomes more attainable with practice. Let's get started on this journey together. END: Savasana ~ In savasana, your mind is now flooded with strong, vibrant thoughts. You have exercised the body with the asanas. Now relax and let go. At this moment, your mind is like a battery fully charged. What you let into your mind will have a hundred times the force it usually has—think kindness and peace. END: Anger, like all emotions, is transient. It comes and it goes. When it gets its grip on you, try to stop and ask yourself if it is worth letting the tension and irrational thoughts take away your balance, your inner peace, and your opportunity to inspire rather than take the path of hatred and violence. EGO: Flip your palms up and extend out the index finger. Feel the ego pull you from your center. Like all the great passions, the ego gets attached to Anger, for it is the ego that seeks self-preservation. It is a basic instinct to lash out when someone or something angers you. Pull your finger in and place your thumb on top. Take a breath and surrender to the soul. Feel the rationality and the calmness in your body, mind, and soul. Remember, when Anger arises, and it will, return to this state of peacefulness; it is only a breath away. Step back, find your balance, take a breath, be kind, and inspire. Namaste ~ may you walk the path of life with health, happiness, and peace. Doctor Lynn For books, classes, consultations, and more

Saturday, June 15, 2024


Greed is a passion from which we recoil. No one likes to think of themselves as being greedy, and yet each of us, on some level, has been consumed by Greed. When we think of Greed, we usually think of avarice or excessive hoarding of money and material things. Greed is a fixation upon objects of sensory pleasure and gratification—for example, alcohol, food, or material possessions. Greed causes us to commit violence against others and ourselves. In yoga, we practice Greed if we push ourselves beyond our limit while doing a particular asana (pose). We may risk injuring ourselves because we desire to keep up with the teacher or go beyond the other students. When injuries happen, we contract and must stop our practice and heal our injuries. We, therefore, stop the flow of evolution and growth. Greed imprisons our time, emotions, and energy. If we removed Greed from our human physical, verbal, and intellectual selves, we would remove violence, dishonesty, and theft. Greed is a mighty force; the best way to combat it is with awareness, balance, strength, flexibility, and humility. END: Unselfishness, the polar opposite of Greed, is a force of transformation. When we give without any expectation of receiving, we rise above Greed. This is not about the destruction of wealth but the freedom from the clutches of Greed. It's a liberating experience that can reshape our perspective and bring us closer to our true selves. EGO: Turn your palm up and extend your index finger. Feel the ego tugging you away from your center. The ego, a significant player in Greed, is not about accumulating things or money. It's about our fear of inadequacy, our resistance to seeing others surpass us. This sense of disempowerment compels us to greedily cling to what we perceive as the most significant aspect of our identity: the ego. Recognizing and overcoming this ego-driven Greed is crucial in our journey toward unselfishness and contentment. Pull your finger in and place your thumb on top. Take a breath and surrender to the soul. One key concept of non-greed is to be content with what comes into and goes out of your life. In doing so, your mind becomes quiet, and more positive energy flows through your body, mind, and soul. In this, you are working your karma. Namaste ~ May you walk the path of life with health, happiness and peace. Doctor Lynn For Books, classes, consultations, and more

Saturday, June 08, 2024

Deceit – a destructive passion

The root of all karma is seeded in the four great passions. One of these passions is more intense in your life than the others, but they all appear simultaneously. The four great passions which are the major causes of all of life's problems are: Deceit Greed Anger Pride Deceit means lying or not telling the truth to most of us. If someone deceives you, that person may deliberately make you believe something false for the person's advantage. But we also deceive ourselves into false beliefs by telling ourselves we are less than or superior to others. Blaming others for the nature of our present and past existence is also a form of deceit. Here's an example of deceit: In one of my workshops, a woman named Julie discovered her central karma as deceit. At first, she was distraught, believing she was a good, caring, and honest person. As we worked on her karma, she began to see that she had always been a caregiver to others. She had done it because she wanted others to love her so that she would give so much of herself to others with little in return. She resented the selfishness of others. Now, Julie could see that she had been deceiving herself into believing she would be loved and considered a good person if she gave. She gave of herself to gain a feeling of self-worth. She discovered that she was deceiving herself by looking to others for approval. END: Deceit affects all of us. It is a false belief in something, whether about something outside of ourselves or something deep within ourselves that we fear. Karma reminds us to be aware of deceit when it arrives and then consciously turn it into honesty; in this, you are working your karma. EGO: Flip your palm up and extend out the index finger. Feel the ego pull you away from your center. Fear is at the root of all our problems. Deceit is a form of fear wrapped in a lack of self-worth. Pull your finger in and place your thumb on top. Take a breath and surrender to the soul. Honesty in your outward actions and how you see yourself taps into the soul's quest for truth and honesty. Be honest and truthful with others; you will work on your karma. Namaste~ may you walk the path of life with health, happiness, and peace. Doctor Lynn For books, classes, consultations, and more

Saturday, June 01, 2024

How to Master the FOUR GREAT PASSIONS of Life

Understanding karma, we realize our ultimate goal is to restore balance, love, happiness, and abundance by resolving our negative karma. This process involves multiple reincarnations, where we consciously choose our body, parents, and life situations to address our karma. The key to this journey is self-awareness, which serves as our compass for mastering karma. The root of all karma is seeded in the four great passions. One of these passions is more intense in your life than the others, but they all appear simultaneously. The four great passions which are the major causes of all of life’s problems are: Deceit Greed Anger Pride Mastering the four great passions is not an easy task, but it's one that can empower us. It necessitates a sense of inner balance and stillness, immense strength to resist impulsive actions and reactions, the adaptability to remain open, and a peaceful connection with the soul. This is the work ahead of us, and by undertaking it, we can gain control over our karma. Let’s get started. END: Deceit, greed, anger, and pride lack honesty, tolerance, unselfishness, and humility, which are the triggering mechanisms for all karma. They also lack sincerity, fairness, joy, admiration, detachment, and courage. These give rise to prejudice, sorrow, disloyalty, fear, disgust, and cruel joking, which will activate karma and get us into trouble. However, we can overcome these passions with awareness and illuminate our path to soulful growth and self-improvement. EGO: Flip your palm up and extend out the index finger, the symbol of the ego. It is the ego that gets triggered by passion. Without conscious awareness, it seeks to protect itself, often resorting to deceit, greed, anger, and pride. Pull your finger in and place your thumb on top, the symbol of the soul. Take a breath and surrender to the soul. The soul reminds us that practicing honesty, generosity, compassion, and humility would be wise to combat the four great passions. Be aware, and you will begin to master your karma. Namaste~ may you walk the path of life with health, happiness, and peace. Doctor Lynn For books, classes, and consultations

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Why Practice Yoga - Turning Passion into Compassion Brings Balance to Your Life

Before prospering in life, we must learn how to identify and address the karmic energy of passion. Being passionate is not “bad.” Passion just needs to be directed in ways that create balance. It begins with awareness of how we use our energy physically and mentally to bring about soulful awareness. As we become more aware of how to direct our power, we better understand how we live. We become mindful of the importance of being flexible, open, strong, steady, balanced, and still. This moves us from chaos and insanity to calmness and peacefulness. The awareness of the simple movement of passion to compassion then forms compassion into wisdom. This requires engaging the body and the mind in the present moment. Ultimately, this is the purpose of the yoga poses and why we practice yoga. Let’s get started. END: According to karma, our true purpose is to return to balance, love, happiness, and abundance while removing our negative karma. A change in attitude is usually what brings about a shift in karma. However, be careful with attitude for it can sometimes lead to passionate imbalances. Be present in your body and quiet in your mind, and you will turn passion into compassion, leading to a life of balanced health, harmony, love, happiness, and peace. Living here, you will be wise. EGO: Flip your palms up and extend out your index finger. Feel the slight pull of your ego away from your center. Our desires and uncontrolled passions keep us in the ever-repeating pattern of karma. While there is value in repetition, it is of a higher value to transcend the rebirth cycle of karma and find our true self, which exists in a state of balance, harmony, love, happiness, and peace. As you pull your index finger in and place your thumb on top, be mindful of the return to your center. If you choose to break the patterns of passionate karma, you liberate your energy to explore the vastness of the universe. In this exploration, you will unearth wisdom- the realization that you now have the freedom to choose your actions rather than being driven by karma. This newfound understanding extends beyond the body-mind, reaching your essence, also known as the soul. With your soul liberated, you can now create from a place of balance, harmony, love, happiness, and peace. Namaste~ may you walk the path of life with health, happiness, and peace. Doctor Lynn For classes, books, consultations, and more,

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Karma Yoga and the Nine Flavors of Life

Yoga philosophy Gives us nine flavors of life, also known as emotional essences. They are love, joy, wonder, courage, peace, compassion, anger, fear, and disgust. These emotions are not isolated; they interact and coexist within each of us, shaping our emotional experiences. By understanding and balancing these energies, we can create emotional harmony and realize our true potential. For example, if we balance anger with love, fear with courage, and disgust with compassion, we change our emotional experience. Balance does not mean we eliminate any of these experiences. It means that when we experience anger, if we can counter it with love, we bring harmony to our emotional existence, bringing us a sense of balance. Let’s work on our balance today. END: Yoga philosophy gives us nine flavors of life, also known as emotional essences. They are love, joy, wonder, courage, peace, compassion, anger, fear, and disgust. These emotions are not isolated; they interact and coexist within each of us, shaping our emotional experiences. Please watch them as they appear this week and observe the experience. Then, seek balance in all things, and in all things, find balance. EGO: Flip your palms up and extend out the index finger. Feel the slight pull away from your center. The ego is transitory and artificial for how you see yourself, and your life is based on your experiences, emotions, and judgment. The ego is not to be destroyed. It is essential for our survival. The problem is when the ego believes its view of reality is the only and final view. Pull your index finger in and place the thumb on top. Take a breath and surrender to the soul. The soul is your true self. It is the part of you that observes life without emotion or judgment. It sees things for what they are: opportunities to learn, grow, and evolve. Namaste ~ may you walk the path of life with health, happiness, and peace. Doctor Lynn For books, classes, consultation, and more,

Saturday, May 04, 2024

Reincarnation – why are we here?

According to karma, when we transcend to the astral world (die), we go to the holdover place, which is not the final resting place. It is a place for reflection. We can accurately appraise our deeds and misdeeds free of emotions and sensations. We then decide what areas need improvement and need to be atoned. After we have decided, we find a suitable body and parents that will best help us accomplish our mission. Because we cannot achieve this without human emotions, experiences, and sensations, we return to Earth to take on earthly form and begin again. On the spiritual plane, the karmic debts appear reasonably straightforward, but we once again experience pain, cold, heat, grief, fear, and physical limitations in the physical world. When we uncover our karmic obligation, we are faced with a decision: to conquer our fears and guilt or allow them to overwhelm us so that nothing gets resolved. To awaken and grow, we must be willing to become the witnesses and observers of our lives and learn to live from a place of compassion, faith, balance, serenity, peace, strength, and divinity. Not an easy task. It takes work, and that is karma. Let’s get started. END Remember, the present is shaped by the past or the memory. If we don't achieve all our goals in this lifetime, let this chapter of your life reflect a truthful, happy, and loving existence. Remember, this is just a chapter in your book of life. There's no deadline for completing the book. However, there's a sense of urgency if you wish to end your suffering and continual rebirth. You must sincerely strive to transcend the lower human aspects of yourself and replace them with honesty, generosity, kindness, and humility. When you learn to work your karma, your life will start working for you, leading to a more fulfilling life. EGO Reincarnation will not provide you with a straight and clear path. You will soon discover that from here to there, there is never a straight line. There will be many twists and turns, as well as many detours. There will be low valleys, high mountain tops, and ravines. How low you go or how high you climb will depend upon your moral compass. Let it be your guide, not the ego. Pull your index finger in and place your thumb on top. Take a breath and surrender to your soul. When life takes you on a detour, don’t resent it, fear it or avoid it. Be on the lookout for opportunities, adventures, and chances to learn and grow. This is your soul leading you towards liberation. You never know what you will find. But remember, as long as the ego is pushing you towards the path, you are not on the path. The true purpose of your journey here on earth is to do the work that frees you from all encumbrances: body, mind, and soul; in this, you will be free. Karma Yoga with Doctor Lynn http://www.doctorlynncom

Friday, April 26, 2024


According to karma, our true purpose is to return to balance, love, happiness, and abundance while removing our negative karma. A change in attitude is what brings about a shift in karma. However, be careful with attitude because what may work in one moment may not in another. Our desires are what keeps us in the ever-repeating pattern of karma. While there is value in the repetition, it is of a higher value to transcend the rebirth cycle of karma and find our true self, which exists in a state of balance, harmony, love, happiness, and peace. The root of all karma is seeded in the four great passions. One of these passions is more intense in your life than the others, but they all appear simultaneously. The four great passions which are the major causes of all of life’s problems are: Deceit Greed Anger Pride Karma is about the ability to direct our energy from the four great passions in ways that bring us balance, strength, flexibility, and peace of body, mind, and soul. Let’s get started. END: If you choose to break the pattern of your karma, you will free your energy to explore the rest of the universe, and through your wisdom, you will realize that you can now do as you choose rather than being compelled by karma EGO: Flip your palm up and extend your index finger, symbolizing the ego. The ego, sometimes an inflated sense of self-importance, hinders us from genuine growth and connection driven by fear and vulnerability. Pull your finger in and place the thumb on top. Take a breath and surrender to the soul. Knowing something is beyond the body and mind, you tap into your essence or soul. Your soul is then free to create and thus bring about positive karmic change. Namaste ~ may you walk your life's path with health, happiness, and peace. Doctor Lynn For class books, consultation and more Doctor Lynn #FREE #YOGA #VIDEO - How to #Prosper #ENJOY YOGA VIDEO

Saturday, April 20, 2024

What is Wisdom?

Wisdom, often mistaken for knowledge, is a distinct concept. While knowledge can be acquired without common sense or judgment, wisdom necessitates both knowledge and experience. It's the art of learning, understanding, and mastering one's life. Science categorizes wisdom as crystallized intelligence. This implies that as we mature and accumulate experiences, our minds amass a wealth of knowledge to tap into. While youthful minds may be swifter, older minds can more readily find solutions or make decisions due to their experiences and crystallized intelligence. Could we label this wisdom? Perhaps wisdom is more than just experience and knowledge crystallized into accessible information. It's not about the quantity of data you store, but how you utilize it to stay on the soulful path. Wisdom is discerning which path to walk. Integrity is walking it. It's a journey that requires effort – that's karma – so let's embark on it. END: The soulful path will involve numerous detours, twists, and turns. The journey from here to there is never a straight line. Sometimes, you may stray so far from the path that you need assistance finding your way back. Each day, strive to bring wealth, pleasure, harmony, and liberation to yourself and the world. Aiming for these four directions while working on your karma will uncover the path of wisdom and the integrity to walk it. EGO: Flip your palms up and extend your index finger, symbolizing your ego. Feel it give you a slight tug and pull away from your center. Watch out for the ego. It can sometimes think of itself as having excellent knowledge and being superior. Wisdom is more than knowledge and intelligence. Pull your finger in and place your thumb on top – the symbol of the soul. Take a breath and surrender to the soul. Wisdom is more than intelligence. Wisdom is knowing everything constantly changes, so don't get attached to anything. It is also the realization that time has wings; it flies, so don't waste it. Just remember—you never step into the same river twice. Choose wisely, walk softly, and stay on the path. Namaste~ may you walk the path with health, happiness, and peace. Doctor Lynn For books, consultation, classes, and more

Saturday, April 13, 2024

The Fourth Aim on the Soulful Path

The first aim is wealth, the second is pleasure, the third is harmony, and the fourth, the pinnacle of the Soulful Path, is liberation. This aim is not just a goal but a transformative journey that leads to true freedom and wisdom. Liberation is not a static state of being, but a dynamic and continuous process. It's about making peace with life as it is, observing life without disturbance and judgment. This ongoing process of liberation is what leads us to discover true freedom, and it all starts with accepting change. Change is the only absolute in life, so why is it so difficult to accept it? We want permanence because it makes us feel safe, content, and connected. But things in this world are constantly changing, down to the molecules that make up your body. That is why we need liberation; it gives us the freedom to accept things and then let them come and go without attachment. It's not an easy thing to do. We must constantly work to find our balance, be strong, stay flexible, and make peace with life just as it is. That’s karma and what we are here to practice. Let’s get started. END: There is a proverb that goes, “The more things change, the more they stay the same.” This refers to the ever-changing element of nature held fast by the never-changing essence of life. Although things in the material world are constantly changing, the underlying essence of life stays the same. Love, hatred, war, peace, feast, and famine will always exist. Life will continually present us with the fundamental challenges of existence. It is our approach to these things that constantly change. Since the beginning of time, humans have waged war and conflict. How we approach it and what we call it has continuously changed. EGO: Flip your palms up and extend out your index finger – the symbol of the ego. The ego wants constant control. This is how it feels safe and secure, but in the power struggle, the ego forbids itself from experiencing contentment and peace. Pull your finger in and place your thumb on top – the symbol of your soul. Take a breath and surrender to the soul. The soul will remind you to accept things as they are and to flow with life. When you do this if only for a moment, you will discover liberation – the freedom to accept, let go, and be content and at peace with life just as it is. Namaste~ may you walk the path of life with health, happiness, and peace. Doctor Lynn For books, classes, and consultations

Friday, March 22, 2024

If you want to prosper, what should you aim for each day?

Aim for Harmony Our third aim should be to move in harmony with life. Harmony requires a code of ethics and morals that act as beacons telling us how to behave. It is easy to get caught up in life's dramas, problems, and stresses and believe them to be the final reality. All that happens in your life is simply an opportunity to discover and correct your karma. When you understand how to work your karma, you will find ways to bring rhythm and melody together in every situation to create harmony. The irony of life is that for all our outward striving and drama, in the end, the total always adds up to zero. We take none of the dramas, problems, and stressors when we depart this world. We take the karma of our experiences. How we use these experiences defines our next reincarnation. If life hands you a complex problem and you face it with compassion and understanding, you create harmony, not discord. It is not the problem you take with you when you depart this world but the virtue of compassion you develop that will assist you in this life and all the other lives to come. Let's create some harmony today. END: The material universe consists of five everlasting and imperishable substances: space, motion, rest, matter, and soul. What's important is how matter (you) relates to other matter (the world) within its space. All of life is equal but different, which makes life so interesting. Harmonize with life, remove the obstacles that block success, and you will prosper. EGO: Flip your palm up and extend out the index finger – the symbol of the ego. The ego is what keeps us separated from each other, and this separation sometimes causes disharmony. Pull your finger in and place your thumb on top – the symbol of the soul. Take a deep breath and harmonize with your soul. By cultivating harmony, we develop compassion and understanding in all our relationships on Earth. We move from being separate and bound by the ego to merging past the barriers that keep us apart and at odds. When we develop impartiality towards all things of the world, we become one force of energy that endures under all circumstances. However, impartiality does not mean to be indifferent. It means to be undisturbed by the ebb and flow of life. Flowing with life is how we create harmony. Namaste~ may you walk the path of life with health, happiness, and peace. Doctor Lynn For books, classes, and more,

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Pleasure Aim for This, and You Will Prosper

As human beings, we are wired for pleasure. We are programmed to strive for survival and longevity, an essential part of which is a drive towards pleasure. What would the world be like if we could not enjoy the pleasures of life? Your primitive brain, also known as the limbic system, is located in the temporal lobe at the base of your skull. The limbic system comprises multiple parts, including the amygdala, responsible for the primary sensations of pleasure and pain. So, we can see that on a purely biochemical basis, humans are wired to avoid pain and seek pleasure. The problem arises when our chemistry gets out of balance due to illness, poor health, or addiction, and we fall into the rapid urge to seek a false sense of pleasure to avoid pain. The pleasure eventually fades, and we find ourselves back into a state of pain, craving pleasure, and then the cycle repeats itself. That’s why we practice karma yoga – pleasure is best experienced from a balanced and disciplined state of mind. Let’s get started. END: Human beings are wired for pleasure. We are programmed to strive for survival and longevity, and the drive toward pleasure and pure joy is an essential part of this. What would the world be like if we could not enjoy the pleasures of life? Pleasure is an essential part of our lives. It motivates us to find joy. Aim to bring pleasure into your life every day. Remember to keep it balanced, know the difference between pure pleasure and the avoidance of pain, and then choose wisely. EGO: The ego is our survival consciousness. It constantly moves us from harm and pain to safety and pleasure. But sometimes, it forgets to tap into the soul, where it can discriminate between what is right and what is wrong, what is pure pleasure, and what is the avoidance of pain. Pull your index finger in and place your thumb on top, the symbol of the soul. Take a deep breath and surrender to the soul—pleasure at the deepest level of our being installs pure joy. Aim daily to bring balanced, disciplined pleasure into your life, and you will prosper. Namaste ~ may you walk the path of life with health, happiness, and peace. Doctor Lynn For books, classes, and more, visit

Saturday, March 02, 2024

What is #WEALTH, and how can you acquire it? Lakshmi presents us with four main directions, aims, or goals. Understand and follow these, and you will prosper.

The first direction or aim in life is the accumulation of wealth. Don’t confuse wealth for money. Money in and of itself is valueless. Only what we can purchase in exchange for money gives it value. Wealth is abundant potential energy. Wealth is not just about the accumulation of money or material goods, although both have the power to make the world a better place. Wealth comes in many forms, such as good health, love, happiness, and rewarding work. Many people get lost in the illusion of material wealth and confuse the earthly symbols of wealth for success. Success is measured by the degree of your happiness and not the size of your bank account. In this world, no one would argue that it is better to be rich than poor. Wealthy people have greater access to the necessities and the luxuries of life. Wealth affords more options and choices. But just remember this - it is not wealth that destroys. It is greed. Problems arise when wealth is used to control others and abuse society. In a world such as ours, with so much wealth, no person should ever go without or be abused. So, if you want to prosper, find a way to make the world a better place, and you will become a wealthy person. END: Remember the difference between wealth and material possessions. Wealth can mean having beauty, love, and good health, and these can never be replaced with gold, money, or other material possessions. Your true wealth comes from within. It is the source of your abundant energy, and this energy has the power to create. Draw from it, create, and you will prosper. Once found, this cosmic energy can never be depleted. Just remember that energy is never lost it simply changes form. As long as the universe exists, there will be infinite opportunities to tap into this abundant energy and, with it, create wealth. Money may come and go or slip past your outstretched hand, but if you use your abundant energy wisely, you will always create wealth, and with this, you prosper. EGO: flip your palm up and extend out the index finger – the symbol of the ego. The ego often associates success with the accumulation of material things. But the ego's real task is to balance our uncontrollable desires and what is socially and technically acceptable. That’s where the soul comes into play. Pull your finger in and place your thumb on top – the symbol of the soul. Take a breath and surrender to the soul. The soul is our consciousness. It is our ability to see the world for what it is – ever-changing. Material wealth comes and goes, but when we truly understand the meaning of a wealthy life, we prosper. Namaste~ may you walk the path of life with health, happiness, and peace. Doctor Lynn For classes, books, and more

Saturday, February 24, 2024

How to Become Prosperous

Everything in life is a byproduct of energy. Therefore, to be successful in life, we must learn how to harness the energy of prosperity. Contrary to what some people may believe, yoga is not about living in a cave in an impoverished, austere manner. The practice of yoga fully acknowledges the realities of living in a material world. It encourages us to incorporate the four important goals of soulful growth, meaningful work, pleasure, and wealth into fulfilling and meaningful lives. Yoga encourages us to prosper while consciously paying attention to our energy use. Life is a dance of creation and destruction. Lakshmi, the goddess of the energy of prosperity, is a powerful force. Her name means “aim” or “goal.” She has four arms, which signify her power to grant the four goals, or directions, towards a prosperous life: wealth (artha), worldly pleasure (kama sutra), harmony by adhering to a good moral and ethical code (dharma), and soulful liberation (moksha). The four goals or aims direct your highest potential into creating a prosperous and fulfilling life. Awareness of how you use your energy is the key to living a prosperous life. So, let’s get started focusing on balance, strength, and flexibility, as they will be needed by the body, mind, and soul if you wish to prosper. END: Remember this: the most abundant thing in the universe is energy. Use it wisely. The punjas, or merits we accumulate as we travel through life, are with us from lifetime to lifetime. They define us and are by far our most valuable assets. Money can’t buy you happiness, but prosperity can! “Although you may gather a million gold coins upon your death, you cannot take even one copper penny with you.” (CHINESE PROVERB) EGO: flip your palm up and extend out your index finger, the symbol of the ego. The ego defines itself by its connection to the material world. It forgets that the world is transient; everything is constantly changing and that our material possessions do not define us, but our character does. Pull your finger in and place your thumb on top, the symbol of the soul. Take a breath and surrender to the soul. The soul reminds us that wealth is not the accumulation of material things. Wealth is the ability to manipulate the energy of consciousness to bring about prosperity. Mate¬rial things come and go, but once achieved, the consciousness of prosperity is eternal. It becomes our frame of reference and our way of looking and acting within the world. The material world, on the other hand, is a constant flow of changing energy. Youth changes to old age and day to night, but the consciousness of prosperity, once found and fully understood, is eternal. You carry it with you forever. Be prosperous. Namaste~ may you walk the path of life with health, happiness, and peace Doctor Lynn For books, classes, and more –

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Ten Ways to Improve Your Karma

If we want to create punya and merits, we must exhaust papa, demerits, or bad karma. The three basic methods of developing merit or Punya are giving without expecting a return, living a virtuous life, and spreading goodwill. These fall in line with the ten ways to make merits. They are: 1. Giving for the sake of giving 2. Observing virtue - patience, and humility are considered virtues 3. Concentrating – falls in line with number 4 4. Focusing – being present and aware 5. Honoring others - 6. Being of service 7. Dedication – be fully committed to something 8. Being happy for others’ good fortune 9. Listening to and practicing virtuous teaching – attending a yoga class 10 . Teaching others to be virtuous. Such as being kind and generous – setting an example Consciously focus on doing good deeds; the result will be good karma because you are what you think, say, and do. Takes work – let’s get started. END: If you want to bring good energy into your life, give, be present and aware, honor others, practice humility, and be kind and generous. When you give without expecting anything in return, you will create Punja or good merits, bringing you many rewards in body, mind, and soul. EGO: Flip your palm up and extend out the index finger – the symbol of the ego. The ego acts as a rational mediator, navigating the often-competing forces within us and ensuring our actions are realistic and socially appropriate. But reality and socially acceptable sometimes can be hard to define. Pull your finger in and place your thumb on top, the symbol of the soul. Take a breath and surrender to the soul. Remember to do no harm and always do the greatest good for the greatest many. Following this path, you create good merits – these create your character, and your character creates your karma. Namaste ~ may you walk the path of life with health, happiness, and peace. Doctor Lynn For books, classes, and more

Saturday, February 10, 2024


To work our karma, we must understand “Punja” and “Papa.” “Punja” and “Papa” are Sanskrit terms used to describe the law of karma, which is cause and effect. Punja means to gain merits by doing good deeds. It’s the accumulation of our positive thoughts, actions, and intentions. Sometimes referred to as “good” karma, it can lead to positive outcomes in the future, such as health, happiness, and success. Papa refers to the accumulation of negative actions, thoughts, and intentions. These negative actions, sometimes called “bad” karma, can lead to negative outcomes in the future, such as illness, suffering, and failure. Working your karma means cultivating Punja while reducing papa. We can do this in several ways, such as practicing karma yoga - bringing balance to your life and being flexible and open helps us to create Punja – let’s get to work. END: If we want to create punya, we must exhaust papa, demerits, or bad karma. The three basic methods of developing merit or Punya are giving without expecting a return, living a virtuous life, and spreading goodwill. These fall in line with the ten ways to make merits. They are: 1. Giving 2. Observing virtue 3. Concentrating 4. Focusing 5. Honoring others 6. Being of service 7. Dedication 8. Being happy for others’ good fortune 9. Listening to and practicing virtuous teaching 10. Instructing others in being virtuous. Consciously focus on doing good deeds; the results will be good Punja. EGO: Flip your palms up and extend the index finger – the symbol of the ego. To develop good merits, we must harness and redirect the energy of the ego because the ego, presented with obstacles, sometimes falls into victimhood, not seeing that it creates its negative energy. Pull your finger in and place your thumb on top, the symbol of your soul. Take a breath and surrender to the soul. Remember that karma attaches itself to our actions, thoughts, and speech. So, if you want to create punya, you must exhaust papa. You are what you think, say, and do. Think, say, and do Punja (good deeds), and you will draw good karma to your life! Namaste~ may you walk the path of life with health, happiness, and peace Doctor Lynn For classes, books, and more,