Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Today’s yoga lesson Practice Nonviolence

Before performing any physical or mental action you should reflect upon the consequences. First learn to remove physical violence and then calm the mind. The physical practice of yoga brings the body-mind into the moment where it can release and surrender to the quietude of serenity.
Doctor Lynn

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Aero*boga Lesson 1

Bhakti yoga is about the spiritual development of sacred love. Our first lesson is the realization that love means to participate. It is the most profound participation of which we are capable. When we love we touch the very essence of others.  It is this essence and not the attributes of looks, status, beauty or charm that connects us to others. It is the spiritual essence of the love that connects us. This fundamental essence is a part of all of us. Authentic love is what unifies us. Love means to merge with another. At the highest level of being we are all united.

First we must open, then energize and finally connect the energy center of giving and receiving (the sacral) with the energy center of love (the heart) Aero*boga the way of the heart
Doctor Lynn

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Love means to participate. It means to be fully engaged, aware and involved. Without the desire to share;to give and receive the exchange of love if fruitless. However the giving and receiving, for love to be authentic, must come from the purity of the heart where love is shared without condition.
Aero*boga - the way of the heart

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A Recipe for Health- A Melodic Composition

Fruit compote is a 17th century French desert made up of fresh slightly cooked fruits. It is seasons with orange, lemon, vanilla, cinnamon and cloves. Many Jewish people associate it with holidays. The fruit compote served on holidays is supposed to indicate sweet wishes and good luck in the coming year.

The base of fruit compote is, of course, the fruit. Some variants use dried fruit while others may make berry compote. Some fruit compotes follow a theme, such as tropical compote, while others use preserved fruits in syrup from the summer, or an assortment of whatever looks good. Depending on the type of fruit used, the spicing and level of sweetness is usually adjusted to make the fruit compote's flavor optimal.

Whatever the fruit this is a healthy dessert that packs a punch when it comes to antioxidants. That’s because fruit is a great source of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Some of the fruits used are pineapple, peaches, pears, apples, apricots, cherries and berries.

When I was young we lived on an Island off the coast of Maine. It was difficult to get fresh fruit and vegetables in the long winter months. So in the summer my Mother would can fresh fruits so she could make fruit desserts in the winter. Traditionally canned or preserved fruits were used to make compote.

Fruits were first discovered wild. Humans no doubt liked the look, then the smell and finally the taste. Eventually humans began to cultivate fruits and thus began early farming. Today we enjoy a vast variety of fruits from around the world; however there is nothing better than tree or vine ripened, in season, locally grown fruit. It has a sweetness and texture that just doesn’t exist with half ripened, imported, out of season fruit.

Fruits contain essential vitamins and minerals needed for good health. It’s important to get fresh whole fruits because the vitamins and minerals in fruits have a synergistic effect meaning that they work together to product the greatest amount of health benefits. For example; oranges are rich in vitamin C but to get the vitamin C you need a bit of the fleshy white stuff(bioflavonoid) which synergizes with the Vitamin C, delivering the maximum amount of nutrients.

When you mix a variety of fruits together in a fruit salad or compote you get both a wonderful collage of flavors and a healthy portion of nutrients. We need to get three to four servings of fruits a day and sadly most Americans get little to none. The fiber, the skin, the seeds and the pulp of fresh fruits are a far better choice than fruit strips or fruit juice which is often times missing essential nutrients and loaded up with sugar.

There’s nothing like compote of fruits to make for a healthy melodic composition.

For dessert its fresh homemade fruit compote. Your choice of fruit but I chose:

1 pear ripened

2 peaches ripened

3 black apricots soft and ripened

1-     ½ cup unsweetened apple sauce

¼ cup of brown sugar

¼ cup of uncooked oatmeal or any other dry cereal

A few dabs of butter

In a bowl combine the first four ingredients. Mix well and turn into a square baking dish coated with cooking spray. Sprinkle sugar, oatmeal on top and dab small amount of butter randomly on top. Cover and bake at 350 degrees for 40 minutes. Serve warm.

Doctor Lynn

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Yoga Pose to Manage Stress

The stress response involves the sympathetic nervous system and then the para sympathetic nervous system bringing us back to homeostasis. The nervous system is essential to help us deal with the stressors of life but if we let it get out of balance we subject ourselves to ill health. The half boat pose in yoga stimulates the nervous system to respond and to relax in such a way that it consciously teaches us how to manage stress. Lay flat on your back with your arms at your side. Take in a deep breath and lift your arms, legs, neck and head off from the mat and stare at your toes. Hold for a few seconds and then release the breath and your body back to the mat relaxing your muslces. Repeat for three to five times.
Stress exist. We can not avoid it but we can learrn to manage it effectively. Yoga is a great practice when it comes to managing stress.
Doctor Lynn

Monday, January 16, 2012

Weekly Proverb

Ten thousand rivers flow into the sea;the sea is never full.
Doctor Lynn.com

Monday, January 09, 2012


A ship can find support in water; water can turn it over.
Ponder on this for a moment.
Doctor Lynn

Thursday, January 05, 2012

Aero*boga - A New Year Lesson 1

Following the yoga path of Bhakti yoga aero*boga combines yoga and simple aerobic dance moves to open, energize and connect the sacral and heart chakras There are 12 lessons that we will explore on our way to self discovery, the nature of relationships and the cultivation of authentic love. This is lesson one. It is best to repeat this lesson for a month. Even if you only do Aero*boga once a week, for a month you will discover something of value.   It is about relationships; the most fundamental and the most complex thing we do…relate to everything and everyone within our world.

 Bhakti yoga is about the spiritual development of sacred love. Our first lesson is the realization that love means to participate. It is the most profound participation of which we are capable. When we love we touch the very essence of others.  It is this essence and not the attributes of looks, status, beauty or charm that connects us to others. It is the spiritual essence of the love that connects us. This fundamental essence is a part of all of us. Authentic love is what unifies us. Love means to merge with another. At the highest level of being we are all united.

First we must open, then energize and finally connect the energy center of giving and receiving (the sacral) with the energy center of love (the heart) Aero*boga the way of the heart.
Vistit the website to pyrchase the DVDs or emal me about class schedules here in LA.
Doctor Lynn.com

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

A Recipe for Health - Build me up buttermilk

Buttermilk is not really buttermilk but the milk that is left behind when butter is made. It’s also referred to as fermented milk and used in many cultures both as a drink and as milk for cooking. It is a tart drink that gets it tartness due to the presence of acid in the milk. The acidity is primarily due to lactic acid, a byproduct produced by lactic acid bacteria while fermenting lactose, the sugar found in milk.

Buttermilk can be found in the grocery store, however it usually comes in a large container so if you need just a small amount for making pancakes or a cake; add  1 Tablespoon of white vinegar, apple cider vinegar or fresh squeezed lemon to a cup of milk and let sit for five minutes.

So is fermented, lactic acid, tartness good for us? Buttermilk has less fat than milk because the fat has been removed to make butter. It is also high in potassium, vitamin B12, calcium, and riboflavin as well as a good source of phosphorus. Buttermilk is a probiotic food source. The “good” bacterium in buttermilk passes through the digestive system where the bacterium becomes active. These healthy bacteria thrive off the lactose or sugar that is found in our intestines. The good bacterium, boost the immune system, gives us energy, improves digestion, makes vitamins, protects against carcinogens and protects against cardiovascular disease.

Butter milk is known to have been used by the ancient Hindus up to 5000 years ago. At that time butter was so precious that it was used as currency, making butter milk also quite valuable. Irish folklore claims a glass of buttermilk will cure a hangover. Heat a cup with a clove of garlic and it is known to cure a variety of ailments or perhaps taste so bad it will make you forget about your other ailments.

According to American folklore immunity from poison oak or ivy can be established by drinking buttermilk. Pioneer women used buttermilk on their face to make their skin smooth. This is not too far off as the acid in the milk in known to soften skin.

In terms of health the digestive system says it all. Every part of your body-mind thrives because of the digestive system. Nutrients are digested and then distributed throughout the body to nourish and support life. When the digestive system is not working properly the body cannot receive the nutrients it needs to produce health. Buttermilk is a natural and healthy aid to the digestive system and at the same time supplies a rich source of calcium, vitamin B12, riboflavin and potassium.

Riboflavin or B2 plays a key role in energy metabolism and the metabolism of fats, carbohydrate and proteins. Buttermilk is a good source of this essential vitamin. Calcium supports bones growth, vitamin B12’s key role is the functioning of the brain and the nervous system, potassium is necessary for the functioning of cells and phosphorous is a component of phospholips that form all cell membranes.

So build me up buttermilk. Never let me down because I need you so badly to keep me healthy and my skin so smooth.
Doctor Lynn

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Practice abstentions to find good karma

Abstentions is  one of the paths of yoga. The first is to practice Non-violence. The main source of non-violence is within our intellect for the mind is the place where we ascertain between what is harmonious and what is inharmonious. From our thoughts this energy moves into words and actions .Therefore the first place to establish non-violence is within our mind.

This practice brings good karma into your life, it brings non-agitation of the mind and it magically and mystically draws into your life non-violent people and events. Your life becomes filled with happiness. So take in a deep breath and quiet the mind. The more you quiet the mind the calmer and more non-violent are your thoughts.
Practive non-violence
Doctor Lynn