Saturday, August 20, 2022

Karma - Life’s Treasures – the nidhis

Of all of life’s emotional gifts happiness might just be the most treasured gift of all. Happiness is to be content with what you have while having the confidence to know you have the potential, the power and the courage to reach out and be so much more. Everyone wants to be happy and yet happiness eludes most of us. That is because of our expectations. Why are we unhappy? Most likely because we feel we got less than we expected. True happiness is simply pure joyful energy that flows and harmoniously moves through space and time. Once you know you are the source of your happiness, instead of your expectations, happiness will be with you forever. The thing to remember about happiness is that life is ever changing. Nothing is permanent accept that which you cultivate within. In the Hindu practice Lord Shiva is the King of the Dance of life. Shiva is portrayed as the force of destructive energy that lays the foundation for creation. Shiva dances at the cosmic wheel of life surrounded by a ring of fire which symbolizes the eternal cycles of birth, life and death. The name Shiva means liberation, or the freedom to dance and express oneself. He cannot stop time from passing, or things from changing, but he can find happiness and bliss amid the chaos of life. To find happiness keep dancing! Let’s get started ******************************** In yoga there is a pose called the Prosperous pose, or lotus pose. It is also called the happy pose. In Sanskrit it means the swirling motion of a cross symbolizing the spinning of creation and evolution. Happiness is created within and then evolves outward into our intellectual view of the world and is present in how we move through the world; be it graceful or awkward. Happiness manifest as, “the sweet nectar” or the molecules within our brain’s chemistry called endorphins. These molecules of happiness may take us on a euphoric ride where we begin to experience bliss; body, mind and soul. Did you know that happiness is just a thought away? Positive psychology research indicates that thinking three to five gratitude thoughts a day improves the immune system and boost happiness. Gratitude fills the soul with joy. Be Grateful ********************************************** Be grateful that you don’t already have everything you want That means there is more to come! ************************************ Be grateful for your health It is your true wealth ************************************ Be grateful for the simple things Food, shelter and warmth END: With calmness of being happiness becomes contagious. A happy soul brings joy, good health and bliss to everyone and everything they encounter. If you want to prosper remember that prosperity is drawn to happiness just like we are drawn to happy people. Happiness is as basic a need as food and water. Ask anyone what they would want most in life and most likely, right after good health, they will choose happiness. EGO: flip your hand up and extend out the index finger the symbol of your ego. Happiness requires discipline and self-control. Something the ego sometimes finds difficult to do. Even the moments of unhappiness that we wish never transpired can bring us happiness. No one wants to go through a divorce, a strained relationship, loss of a loved one, loss of a job, or any other disappointment in life. But when we see these things as simply a part of the big picture of life, we intuitively know it is best to let go and let be. Pull your ego in (index finger) and place your thumb on top. This is the symbol of your soul and symbolizing your ego bowing to your soul as it lets go. Remember to be the Observer of Life. Be content with what comes into and goes out of your life, and you will begin to find the true nature of happiness. Namaste ~ may you walk the path of life with health, happiness and peace. Doctor Lynn For more classes – courses - books and consultations

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