Saturday, March 28, 2015

Devotion to what you love

Today we’re going to study a little bhakti yoga. Success in any endeavor and especially on the journey to enlightenment takes time. If you have an intention with a great devotion the time will be shorter. However, it all depends upon whether you are practicing or working (doing your karma) faithfully. It’s about devotion and that is bhakti yoga. Further bhakti is about finding your Ishta. What is your Ishta? It is that which you can devote yourself to with complete faith.

It means devotion or surrender to the divine energy of the universe. In practical terms, it is the inspired vision that focuses our desires. We know that desire leads to action and action leads to achievement, but desire left on its own without an underlying vision has a tendency to move in many directions at the same time. We desire this and we desire that; lacking focus. A clear vision gives us direction. That’s why we need to practice karma, discipline and focus. Nothing is achieved without practice.  Let’s practice.


In the study of Bhakti yoga, love is seen first from a spiritual perspective and then applied in a practical way so that the way of the heart or the journey towards love becomes a harmonizing and uplifting place where our personal relationships serve the spiritual process of self-discovery and self-transcendence. This requires karma or the ability to transcend the ego and see all of life and all of life’s relationships as opportunities to grow. When we do this we annihilate the seeds of karma. That is why even a so called “bad” relationship has the opportunity to bring you wisdom and gaining wisdom is why we are here.

Doctor Lynn


Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Maya the Illusion of Life

Maya however does not mean that the world is an illusion, but rather that illusion rests in our point of view. The shapes and structures we see around us are really the concepts of our measuring and categorizing minds.

In the Hindu view like the Buddhist view, all things are fluid and ever changing. Since the illusion is constantly changing, Karma (meaning action) is the active principle behind the force of creation.

As long as we believe in the illusion of life and that we are separate (ego driven) from the rest of the universe we are bound by Karma. To break the bonds of Karma is to realize the divinity (unity) in all of life.

Yoga, which means yoke, is a way to join the eternal energy of the universe. There are many kinds of Yoga, each suited to a different temperament and level of development. All however strive towards developing an intrinsic balance that will help you to maintain your balance in life while being  able to compensate for the stressful influences which constantly threaten to upset your balance and harmony. The key word here is balance. Stress, ill health, weight problems, addictions, relationship problems, financial problems, or whatever we perceive to be our earthy problems is the result of an unbalanced energy system. To correct this we must implement a program that allows us to rediscover our balance and then maintain it.

Learning to balance energy is the process of lifestyle change. Without it we simply will swing back and forth or up and down and never reach states of physical, mental and spiritual balance.

The reason why fad diets, and quick fix exercise programs or crisis intervention don’t always work is because we are not dealing with the inner core of energy and balance. Once we learn to harness this energy our choices, attitudes and perceptions drastically change.

We see the illusion for what it is – we are not the material world, but the material world is here to teach us the lessons of life. Maya – remember  your perceptions and your attitudes are the illusion- nothing is permanent - everything changes. The only reality is that we are all connected in the great web of life. Respect yourself, respect others and respect the universe for we are all connected.



Saturday, March 21, 2015

Karma – cause and effect

To overcome karma there must be faith or at least courage to overcome what we must change in order to find peace. It will take discipline and strength. You will be tested every day. You must have a good memory so you can avoid repeating your mistakes. And you must take time to contemplate your life. Understand the difference between the life you think you are living and the one you are really living.

Hinduism like Buddhism is a set of spiritual instructions teaching us that the multitudes of things around us are simply manifestations of the same ultimate reality. Ultimate reality is understood as the soul or inner essence of things. When we confused the underlying unity of creation with our perceptions we are under the spell of maya, meaning illusion.    

Maya however does not mean that the world is an illusion, but rather that illusion rests in our point of view. The shapes and structures we see around us are really the concepts of our measuring and categorizing minds.

In the Hindu view like the Buddhist view, all things are fluid and ever changing. Since the illusion is constantly changing, Karma (meaning action) is the active principle behind the force of creation.


Understand the difference between the life you think you are living and the one you are really living. You are here to bring peace to your soul. Your earthly lessons are presented to you so that you might have the opportunity to overcome karma and find eternal peace. Your life is not about the material world. However, the material world provides an opportunity to discover yourself. Reflect upon your actions for every action cause a reaction. This is karma – cause and effect.

Doctor Lynn

Thursday, March 19, 2015

The Four Noble Truths

Buddhism teaches that there are four Nobel Truths that dictate the nature of our lives. The first is that frustration comes from an inability to accept that all things are transitory, meaning constantly changing. Nothing in our lives is permanent.

The second Noble Truth is that all our suffering comes from grasping or clinging to life based upon a wrong point of view. By clinging to beliefs and aspects of life that we believe to be permanent we lose sight of the fluidity of life. We confuse our perception of reality for reality. It thus creates a vicious circle where every action creates further action. This is known as the Law of Karma or the never-ending chain of cause and effect.

The third Noble Truth states that we can transcend the laws of cause and effect. To reach this state we must transcend the bondage of Karma and give up the false notion of being separate from the oneness of the universe.

The fourth Noble Truth is the prescription for ending all suffering. It is the eight-fold path of self-development. The first two sections deal with right seeing (perceptions) and right knowing (attitudes). The next four are ways of action such as balance through, nutrition, exercise, meditation or generally living a balanced life without swinging between extremes. The last section is about right awareness and right meditation, which is the direct mystical experience of reality.

Hinduism like Buddhism is a set of spiritual instructions teaching us that the multitudes of things around us are simply manifestations of the same ultimate reality. Ultimate reality is understood as the soul or inner essence of things. When we confused the underlying unity of creation with our perceptions we are under the spell of maya, meaning illusion.    

Maya however does not mean that the world is an illusion, but rather that illusion rests in our point of view. The shapes and structures we see around us are really the concepts of our measuring and categorizing minds.

In the Hindu view like the Buddhist view, all things are fluid and ever changing. Since the illusion is constantly changing, Karma (meaning action) is the active principle behind the force of creation.

Doctor Lynn

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

A Recipe for Love – an Arabian night

Is there a genie in those spice jars sitting on your shelf? Could they possess the spice of love? It has long been believed that spices such as saffron and cinnamon are spices of love. Both spices play prominent roles in middle eastern cooking, folk lore and myths.

When I was in Morocco I bought saffron, cinnamon and a spice mix called, Ras el hanout or top of the shop. The smell and the flavor was not at all like anything you find on the grocery store shelf. As I wondered through the open spice market I was amazed at the meager cost and the brilliant colors and smells. Next to the spice cart was a cart of dates, plums, apricots and nuts. Everything was neatly stacked and wonderfully displayed for the shoppers to purchase and turn into the evening meal.

In the Middle East the Arabs use fruits and spices to create sweet and interesting stews. My favorite is the Tagines from Morocco. Saffron and cinnamon play top note to the flavor and the scent. Tender meat and interesting flavors make tagines a work of love.

Saffron, a very expensive spice is thought to bring love and lust into your life. Cinnamon, as well is known for its ability to both excite and entice. Top of the shop is a combination of spices that is used to top off a dish giving it a distinct flavor. Top of the shop spice mix is made different by each vendor in Morocco. It is a blend of salt, pepper, turmeric, cumin, ginger, paprika, saffron, cinnamon, cardamom, cloves and white pepper. You’ll find all these spices added to any Moroccan dish.

The stews are made in a tagine (a Moroccan stewing pan). The stews cook for several hours constantly being stirred with love. The word tagine although referred to as the pot, in which the stew is cooked, means a succulent stew. The word succulent means juicy and full of interest. Sounds like love to me!

Spices add flavor and interest to our foods. Spicing up your relationship can enhance love and renew interest. Often times we take for granted the flavors of life. Love is something we seek, find and then abandon in the shuffle of time. Like spices, love carefully blended into our life enhances all that we think, say and do. Love adds flavor.

The Arabian Nights are a collection of fables, romances, historic accounts and fairy tales collected from various ethnic backgrounds; mostly Indian and Persian. Probably they were first oral stories that later were written into a Syrian manuscript that is now housed in Paris.

Fairy tales, romance and fables intrigue us because they spice up the ordinary into something hot, warm, tingling and aromatic. Adding interesting spices to your cuisine by trying different ethnic foods will ignite the senses and just might aromatically spark your love life.

Doctor Lynn

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Working on your karma

You must have faith and courage to discover why you are here. You must be strong enough to withstand all the lessons and tests of life. You must have a good memory so that you remember your mistakes and stop repeating them. You must be willing to contemplate and reflect upon your life. And you must be able to discriminate between who you think you are and who you really are – you are your soul.

To accomplish this you must practice –with intent and with dedication. If you have continually practiced yoga you know it has improved your life. There is more to yoga than the poses. Karma yoga is about discovering why you are here and the work you must do to free your soul.

Nothing is accomplished without practice.

Live your life with faith and, courage. Be strong enough to withstand the tests and lessons of life. Have a good memory so you remember the mistakes you have made and stop repeating them. Take time to contemplate and reflect. And remember you are not the material world – you are your soul.

Doctor Lynn

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

A Recipe for Happiness - a prune and an apricot walked into…

When most of us think of apricots and prunes we think of laxatives and high fiber. Now it’s true that both have high fiber, but as to the laxative attribute it’s debatable. Seems there is no conclusive evidence to support either one being a laxative. However, they both are nutritious and can lift our mood making us happier and therefore perhaps a little more relaxed and well you know…things happen when you’re relaxed!

Prunes are dried plums and apricots are apricots. Prunes are high in fiber and vitamin A. They are also a good source of potassium and an antioxidant. Apricots are also a good source of fiber and high in vitamin A. Both fruits can be eaten fresh or dried however, when you dry fruit you remove the water and increase the sugar content.

Prunes are an excellent antioxidant rating high on the ORAC scale which measures the antioxidant in foods. Antioxidants help the body to fend off free radicals which cause the body to age. Stress, smoking, pollution, airplanes, poor diet and a general overall unhealthy lifestyle attribute to the body’s production of free radicals. Even if we are living a healthy lifestyle we cannot help but be bombarded by free radicals. None of us can escape pollution and stress; even if we could control everything else.

Apricots are also a good source for antioxidants. Although not as high on the ORAC scale as prunes, apricots are a good source for the antioxidant vitamin A, which has been shown to have a positive effect on eyesight. Apricots are also a good source of tryptophan and potassium. Both of which contribute to an improved state of mind.

The Apricot originated in China and now the majority of apricots consumed in our country come from California. And guess what? The process of drying plums into prunes took hold in California which happens to be the leading producer of prunes worldwide.

Apricots arrive as one of the first signs of summer and plums likewise make their first appearance in late spring and early summer. Is there anyone who doesn’t smile at the thought of fresh fruit ripening on a tree?

Prunes and apricots work hard to keep us young. They provide us with energy, nutrients and essential vitamins and minerals. They’re sweet and versatile. You’ll find them in recipes, brandies, jams, pies and more. Does hard working, energetic, essential, vital and sweet make you smile?

Say hello to Happiness - the prune and  the apricot!
Doctor Lynn


Saturday, March 07, 2015

What does it mean to burn the seeds of desire?

Here we study a little of karma yoga which means we are here to work through our vices and gather our virtues. This is the work of life and not that of the material world. We all desire to acquire things. It is not wrong to desire. It is human nature. But it is our attachment to these things and our inability to see these things as separate from which we are that is the problem.

Our task here on earth is to be able to discern between whom we really are and life as we think we see it and experience it. We are not the material world. We are our soul and our soul is here in this life to accomplish its mission. What is that mission?  To discover our mission we must practice with faith or at least courage. We need a good memory so that we can avoid repeating our mistakes and remember the lessons we’ve learned. We must contemplate or stop and reflect. And finally we must be able to discern between who we think we are and who we really are. You are your soul.  Listen…

Doctor Lynn


Thursday, March 05, 2015

Noble Truths

First Noble Truth – our difficulty is accepting that things change.

The second Noble Truth is that all our suffering comes from grasping or clinging to life based upon a wrong point of view. By clinging to beliefs and aspects of life that we believe to be permanent we lose sight of the fluidity of life. We confuse our perception of reality for reality. It thus creates a vicious circle where every action creates a reaction. This is known as the Law of Karma or the never-ending chain of cause and effect.

Everything in life continually changes. Accept change and learn to move with the flow of life for what might be important right now may mean nothing a moment from now.
Focus on the important part of your life - health, happiness and peace. The rest will take care of itself.
Doctor Lynn

Tuesday, March 03, 2015

A Recipe for Sex – Carrots–More Than Meets the Eye

Orange is the color associated with the sacral chakra center which in yoga is the center of sexuality. Carrots are orange so that must make them sexy, right? Well it’s not just the color of carrots that makes them an erotic vegetable. There’s more to the carrot than meets the eye!

Carrots have long been promoted as good for your eyesight. That’s because carrots provide vitamin A and a deficiency in vitamin A has been associated with night blindness. When I was young my parents would tell me to eat my carrots because they were good for my eyes. When I looked at them inquisitively, my father would ask me if I ever saw a bunny rabbit wearing glasses. I would smile and eat my carrots.

Eating carrots for eyesight is an old wives tale, however eating carrots for sexual health is something else. Carrots are an edible root vegetables packed with nutrients. They are sweet and easily digestible both raw and cooked. They are rich in beta carotene which is what gives it the orange color. Further carrots provide a good source of vitamin C, vitamin B (Riboflavin, Niacin, Thiamin, vitamin B6 and folate), vitamin E (Alpha Tocopherol) and vitamin K. They are also a rich source of minerals such as manganese and potassium. Carrots also provide iron, copper, zinc, calcium, selenium, proteins, carbohydrates and biotin. Each 100-gram of carrots contains 0.6 gram of protein, 7.6 gram of carbohydrates, 30 milligram of calcium, 0.3 gram of fat and 0.6 milligram of iron.

The Greeks and Romans believed carrots to be an aphrodisiac. So much so that the Roman emperor Caligula fed nothing but carrots to his senate so he could watch them romp like wild beast. A study out of Glasgow found that males who ate more carotenoids lived longer, were healthier and were more attractive to females.

Vitamin A is needed for the production of hormones in both men and women. In men the proper amounts of vitamin A are responsible for sperm production and virility and in females vitamin A is responsible for responsiveness and the ability to carry a fetus.

Vitamin A is responsible for our gonads (sex organs – testes and ovaries) ability to convert cholesterol into the sex hormones to be released into the blood stream and give us desire.  Without adequate vitamin A the ovaries in women and the prostate in men stop producing mucus and sex hormones.

Vitamin A is a fat soluble vitamin meaning it is eaten, transported and stored in fat. You must be careful when cutting fat out of your diet not to cut out the fat soluble vitamins. However, one way to make sure you get plenty of vitamin A and keep the fat and calories down is to eat carrots. Cooking and processing kills the vitamin A in most foods. Carrots however, are a good source both raw and steamed.  A little side of steamed carrots just might steam things up in the bedroom. So you see there’s more to carrots than meets the eye!

Doctor Lynn