Saturday, February 29, 2020

#Yoga Today ~ The Nidhi

What is the Nidhi? It is a container or a fund that contains things of great value also known as the nidhis. It also means the exchange of things of value. It contains things we all share and value in life. To discover the Nidhi and its valuable content remember the whole material universe consists of five everlasting and imperishable substances; soul, motion, space, rest and matter. The soul gives energy its motion and as it moves it looks for a space to occupy. Once in the space it begins to rest and materialize into matter. The space is the Nidhi and the matter is the nidhis. Just remember what’s important is how matter relates to the other matter within the space it occupies. This creates either harmony or discord.

The Nidhi is where you will begin to discover the treasures of life; use them wisely and you will discover the wisdom that leads to wealth, pleasure, harmony and liberation. In this you prosper.

Remember the four aims or goals in life are available to anyone who seeks them. Every day take stock of your wealth, pleasure, harmony and liberation. How do you count your wealth? It could be in the form of your health or a healping hand from a friend. Your friendships are truly a gift of wealth. Did you enjoy the small and precious moments of life? In this you found pleaure,. Did you observe life rather than judge? Did you move gracefully and thoughfully without discord when something disturbing happened? In this you discover harmony. Can you accept things as they are, make pece with them and then reach out to make change? This will bring you freedom or liberatoin. Every day seek to discover the four aims in life and in this you will prosper.

 Where is the Nidhi?  Let’s begin

You are both the container and the contents. You hold all the treasures of life within you. As we move down the road of prosperity we will begin to discover some of these treasures.  If you wish to discover them keep practicing yoga and in this we will all prosper.


To prosper you need to know how to work your karma and then how to keep your focus on the four aims or directions in life; wealth, pleasure, harmony and liberation. Then next you will need to know where to find the Nidhi; the container that holds the treasures of life. Inside the Nidhi you will find all you need to prosper. Where is the Nidhi and what are the treasures? You are both the container and the contents. You hold all the treasures of life within you. As we move down the road of prosperity we will begin to discover some of these treasures.  If you wish to discover them keep practicing the yoga of prosperity and in this we will all prosper.

Prosperity depends more on wanting what you have than having what you want

Namaste ~ I celebrate the place where our souls meet

Doctor Lynn

Saturday, February 22, 2020

#Yoga Today – How to #Prosper

To recap: Before you can prosper you must gain punja and remove papa. This means to gain merits through good deeds while removing improper and disastrous behavior.

The practice of yoga fully acknowledges the realities of living in a material world. It encourages us to incorporate the four important goals of; soulful growth, meaningful work, pleasure and wealth into living a fulfilling and meaningful life.

Each day look to create and appreciate. You will discover wealth, pleasure, harmony and liberation are not that difficult to establish.  Do not get caught up in the world of material wealth. Happiness is not found in the size of your bank account. Happiness is simple and pure. However, do seek to create wealth in the world. With material wealth we can build a better world with good health care, education, art, music, shelter and food for all. It is not wealth that destroys it is greed. Seek to create and then create more. Each time you reach out make punja and remove papa and you will discover how to follow the four paths that lead to prosperity.

Enjoy the pleasures of life but remember even the so called good pleasures can turn painful if you are not careful. Enjoy everything, but never to excess.

Move in harmony with life. This means to become the observer and not the judge and jury. Discord and dissention will never bring you prosperity. Except things as they are and make peace with them. You can then reach out to change something, but do it from a place of acceptance and peace. This will bring you liberation. If you have something you are struggling with, observe it and accept it for what it is right here right now. In a moment all things may change and what might be important today will be meaningless tomorrow. Count your blessings and appreciate all of life for it is all just a great opportunity to learn, know and master life. Even anger can be a great teacher if you learn to observe it and then use it to remind yourself to be kind. Awareness is the key.

In a world full of chaos and cruelty you will need balance, strength, flexibility and peace to navigate the pathway of prosperity - Let’s get started.


Make punja and remove papa. Observe as you move through life. Are you acting from the ego or listening to your soul? The ego will always fight to win but the soul cares not about winning or losing – it just wants to learn, know and master this life. You may not do that in this lifetime and that is why you need to pay attention to karma. You are here to work out the mission of your soul and in doing so you will discover the true nature of earthly wealth, pleasure, harmony and liberation and in this you will prosper.   

Next week the Nidhi.

Namaste ~ I celebrate the place where our souls meet

Doctor Lynn


Saturday, February 08, 2020

Liberation ~ the fourth aim - staying on the Soulful Path

The journey of life is not about your body or about your mind, but about your soul. But without the health of your body and your mind the journey is useless. We spend so much time fretting over the configuration of the body and either denying it or giving it pleasure that we lose sight of its purpose. We thrash about in our minds bashing our life with self-loathing, complaints and fear forgetting why we took on this body, this mind and this life.  We are here to find liberation.  Don’t confuse liberation with having the freedom to do whatever you choose. Liberation means to reach a level of peace with life just as it is- it means to become the observer of life free of disturbance and judgement. With liberation comes wisdom.


You are here to discover liberation and to gather wisdom; so seek it. Without the experiences of life wisdom can never be found.  One thing I know for sure about wisdom is that it doesn’t come easy and experiences don’t come without living a full life.


Wisdom is sometimes defined as knowledge. But plenty of people have knowledge with little common sense or judgment. Wisdom is far more than knowledge; however it does require knowledge and experience. Wisdom is the ability to learn, know and master your life. Wisdom is in knowing the right path to walk. Integrity is walking it. This is the great challenge of soul walking.


Along the soulful path there will be many divergences and zigs and zags. There will be times when you will wander so far off the path you get lost. You may never realize the maya of life; the illusion is not in the material world, but how you perceive it. Use the world to realize your highest potential, or the world will use you. This is how you master life and prosper


Pay careful attention to energy, direction and consciousness. These three things will guide you towards prosperity. A prosperous world awaits anyone who follows the path with a balanced state of being and a clear mind. Walk, listen, look, feel, smell, taste, touch and intuit the world. Prosperity is everywhere. This will require the ability to find, understand and constructively use the treasures of life.  What are the treasures? Where are the treasures of life? You can find them in the Nidhi the great container of prosperity. But first you must focus on Lakshmi’s four aims or goals; wealth, pleasure, harmony and liberation.


Remember liberation is not being able to do whatever you want. It’s the ability to accept and be at peace with things just as they are. Wisdom is in knowing you have the power to change things through your perception and attitudes.


 Observe and remove judgement.. Everyone is doing the very best that they can. If you expect others and the world to be and do as you would like you may end up disappointed and suffer an emotional loss. But if you can accept others and things for who they are and what they are capable of giving, doing and being you will remove expectations and the issues will resolve. Soul walking is paying attention to where you are going, what you are doing and who you are being.  Just remember not all souls are fully evolved, or for that matter ready, willing and able to learn, know and master.  Just stay focused on you and what you are being and doing. This is liberation and his leads to prosperity.


To prosper you need to know how to work your karma and then how to keep your focus on the four aims or directions in life; wealth, pleasure, harmony and liberation. Then next you will need to know where to find the Nidhi; the container that holds the treasures of life. Inside the Nidhi you will find all you need to prosper. Where is the Nidhi and what are the treasures? Keep practicing yoga and you will discover the secret of prosperity.


Namaste ~ I celebrate the place where our souls meet

Doctor Lynn

Saturday, February 01, 2020

Harmony – the third direction or aim in life

Our third direction should be to dance in harmony with life. This requires a code of ethics and morals that act as beacons telling us how to behave. In yoga we would call these the Yamas and Niyamas.  The opposite of harmony is disharmony or discord. When we are in discord with the world prosperity is diminished.

Cultivating harmony we develop compassion and understanding with all our relationships on earth. We move from being separate and bound by the ego to merging past the barriers that keep us apart and at odds. When we develop impartiality towards others all living things in the world become one force of energy and with this the emotions of love, caring and empathy endure under all circumstances.  Impartiality does not mean to be indifferent. It means to be undisturbed by the ebb and flow of life.

According to the philosophy of Karma yoga the whole material universe consists of five everlasting, enduring substances. It is through these five substances and their relationship to each other that the whole world unfolds and evolves.

These five enduring substances are space, motion, rest, matter and soul. Space is the container of everything; motion is required for change to occur; rest is necessary for matter to accumulate. Matter exists as a finite number of points of energy that come together by resting in space. The soul is the unifying energy that gives birth to potential.  Therefore you are matter occupying space with the potential to create. Create harmony and you will prosper.


For the most part relationships provide us with an opportunity to discover who we are. We relate to people, to places and to things. We relate to nature, technology, art, music, food and every aspect of life. It is the disharmony within these relationships that creates fear, anguish and disappointment. Remove the D-GAP- deceit, greed, anger and pride. Replace them with compassion and understanding and in this you prosper.


Harmony requires commitment, understanding, patience, and forgiveness, a lot of hard work, compromise, balance, flexibility, strength and respect. It means to put aside our attachment to being right, or even being wrong, and come back to the present moment and do what it takes to remove discord. Then just like in music, arrange the notes so that what we experience is melodic harmony.

Remember the whole material universe consists of five everlasting and imperishable substances; space, motion, rest, matter and soul. What’s important is how matter relates to other matter within the space it occupies. All of life is equal, but different. And that is what makes life so interesting. Harmonize with life and the obstacles that block success will be removed and you will prosper.

Namaste ~ I celebrate the place where our souls meet

Doctor Lynn