Friday, October 31, 2014

Trick or Treat? What Halloween candy is a good source of antioxidants and expedites weight loss? !

Health TipYou know you’ll buy them and you know you’ll eat at least one – so what is the best mini version of our favorite candy bars with the least amount of calories and the least amount of saturated fat? Of the three favorites; Milky Way miniatures, 3 musketeers miniatures and Snickers miniatures, 3 Musketeers is the best, at 24 calories and less than 1 gram of fat as compared to Milky Way at 38 calories and 1.6 grams of fat and Snickers at 42.5 calories and 2.25 grams of fat. To make things even better, Three Musketeers makes a dark chocolate mint mini candy bar. Dark chocolate is full of antioxidants and mint is a stimulant which means it boost metabolism while suppressing appetite. It’s good for digestion and will make you feel full and satisfied. Now before you start to cheer and pop open that bag of Three Musketeers, remember we are choosing the candy that is the least harmful to a healthy diet. Moderation and healthy choice is the key to balance.  Dark chocolate and mint means good health and weight control. If you are going to indulge make the healthy choice!

Now You Need to Burn Those Calories

What is the best way to burn off those extra calories? Get up and dance! Aero*boga to the rescue. Here is the October playlist. Go to ITunes download these songs and make a playlist. Stretch, move and dance, or put your Aero*boga DVD in and spend one hour doing yoga/dance with me. You will burn about 380 to 510 calories in a one hour workout. Don’t have the DVD? Order the book Spiritual Fitness and get the DVD for free!  

 A Yoga Moment- The Greedy Mind

 In Yoga the opposite of contentment is craving and craving produces greed. It is a disturbed mind that keeps us in the constant battle with our cravings. The purpose of yoga is to bring peace to the mind so that we can gather the energies of our conscious and subconscious mind and balance out our energy. Here is a good example to follow – if after the Halloween party you vow to stop eating candy bars, but you keep thinking about all those mini 3 Musketeers left over from Halloween, wouldn’t it be better to eat just one, happily enjoy it and then spend the rest of the day with a less scattered mind?
But what if you work hard to suppress your desire for the candy? With yoga we are not trying to discipline the conscious mind. Rather we work to discipline the subconscious mind so that your thoughts come through from the subconscious into the conscious creating a state of mind that is conducive to contentment, happiness and peace.

So here is my Halloween candy yoga suggestion- take out the left over candy and take out your favorite candy. Sit quietly and take a few deep breathes. Quietly examine the wrapper, gently unwrap, close your eyes, pop it into your mouth and savor the texture, the flavor and the smell. When you’re done, open your eyes get up and throw the left over candy away. You won’t crave it any more. Happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Spiritual Fitness

Remember we are all just energy that has taken on a unique form in order to live out our evolution. No life is any better or any worse.

According to Eastern thought, our being consists of seven layers of energy. The final and most noticeable layer of energy is the gross physical body. This layer of energy vibrates at a frequency lower than the other layers, which accounts for its visibility in the physical world. The higher frequency layers cannot be seen, but still have an effect on our physical self. All of the layers of energy are interdependent and cannot be separated. As long as consciousness exists the layers of energy are joined.
The seven layers of energy are as follows. The first is the physical self, the second is the etheric self or the vital energetic self (known as the aura), the third is the astral or emotional self, the fourth is the mental self where thoughts are formed, the fifth is the spiritual or intellectual self, the sixth is the cosmic self (sometimes called the “pure intelligent self”), and the seventh is like the Tao impossible to name, as it is beyond name and form. It is the integration and balance of all the layers of energy that create a harmonious aura and thus a healthy body-mind. Spiritual fitness is being able to harness the infinite energy of the cosmos through the spiritual self. We then use the energy to bring balance and harmony to the other layers of our being, resulting in health and fitness in the body-mind. The blended, healthy aura projects our strength, balance, and centered nature. We exude self-confidence, peace and happiness.
Doctor Lynn

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Free Yoga lesson – Pleasure and Pain

There are things in life that bring us pleasure and there are things that bring us pain. But often times those things that brings us pleasure turn into pain and those that bring pain turn into pleasure.

An example; to love someone or something brings us pleasure. But that very same love can also bring us unhappiness, hatred, sadness and jealousy.
Anger can bring pain, but if the anger is there to correct an injustice or a problem it can bring great joy and happiness.

The question is all a matter of motive. Whatever the thought is, if there is selfishness behind it, it will only bring you pain. So it is up to us to develop selfless thoughts; thoughts without expectations or motives. This means to live in the moment, pure and simple, happy and content with life as it is. If it appears painful turn inward and examine your thoughts. Likewise if it appears pleasurable turn inward and examine your thoughts.

Yoga is about stopping, being quiet and analyzing your thoughts, words and deeds. Be selfless. Make others happy and you will always be happy and find peace.   
Is this easy? No. That is why we practice yoga. If you want to achieve anything (happiness) you must practice.

Doctor Lynn

There are things that will bring you pleasure and there are things that will bring you pain. But remember pain can turn to pleasure and pleasure can turn to pain, so don’t get attached. Bring happiness to the world and you will bring happiness and peace into your life.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Spiritual Fitness

Aero*boga is about acknowledging and activating the life force that surrounds all of us. It thereby affects the very nature of our being. In Sanskrit (the ancient Aryan language), and in yoga, many references are made to Gods, Goddesses, Lords and Divas as forces of energy that dance around the universe. These forces of energy affect all of us.
Becoming aware of this energy and learning how to use it constructively, to bring balance and fitness to the body, mind, and spirit, is the essence of Aero*boga.

The life force that vitalizes everything in the universe is called Prana. It is actually the energy responsible for the movement of all consciousness in the world.  Prana is about vitality and balance and this is what brings about health and fitness. Integrating this energy of consciousness into the body-mind allows us to tap into the spiritual energy of our soul.
Doctor Lynn

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

A recipe for Happiness – Saffron the Yellow Bloom

Yellow is a color that lifts our spirits. We see this in SAD (seasonal affected disorder). For many people a lack of sunshine creates a sad and depressing mood. However, I would safely say that for everyone a beautiful sunny day makes us all feel a little happier.

If you want to stimulate your memory and remember something jot it down of yellow paper. That’s because yellow is the most memorable of all the colors. Yellow tends to raise blood pressure and increase pulse rate, but not to the degree of red. It is subtle, energizing, uplifting and can help to lift a sad or depressed mood.

Although saffron tends to increase our physical heart rate and pulse it contains the chemical crocetin which actually lowers high blood pressure. Some people even speculate that the low incidence of heart disease in Spain is due to the nation’s high consumption of saffron.

But can saffron really make you happy? Well it is the world’s most expensive spice. Saffron is the threads from the stigmas of the sativus crocus flower. It takes about 13,125 threads to make one ounce. There are only three stigmas per flower. Saffron is handpicked. That is why it is so expensive.
Although Saffron is used in traditional Persian and Spanish cuisine it also has a magical and medicinal aspect. In fact non-Persians in ancient times feared the use of saffron believing it drugged people and induced sexual promiscuous behavior. However, Cleopatra is said to have bathed in saffron to make her love making more pleasurable. The Phoenicians marketed the spice as  a cure for melancholy and Buddhist monks adopted the color of saffron for their robes.

Modern medicine has discovered that saffron has anticancer, anti mutation and antioxidant proprieties. A tea made from saffron is said to help cure alcoholism and to lift depression.
Saffron is also associated with Eos the goddess of dawn who is said to open the gate to the sun each morning bringing sunlight and joy.

Saffron contains over 150 aromatic oils. It also has many nonvolatile components like carotonoids and lycopene. Actually lycopene is a carotonoid that has anticancer components that are more powerful than Vitamin E.

So if the yellow color of the crocus flower doesn't make you smile the fact that you can uplift your anticancer protection by simply eating the world’s most expensive spice while also uplifting a sad mood and enhance love making, sure makes adding saffron to your diet a happy proposition.  

Doctor Lynn

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Yoga Lesson - Who are you?

You are the one who knows and the one who sees. But who are you? If you answer this with, your name, your occupation, your status, your height, your weight or the color of your eyes, you begin to identify yourself (your body) with the thoughts in your mind.  But without any identification, who are you?

If we detach ourselves from all the things we identify ourselves with, we find the pure “I” and this pure “I’ is nothing more than pure energy.  Everything in the universe is made up of energy. The difference in persons, places and things is found in the molecular structure and the movement of energy. Water is molecules of energy. If we speed up the energy (heat it) it becomes steam and if we slow it down it becomes ice. It’s still the same water.

So if we look behind the different forms of energy we will find one unchanging consciousness known as the spirit.

No two individuals are alike in body and in mind. But we are all the same spiritual force of energy. Behind all of life is one never changing force; spirit. It is our minds that construct and identify the world into persons, place and things. So by simply changing our minds we can change everything.
Yoga is based upon self- reformation, self- control and self- adjustment. Simply, this means that is any given situation we have the power to change our point of view, then we must apply the discipline it takes to hold that point of view and then apply it to the situation.

Example: you are angry at someone. Change your point of view. See this person with compassion. They are no different that you or me. Now hold that compassion no matter how much your mind tries to draw you back into a state of anger. Then interact with them with a sense of compassion and understanding. You have reformed, controlled and adjusted to the situation is a compassionate and understanding way.

Not easy. Nothing is achieved without practice. That is why we practice yoga.

Doctor Lynn

The basis of yoga is self- reformation, self- control and self- adjustment. Change your mind and you change everything.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Spiritual Fitness

It is important to remember that spiritual fitness is a process. This process begins with this first question: Why am I here in this place and living this life? The second step is assessing your lifestyle and implementing change. As long as the body-mind is thrashing about, it is difficult to achieve clarity. Clarity is what sets us on the spiritual path.

Be quiet, be still and listen, and you will hear the voice of your soul.
Doctor Lynn

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Yoga Lesson – The One Who Sees and Knows

If you control your mind you control everything. You are both the seer and the knower. You see and you know. But you are neither your body nor your mind. You are the peaceful quiet energy of your soul. To understand, imagine that I ask you to look in a mirror. The mirror is curved and concave. The image you see will not be an accurate reflection of your face. It will be a distortion. If I make the mirror perfectly smooth and clean you will see your reflection without any distortions. Only then can you truly see your reflection.

The mind is like a mirror. If it is muddy, wavy or dirty, you will begin to think this is the true you. You will see all sorts of distortions such as anger, hate, fear and stress. But if the mind becomes clear and smooth like the perfect mirror you will see your true self which is quiet, calm and peaceful.

When the mind cease to create citta (mind stuff) it is perfectly clear of the movement (distortion) we create with our emotions and our thoughts. The mind then sees and knows itself as still and calm like a placid lake. It is the true seer and the knower.
The true you, is always the same, but you appear to be distorted because of the citta that goes through your mind. By making the mind pure and calm you go back to your original state of being, which is calm, quiet and at peace.

This is not an easy task. Nothing is achieved without practice. That is why we practice yoga.


Doctor Lynn

The true you is always the same. It is the mind with its thoughts, desires and emotions that distorts our view. Quiet the mind and experience the real you – the one who sees and the one who knows. Control your thoughts and you control everything.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Hydrophilic Foods

Do you know what they are and why you should eat them?

Translated form Greek, hydrophilic means “loving water.”  In terms of food and nutrient it means foods that attract and retain water. They fill you up without filling you out!

These foods are packed with soluble fiber which attracts water and forms a gel-like solution that slows down digestion. As a result these foods make you feel fuller longer. They help you to manage and even lose weight. Further because they are slower to digest they help to keep your blood sugar level and keep insulin in check. Another benefit is that they can help to lower LDL cholesterol.

Here is a list of ten (although there are many) hydrophilic foods to add to your grocery list:

 Oatmeal, agar, Brussel sprouts, barley, okra, kidney beans, oranges and pears.

Because you are what you eat!

Doctor Lynn

Thursday, October 09, 2014

Spiritual Fitness and Aero*boga

Aero*boga is about acknowledging and activating the life force that surrounds everything and is a part of everything in the universe. It is called Prana. This force of energy affects us all. It vitalizes everything in the universe and is responsible for the movement of all consciousness.

Integrating this conscious energy into the body-mind allows us to tap into the spiritual energy of our soul. The spirit is the energy force and the soul is the memory track of your being. Nothing leaves the soul. 

The cosmic dance is the movement of the energy of the universe swirling around.  Fight tis energy and life becomes a black hole. Embrace it and life becomes dance. As we dance to this energy, so we become. This is Spiritual Fitness.
All of life is a cosmic dance of energy. Consciousness allows us to direct it, in any way that we will.

Doctor Lynn

Wednesday, October 08, 2014

A recipe for Happiness – Saffron the yellow bloom

Yellow is a color that lifts our spirits. We see this in SAD (seasonal affected disorder). For many people a lack of sunshine creates a sad and depressing mood. However, I would safely say that for everyone a beautiful sunny day makes us all feel a little happier.

If you want to stimulate your memory and remember something jot it down of yellow paper. That’s because yellow is the most memorable of all the colors. Yellow tends to raise blood pressure and increase pulse rate, but not to the degree of red. It is subtle, energizing, uplifting and can help to lift a sad or depressed mood.

Although saffron tends to increase our physical heart rate and pulse it contains the chemical crocetin which actually lowers high blood pressure. Some people even speculate that the low incidence of heart disease in Spain is due to the nation’s high consumption of saffron.

But can saffron really make you happy? Well it is the world’s most expensive spice. Saffron is the threads from the stigmas of the sativus crocus flower. It takes about 13,125 threads to make one ounce. There are only three stigmas per flower. Saffron is handpicked. That is why it is so expensive.

Although Saffron is used in traditional Persian and Spanish cuisine it also has a magical and medicinal aspect. In fact non-Persians in ancient times feared the use of saffron believing it drugged people and induced sexual promiscuous behavior. However, Cleopatra is said to have bathed in saffron to make love making more pleasurable. The Phoenicians marketed the spice as  a cure for melancholy and Buddhist monks adopted the color of saffron for their robes.

Modern medicine has discovered that saffron has anticancer, anti mutation and antioxidant properties. A tea made from saffron is said to help cure alcoholism and to lift depression.
Saffron is also associated with Eos the goddess of dawn who is said to open the gate to the sun each morning bringing sunlight and joy.

Saffron contains over 150 aromatic oils. It also has many nonvolatile components like carotonoids and lycopene. Actually lycopene is a carotonoid that has anticancer components that are more powerful than Vitamin E.

So if the yellow color of the crocus flower doesn't make you smile the fact that you can uplift your anticancer protection by simply eating the world’s most expensive spice while also uplifting a sad mood and enhances love making sure makes adding saffron to your diet a happy proposition.  

Doctor Lynn

Saturday, October 04, 2014

Yoga and Citta -Liberate Yourself

Citta is the mind stuff. It is our thoughts, emotions and processing center. The mind has different levels. There is the ego or the “I’. Then there is the part of the mind that gets attracted to outside senses.

A want arises, then an effort takes place to fulfill that want, and once you fulfill it you are back to your original place of peace. So naturally you are a state of peace. It is the citta that disturbs you.
The entire world is based upon your thoughts and your mental attitudes. It is from here you project the world. But remember what may make you happy today may be meaningless tomorrow.

Yoga is not about changing the outside world. It is about learning how to control the inner world or the citta. Yoga has a saying, “as the mind so the person.” Bondage and liberation are in your mind. If you feel bound by the world you will be bound and if you feel liberated you will be liberated.
Nothing is achieved without practice. This is why we practice yoga.

Doctor Lynn

Try a seat twist pose. Just sit in easy pose or even in a chair. Take a deep breath and twist your spine to one side. As you twist into the pose, ask yourself, do I feel twisted like a knot or liberated by the range of motion given to me by my spine.

If you learn to control your mind, you control everything. Then there is nothing in the world to bind you.

Wednesday, October 01, 2014

A Recipe for Sex - Shrimp - it’s no little thing

Are those little sweet crustaceans really a sex tonic? Famed French mistress, Madame DuBerry served her shrimp in Champagne sauce. Casanova’s traveling companion, Agnolo Torredano, said of shrimp that it was the “food of life that makes it possible for the cold, old body to still enjoy the heat of passion.”

In the United States spicy shrimp gumbo has a long history of being a salacious stew. And a little farther south in the Caribbean it is believe that eating shrimp during sex doubles the pleasure. What is it about these little creatures that are so sexy?

Shrimp provide iodine which is essential to the thyroid gland and basal metabolism. Iodine deficiency has been documented as reducing sex drive. Like many forms of seafood, shrimp offer iodine and omega-3 fatty acid – great for circulation and vital in the battle against aging. Shrimp also serve up a good portion of zinc and iron- two erotic minerals. When digested shrimp protein breaks down in the body to produce the amino acid phenylalanine, which increases levels of sex boosting neurotransmitters in the brain.

Archeologists have found evidence that shrimp and other crustaceans such as lobster, were eaten by sea-dwelling humans. I grew up off the coast of Maine in a small fishing village. My family fished for shrimp in the harsh winters of Maine. Shrimp Pea Wiggle was a dish we ate in the winter. I always thought my mother made up this name as a fun way to get us to eat our dinner, but it turns out that Shrimp Pea Wiggle is a New England dish. Nobody seemed to know where it originated from but it was a staple in New England cuisine.

Shrimp Pea Wiggle is shrimp tossed into a bĂ©chamel sauce with peas added and served over toast points. It is hearty and warm on a cold winter’s day. Everyone in the family went to work to create this dish.

The fresh shrimp would be brought in off the boats caught by the family fisherman and then we would all go to work de-heading and shelling the little creatures. My mother would make the sauce and create the dish. Unfortunately, for me if you have eaten fresh shrimp right off the boat anything else is tasteless.

May-be the name has a sexual undertone. Shrimp Pea Wiggle just might make you wiggle and it certainly will make you giggle and isn't wiggling and giggling a part of good sex? Perhaps there is more to this dish than a hearty meal?

Whatever the origin, seafood and especially the Mediterranean diet, which is mostly fish and seafood, provides us with essential nutrients that gets the metabolic fires burning and boost the sexual neurons making shrimp no little sexual thing! 

Doctor Lynn    fr: Recipes for Health, Sex, Happiness and Love