The first thing in finding your center is to accept yourself.
Don’t draw comparisons between yourself and others. Instead try to focus on living
up to your highest potential. The second attitude necessary for centering yourself
is kindness. But to achieve kindness you must first be kind to yourself. You
will never overcome your failings by focusing on your short coming and allowing
yourself to indulge in unkindness and non-acceptance towards yourself. Don’t
get confused and allow kindness to excuse your need to work on achieving your
highest potential. Just use self-acceptance
and kindness to help you find your center. You’ll know it when you find it. It is
balanced, flexible, strong and peaceful. Let’s see if we can find it today.
Kindness is necessary for understanding yourself and others.
Without kindness there can never be acceptance of anyone or anything. Accept
yourself and your shortcoming with kindness. Accept the shortcomings in others with
kindness because kindness always leads us towards our highest potential.
Doctor Lynn