Saturday, August 17, 2024


The fourth kind of Karma is one that hinders your willpower. When this kind of Karma operates, it makes us incapable of doing even the simplest things. Negative thoughts grow and become more negative, more emotional, and more dangerous. These thoughts develop into anxiety, fear, anger, and even hostility. Finally, they break out into self-destructive actions. Many complications will arise when you lose the ability to harness your willpower. Willpower is the practice of self-control or self-discipline. It involves resisting shorter temptations and impulses to achieve long-term goals. To achieve this, we must consciously regulate our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors and be careful not to block our knowledge, feelings, health, and vitality. Conscious control takes effort and work; that is how we work our Karma. It requires balance, being open and flexible, and remaining strong and steadfast. Let’s go to work. END: Be aware of your willpower—both its strength and weakness. Being conscious of self-control means working on bringing balance to your life. Achieving goals requires motivation, monitoring behavior, and willpower, which helps us resist short-term temptations. Working your Karma is not about self-denial but about being able to consciously work on bringing balance and strength advice to your life. EGO: Flip your palms up and extend the index finger, symbolizing the ego. Daily decisions and suggestions may take us off the soulful path. The ego is very good at giving in to impulsivity. This impulse is called ego depletion, or when willpower gets used up on a particular task. As a result, we cannot exert the same level of willpower on another task. Willpower is like a muscle. It can be both strengthened and fatigued. The key to successfully using your willpower is balance. Pull your finger in and place your thumb on top. Take a breath and surrender to the soul. Be patient with yourself and recognize that setbacks are a part of the process of experiencing life. Focus on bringing balance to your life, body, mind, and soul; you will then discover the secret to strengthening your willpower, and this is how to work your Karma towards a successful life. Namaste~ may you walk the path of life with health, happiness, and peace. Doctor Lynn

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