Saturday, March 28, 2020

Potential is the fourth treasure

Potential energy, unlike kinetic energy which is energy in motion, is stored energy that exist by virtue of its’ relative position to everything else in the universe.  Just by your existence in relationship to everything else in the world you have been given the treasure of potential energy. That means you have the potential to create and your potential is only limited by how you position yourself in relationship to everything else in the world.  Self-acceptance is fundamental to discovering your potential. You are who you are so you should make the best of it. Don’t compare yourself or your life to others. Instead encourage yourself to attain your highest potential. Life is abundant with potential energy. Realize this and you will never go without.  


The laws of thermodynamics tell us that energy is never lost. It simply changes form. Yoga as a science tells us that when we let go of a particular desire, the energy of that desire manifest into material form. Consciously we therefore have the potential to create or destroy. This is not a think positive proposition. It is about giving a thought the potential to manifest. Nothing in life is created without first some level of conscious energy.


Nothing can exist in actuality that doesn’t already exist as potential energy.  We could never travel to faraway lands if the potential to do so was not already there.  As humans we have the potential to create at a very high level. Our brains allow us to master the complexities of life. An insect on the other hand is limited. But it does have wings and can fly. It’s biomechanically designed to do so. However, the creative potential of our brains allowed us to build flying machines!  Who knows, perhaps someday an insect will develop the potential to write a bestselling novel!


Potential energy is not simply positive thinking or mind over matter.  However, potential energy is best served with a positive outlook. Potential exist everywhere and it is up to us to turn it into kinetic energy or material form.


For life to exist at all there must be potential energy. Even science tells us that for the material world to exist there must be the potential. Consciousness needs a vehicle, such as the brain to bring thoughts into material manifestation. But it needs nothing to exist. It is potential waiting to materialize through its relationship to everything else in the universe.


Every thought, word and deed is a manifestation of potential energy. But for potential energy to bring you prosperity it must follow this formula: have a vision + backed with desire + a well thought-out plan + persistent and consistent action = success. 

You have been given potential energy as a gifted treasure. It is very powerful, but useless without conscious thought and action to bring it into fruition. Use it wisely and you will prosper.


Namaste ~ may you go with health, happiness and peace

Doctor Lynn          

Doctor Lynn's Nectars for vim, vigor and vitality          


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