Wednesday, March 18, 2020 # Wednesday Dose ~ #Corona #Listerine’s coming after you!

The shelves are bare. Rubbing alcohol to be found nowhere! So I thought; what kills 99.9% of germs is an antiseptic and basically alcohol? Listerine of course! #Listerine was something my parents always had in our house. It was what we used to clean the mouth and freshen the breath while at the same time fight off germs. When our throats were sore and we could feel something coming on we gargled away even though in those days it tasted pretty foul. Somewhat akin to what I might imaging turpentine taste like.  Both of my parents swore by its reputation as a germ killer. So with plenty of bottles of Listerine on the shelf, I bought a bottle of Listerine, and now I have something to fight 99.9% of those pesky germs!

I am not sure if it is effective against the #corona virus, but if it keeps the germs away and keeps my immune system strong it’s got to be good for me. Besides that I can use it as a disinfectant for my counters and bathroom and with its arctic mint taste I bet it will smell as well as taste very nice.

When your parents give you basic survival skills take note. Most likely they have a good reason for passing along healthy advice. So Corona, listen up; @Listerine kills 99.9% of germs while tasting and smelling good.  What do you say to that Corona virus?! Listerine’s coming after you!

Namaste ~ may you go with health happiness and peace

Doctor Lynn

Doctor Lynn's Nectars for vim , vigor and vitality!


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