Thursday, December 16, 2010

A Successful Life… and the fog rolls

Its early morning in Southern California and the fog has rolled in around my condo. We just had two days of sunny and 80 degrees weather in mid December. It was a nice break but the fog and the cold of winter has now returned.

Mother Nature in her all powerful way from time to time and from place to place breaks the patterns of seasons with changes that bring relief and sometimes bring us such destruction. Today is simply a return to the normal winter weather of Southern California.

Most of the time here in sunny California whether it be summer or winter the fog is present in the mornings. There are days when I can’t even see the street below because the fog is so thick. It’s just another day and life moves on.

What does a foggy morning have to do with living a successful life? Taking the time to notice the intricacies of life. Taking time to notice the every day events and when something out of the ordinary happens – like a warm sunny day breaks through the fog of winter- taking a moment to appreciate and marvel at the wonders of Mother Nature – that’s living a successful life.

We’re several hours into the morning now and the fog is still with us. It is beginning to feel like rain is in the air. Moods change and behaviors change according to the dictates of nature. The ability to flow with life whether the day be sunny and bright or dark and gloomy is a maker of living a successful life.

Doctor Lynn

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