Wednesday, October 13, 2010

What does it take to successfully get rid of a headache?

Sitting at a computer screen intensely concentrating can be the cause of a tension head ache. Ever feel it in your neck creeping up behind your eyes? It’s your body communicating its need to stretch, release and let go. Headaches come and headaches go. We say someone gives us a headache which is a kinder term than saying they are a pain in the A--! Nobody gives you a headache. To successfully get rid of a headache, get up stretch, breathe and smile. Whatever the aggravation or the tension remember it will pass. Better than a pill or a drink five minutes of yoga will successfully get rid of a headache. For a simple tension headache try this; sit quietly and close your eyes, inhale as you raise your shoulders up towards your ears and exhale as you lower them. Do this for one minute to successfully get rid of your headache.

Doctor Lynn

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