Monday, July 26, 2021

Discover the Powerful #Secret to Working your #Karma so your #Life #Works for you


In a rut? Do the same repetitive things haunt you and blunt your success? Are your relationships suffering? Stressed, exhausted, burnt-out, anxious, feeling confused, wondering what this crazy life is about? Want to discover how to use your time and energy more effectively and efficiently by discovering the reason, purpose and mission for being in this life?

Join Doctor Lynn: Here’s an opportunity to work with Doctor Lynn an internationally recognized speaker, author and producer; A naturopath, yoga therapist and karma master guide who will teach you how to use your karma to work through any fears, uncertainties and/or ignorance that may be overshadowing your ability to succeed.    

Discover the Powerful Secret to Working your Karma so your Life Work for you; a practical guide that will take you from questioning, to finding the answers to life’s most pressing questions; what is the meaning and purpose of my life and what is it I am here to do?  

Doesn’t matter how old you are, or what you are doing this guide will be invaluable when it comes to making your life healthier, easier, happier and more peaceful.


Once you learn how to identify and use your karma your life will begin to work for you in more positive and purposeful ways.   But it takes work – that’s karma. However, once you learn how to work your karma life gets easier and less complicated. You then begin to reap the rewards of an enriched, enhanced and prosperous life.

I went from a single mother to a highly educated, financially secure, successful author, speaker, teacher and producer using this guide. If I can do it, so can you; but it takes work. Just remember, no one gets anything unless it is earned; this is the eternal law of life.  If you are ready to make your life easier and more successful join me live for this 10-week class that will change your life by changing the way you work your karma! Register today – early bird spots are limited.

Early bird – one time offer $149 – you’ll get 10 weeks – one-hour weekly sessions, live with Doctor Lynn. Normally this would cost you $250 an hour for a consultation – that’s $2500 for ten weeks! You save over $2000!   All sessions are recorded so you will have access to all ten classes. You’ll also get a free digital download of the book; Discover the Powerful Secret to Working your Karma so your Life Works for you: by Doctor Lynn


Live class begins September 11th for more information

A good teacher shows the student where to look, but not what to see - I hope to be that karma teacher for you

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Before sound there is #love. #Karma #Yoga with Doctor Lynn Saturday @ 10AM PST - 1PM EST register


Let’s begin moving through the energy centers known as the chakras. Sit pressing your sit bones into the mat and focus on your root. Get a sense of grounding and take a deep breath. Move to your sacral between your hip and get centered. Take a deep breath. Move up to your belly and lift with a sense of empowerment; take a deep breath; and now we will begin to open the fourth chakra at the heart; the place before sound which when in balance allows us to become unstuck.

Its related functions are the heart, the thymus gland, circulatory systems and the lungs. Its related diseases are heart disease, lung problems, asthma and circulatory problems.

This fourth center radiates a golden hue with the primary color being green. It is thus balancing and the center of our energy system. Also known as the balancing color on the color spectrum. The most abundant color in nature is the color green and this is why when we are in nature, we feel balanced and calm.

 It is the source of our mental body and the center of love. Its polarity is the thoughts coming in and the thoughts going out of consciousness. When we transcend this polarity, we transcend mind or thought and the result is divine love. You can not express love with words it is something that must be felt and so it is the energy center before sound.

 The beat of the mother’s heart beat while in the womb is believed to be or first experience of consciousness and why we are drawn to drum beats and chanting.

Its first orientation is towards loving others, giving, sharing, feelings and emotions.   But if love gets out of balance, we can end up giving to much and thus losing our grounding in physical reality so that one loses love for self and becomes infatuated or over extended in giving, incapable of saying no, and causing one to feel over whelmed and over extended. This can lead to hardheartedness, lack of compassion and scattered frantic energy. Here we get stuck.

In the second orientation there is a strong lack of love for self and therefore one cuts self-off from others. The quality of love is missing from relationships. Usually, the root of the pain and coldness is stored in some childhood trauma preventing love from flowing in and out. Again, here we get stuck.

 Balancing begins with self-love and self-acceptance, and from there divine love radiates out like the lotus flower. But this takes work and begins with working towards balance, flexibility strength and peace.

Let’s get started


Love too much or love too little and you will lose your balance. Remember that love is not about romantic love; it’s a pure love that no matter what happens is grounded, centered and empowered. Love then expresses itself through kindness, honesty and caring. Love yourself for this wonderful power of love exists within you. Let it radiate out.



EGO: the egos self-importance sometimes demands love and admiration. When we don’t get it, we become resentful, angry and disappointed. The ego wants control, to feel important and to be loved. There are three basic fears in life from which all fears arise; one of those is the fear of not being loved. The soul at its depth is pure love. Pull you finger in and place your thumb on top. Love yourself from your soul, send it outward through all the layers of your being, and then express it through kindness, honesty and caring – these are the markers of true divine love.   

Namaste ~ may you go with health, happiness and peace

Doctor Lynn

Discover the Powerful Secret to Working your Karma so your Life Works for you: by Doctor Lynn    Live class begins September 11th for more information



Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Discover the Powerful #Secret to Working your #Karma so your #Life Works for you


In a rut? Do the same repetitive things haunt you and blunt your success? Are your relationships suffering? Stressed, exhausted, burnt-out, anxious, feeling confused, wondering what this crazy life is about? Want to discover how to use your time and energy more effectively and efficiently by discovering the reason, purpose and mission for being in this life?

Join Doctor Lynn: Here’s an opportunity to work with Doctor Lynn an internationally recognized speaker, author and producer; A naturopath, yoga therapist and karma master guide who will teach you how to use your karma to work through any fears, uncertainties and/or ignorance that may be overshadowing your ability to succeed.    

Discover the Powerful Secret to Working your Karma so your Life Work for you; a practical guide that will take you from questioning, to finding the answers to life’s most pressing questions; what is the meaning and purpose of my life and what is it I am here to do?  

Doesn’t matter how old you are, or what you are doing this guide will be invaluable when it comes to making your life healthier, easier, happier and more peaceful.


Once you learn how to identify and use your karma your life will begin to work for you in more positive and purposeful ways.   But it takes work – that’s karma. However, once you learn how to work your karma life gets easier and less complicated. You then begin to reap the rewards of an enriched, enhanced and prosperous life.

I went from a single mother on welfare to a highly educated, financially secure, successful author, speaker, teacher and producer using this guide. If I can do it, so can you; but it takes work. Just remember, no one gets anything unless it is earned; this is the eternal law of life.  If you are ready to make your life easier and more successful join me live for this 10-week class that will change your life by changing the way you work your karma! Register today – early bird spots are limited.

Early bird – one time offer $149 – you’ll get 10 weeks – one-hour weekly sessions, live with Doctor Lynn. Normally this would cost you $250 an hour for a consultation – that’s $2500 for ten weeks! You save over $2000!   All sessions are recorded so you will have access to all ten classes. You’ll also get a free digital download of the book; Discover the Powerful Secret to Working your Karma so your Life Works for you: by Doctor Lynn


Live class begins September 11th for more information

A good teacher shows the student where to look, but not what to see - I hope to be that karma teacher for you


Saturday, July 17, 2021

Where is the center of the individual #consciousness or #ego?


In balance the first chakra, the root, gives us grounding. The second chakra, or the dwelling place of the self, brings us to our center. When these two chakras are in balance we are grounded and centered.


The third chakra is closely related to feelings and emotions. Its color is a blending of red and green. This blending renders the color yellow. This is the source of the astral body, or the center of the individual consciousness or ego. It also controls digestion and the absorption of food in the body. This chakra is the storehouse for prana. Its polarity is power or powerless, often called personal magnetism or lack thereof. When we transcend this polarity, we find our ultimate strength – we no longer need to exert power, or feel powerless, which are all elements of the ego.

When it is malfunctioning, diabetes, hypoglycemia, ulcers, liver disease, digestive problems, low vitality, nervous tension and fevers will occur.

On a psychological level its first orientation is a strong personality and usually a strong vital body. One has a magnetic personality that can control situations for personal gain. Competition, domination of others, personal success and possessiveness in relationships, as well as repressed emotions are some signs of this center being out of balance, Usually, the person is under tension, or is very tense and tends to be extroverted. The second orientation is introversion and avoidance of competition, insecure with life and relationships, remaining invisible, unnoticed, tense and emotional. The person feels powerless.

We must begin with being grounded and centered so we can balance the energy in the third chakra. Once balanced we are grounded, centered and confident in our strength without the need to overpower others, or get lost in our own sense of powerlessness.  Let’s get started.


END: life is about polarity; the yin and the yang. We all move through times of feeling powerful and powerless. Somewhere in the middle is a sense of balance.   When we transcend this polarity, we find our ultimate strength – we no longer need to exert power over others or feel powerless which are all elements of the ego. When life seems out of balance bring yourself back to your grounding, get centered and find your strength. In this you will find harmony and flow.


EGO: feelings of power and powerlessness are the ego at work. Power over other or feelings of powerlessness in the world throws us off balance.  When we go to either extreme, we lose sight of our ultimate strength – the ability to remain ground, centered and balanced no matter what life hands us. We never truly have power over others – this s a false perception, but we do have power over what we think, say and do and when we harness this internal power, we are never powerless.  Surrender the ego to your soul – stay grounded centered and balanced and observe the harmonious flow of life.   

Namaste ~ may you always go with health, happiness and peace

Doctor Lynn

Join me for the upcoming Karma Class – how to work your karma so your life works for you;  for more information


Saturday, July 03, 2021

Where is Your #Personal #Power?


Where is your personal power? First, we need to get grounded – we begin at the root – sit quiet and let’s find our grounding – a quiet place from which to begin our journey today. When grounded we are reliable, secure, dependable, centered and our earth life is stable. Breathe deep into your root. As you exhale feel it pull you to the earth and ground you.

Now we move to the second chakra called the dwelling place of the self-it connects and disconnects us from relationships. This center draws the energy from the sun through the aura and disperse it throughout the body. When in balance we are connected to our personal relationships and this gives us our sense of personal power. There is a great drive here to love and be loved. If overly developed a person tend to be an extrovert; if under developed a person tends to be an introvert. So, the idea is to balance the energy so we find that perfect place of personal power between putting out two much energy and not putting out enough. Too much energy and we feel stressed and overtaxed – we lose our personal power - too little energy and we feel lethargic, lost, unmotivated – we lose our personal power. Breathe deep into the sacral between your hips. Find your personal power; a place where you are grounded, balanced and open while connected to the world, relating harmoniously to all of life.


END: When stressed and feeling scattered take a moment to center and ground yourself. Sit close to the earth and let the energy of the earth fill your root chakra reminding you to be like the tree; hold steady and strong against the storms of life by your grounding roots. Then find your balance in the sacral, for how you relate to life determines the vitality of your body, mind and soul. Here you find your personal power; the ability to use your energy constructively, wisely and harmoniously with all of life.

EGO: When relating to others it is easy to put up walls, give false impressions and be defensive. The ego never likes to show any weakness, or loss of personal power. When we lose our personal power, the ego comes rushing in to defend and protect, and this is not always bad. It’s the job of the ego to defend and protect so that we might survive. But it also important to remember that sometimes the ego is the cause of our loss of personal power. Know the difference between protecting your personal power for survival and giving it away through force, defenses and false projection of who you really are… you are a beautiful soul here on earth for the purpose of learning, knowing and mastering life. Let your soul be your guide and you will always have your personal power.    

Namaste ~ may you go with health, happiness and peace

Doctor Lynn

Join me online for the upcoming KARMA CLASS  learn how to work your karma so your life works for you  for more info and to get the student rate

Join the online yoga class