Saturday, May 13, 2017

You are Many Layers of Energy – What are they?

Prana is the life force that gives rise to everything.  How do we know it exist? Take a breath. What cause you to breathe? Not oxygen, but prana.

According to Eastern thought, our being consists of seven layers of energy. The final and most noticeable layer of energy is the physical body. This layer of energy vibrates at a frequency lower than the other layers, which accounts for its visibility in the physical world. The higher frequency layers cannot be seen, but still have an effect on our physical self. All of the layers of energy are interdependent and cannot be separated. As long as consciousness exists the layers exist.

The seven layers of energy are as follows. The first is the physical self, the second is the etheric self or the vital energetic self (known as the aura), the third is the astral or emotional self, the fourth is the mental self where thoughts are formed, the fifth is the soul or intellectual self, the sixth is the cosmic self (sometimes called the “pure intelligent self”), and the seventh is like the Tao impossible to name, as it is beyond name and form. We call it prana. It is the integration and balance of all the layers of energy that create a harmonious aura and thus a healthy body, mind and soul.  We then use the energy to projects our strength, flexibility and balance outward from the center of our being.  When in balance we exude self-confidence, self-esteem, happiness and peace.

Just remember center everywhere circumference nowhere.

As we begin to expand our consciousness we will see patterns of behavior that have been dictating our lives. These forces are nothing more than energy that we have taken on for our own evolution. That is the purpose and true nature of our being. But we can remove them, change them and create them. That is karma and why it is said that we become the creator of our own destiny. This is also known as self-mastery. As we remove the veil of ignorance, we discover that our purpose for being here on earth is simply to remove vices and add virtues.  We discover this through the contents of our lives. When we discover how to use all the content of our present and past lives to   remove deceit, greed, anger and pride we are on the path to enlightenment. That’s soul walking.

Doctor Lynn

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