Saturday, February 12, 2022

What is Affluence?

Lakshmi reminds us that affluence should be respected because in reality affluence is a forceful stream of energy that has great power. It can create or destroy depending upon how we use it. In the tradition of Padmini Vidya, wealth is not the accumulation of material things. Wealth is the ability to manipulate the energy of consciousness so as to bring about prosperity. Material things come and go, but once achieved the consciousness of prosperity is eternal. It becomes our frame of reference and our way of looking and acting within the world. The material world, on the other hand is a constant flow of changing energy. Youth changes to old age and day to night, but the consciousness of prosperity, once found and fully understood is eternal. You carry it with you forever. Although many people have the determination to create wealth, their attitudes in doing so can greatly influence the outcome. The accumulation of wealth takes more than positive thinking. It is a mindset that seeks to create. But we should remember that inert symbols of affluence are not wealth. Wealth is the byproduct of the energy of prosperity. As you think, speak and act so you become. Let’s get started… END: affluence should be respected because in reality affluence is a forceful stream of energy that has great power. It can create or destroy depending upon how we use it. Affluence means abundant energy. As long as you are alive you are abundant earth energy. Nothing in the material world can be created without energy and likewise nothing gets destroyed without the use of energy. You are the creative and destructive principle of your energy force. Use it wisely and you will prosper. EGO: when the ego thinks of abundance it thinks of the abundant material things that have been accumulated. The more accumulated the more owned and the more owned the greater appears the wealth. But things we accumulate whether it be a house, a car, a diamond or a large bank account must be maintained by our energy, or they will decline and disappear. It is the source of our creative and destructive energy that is the true source of abundance and not the inert material possessions of the world. You ae here on earth to work your karma so that you add to your abundant source. When you depart this world, you take none of your material possessions with you, but what you do take is what you have created and what you have destroyed. Your sold knows this – listen to your soul and use your abundant energy to make punja. Namaste ~ may you always walk with health, happiness and peace Doctor Lynn For more course, private consult and books

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