Saturday, February 05, 2022

What are the four goals, or directions leading to a successful and prosperous life?

To prosper we need to follow Lakshmi the Goddess of the energy of prosperity. Her name means, “aim” or “goal”. She has four arms which signify her power to grant the four goals, or directions towards a successful and prosperous life: wealth (artha), worldly pleasure (kama sutra), harmony by adhering to a good moral and ethical code (dharma) and soulful liberation (moksha). These four goals grant us a fulfilling and prosperous life. The aim of the goals is to direct your highest potential into creating a prosperous and wealthy life. Lakshmi teaches us the Padmini Vidya or the yoga of prosperity. Prosperity is seen as good and necessary for a healthy and successful society, as well as for the individual. Surprisingly only a small fraction of yogis denounces the material world. That’s because yoga is really a very practical scientific method for living a balanced life. It does not denounce anything, but simply calls upon us to consciously inspect how we conduct our actions; that’s karma- the law of cause and effect. We must remember that every action in life creates a reaction, just as a mirror reflects an image. If we wish to prosper, we must pay attention to how our thoughts, words and deeds both create and destroy. Remember you are the power to both create and destroy. Contrary to what some people may believe the practice of yoga is not about living in a cave in an impoverish austere manner. The practice of yoga fully acknowledges the realities of living in a material world. It encourages us to incorporate the four important goals of; soulful growth, meaningful work, pleasure and wealth into living a fulfilling and meaningful life. Yoga encourages us to prosper while consciously paying attention to how we use our energy. Life is a dance of creation and destruction. Let’s get started creating healthy flowing energy while destroying negative and harmful thoughts words and deeds. END: Karma and Padmini Vidya are practical means for living a prosperous life. Just remember you are both the creative and destructive principle of life. You have tremendous power to direct energy towards that which is good and that which is not. Make punja, (good merits) and you will remove papa (misdeeds). The more you consciously do this the more prosperous your life will become for the universe will always provide for those who aim to make themselves and the world a better place. EGO: it is easy to compare yourself to others and feel that others are more successful and happier. The ego forgets that it is on a soulful journey and not about material possessions. Everything that comes into your life is simply an opportunity to discover how to use the energy of Lakshmi to prosper. We prosper when we stop looking outward and start looking inward. The soul in very powerful it can create prosperity while removing poverty; on all levels; if you let it. See prosperity and poverty for what they really are – simply the use of energy to create and to destroy. Namaste ~ may you walk the path with health, happiness and peace Doctor Lynn For online classes and books ~ The Soul Walking Series

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