Saturday, December 04, 2021

#Understanding – it’s good #karma


Week 1 #Understanding – it’s good #karma

Understanding – what does it mean to understand something?
Understanding is a relation between the knower and an object of understanding. In karma you are the knower presented with objects both physical and metaphysical for the sole purpose of understanding how what is presented to your life helps you to work your karma so your life works for you. It means to become the witnessing conscious to life. For example: anger is a great passion. We can all recognize it in ourselves and in others, but do we really understand it? it is simply a passion that if we let it control us either from the inside or out, we lose our true self which is called the pursusa – the witness who is able to observe life from a nonjudgmental place and to see it for what it really is – an opportunity to work our karma. It is energy that has taken on a passion. It is neither good nor bad but simply energy with a force. Anger can be used to right a wrong, or it can be an uncontrollable emotion. It is up to us to observe and understand.

Understanding means to stand under where we stand now. Know where you stand first and then try to stand where others are standing. It is a realization that we all stand on different levels with different capacity, taste and temperaments. We may look upon something and judge it a good or bad without taking the time to understand that each person has his or her own stand (perspective) in life. Everyone interrupts the world from their own point of view.

Sit in prosperous pose   Ommmmm


Understanding comes to those who realize their true self. Realization of their true self comes to those who have gained understanding.

This takes work – that’s karma – let’s get started


END: Understanding means to be able to detach and observe both the seer (self) and what is seen for what it really is – simply opportunities to work your karma so your life works for you. When we can see and understand a passion within ourselves and apart from ourselves, we understand the true nature of life. Detached you are not affected by anything, but simply become the witness to all of life and it is here you gain total understanding of yourself and the meaning and purpose of life – work your karma so your life works for you. Detach but never be indifferent.


EGO: is the part of you that acts in self preserving ways without a clear understanding that we all have our own stand in life. One is not better or worse than the other. We are not here to superimpose our stand on the world, nor to save the world, but to work out karma so that we might first gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and then a deeper understanding of life. When we, as the seer, understand the true nature of what is seen we understand everything. This requires surrendering the ego to the soul. Here Understanding comes to those who realize their true self. Realization of their true self comes to those who have gained understanding. This takes work – that’s karma


Doctor Lynn

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