Saturday, December 18, 2021



The last two #karma classes we #meditated on or pondered on understanding #self-realization. This week overcoming obstacles finding #contentment.

To overcome pride, be humble

To overcome hate, be loving

To overcome selfishness, be generous

To overcome excitement, be calm

To overcome ignorance, use knowledge.

To overcome evil, be good

To overcome restlessness, meditate

Karma defines contentment as being happy with what you have. It means to end all cravings and to find peace within your life. Not an easy task – takes work – that’s karma!

Yoga presents us with nine obstacles to overcome; physical illness, apathy and boredom, doubting self-worth, being distracted and careless, feeling heavy and burnt-out, having desires and cravings, doubting once progress, getting caught in the illusion of life and an inability to maintain and achievement continual yoga practice.

Karma teaches us that all of this falls into the four patterns of karma that block our progress. Blocking knowledge, blocking feelings, blocking vitality and blocking free will. It takes work to identify these and then to unblock them – that’s karma; let’s get to work.


END: Yoga presents us with nine obstacles to overcome; physical illness, apathy and boredom, doubting self-worth, being distracted and careless, feeling heavy and burnt-out, having desires and cravings, doubting once’s progress, getting caught in the illusion of life and an inability to maintain and achievement through continual yoga practice.

So, avoid burnout and stay vital; focus on health body mind and soul. Believe in your self-worth you are unique, seek to always learn and never be bored or distracted by life. Be happy with what you have and then reach out for more. Remember life is real; it is your perception that is the illusion, and continue to practice karma yoga for you have made such progress however, you must continue to practice and when you think you have achieved success practice some more. That’s karma – it takes continual work.


EGO: flip your hands up and rest them on your knees. Extend out the index finger – the symbol of the ego. Being bored, doubting self, being careless, feeling burnt-out, craving, doubting progress, living in an illusion and inability to maintain achievements are symbols of the egos fight to maintain its importance. Do not seek to extinguish the ego. It is for your self-preservation and self-identity. Simply seek to temper it by drawing your index finger in and placing your thumb on top which is the symbol of our soul; and remember for the soul’s perspective:

To overcome pride, be humble

To overcome hate, be loving

To overcome selfishness, be generous

To overcome excitement, be calm

To overcome ignorance, use knowledge.

 To overcome evil, be good

To overcome restlessness, meditate

Finding peace in meditation you shall find all things that you crave

May you go with health, happiness and peace

Happy Holidays

Doctor Lynn

Join me on New Year’s Day at 10AM PST 1PM EST for a free New Years Yoga Class

To get an invite

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