Saturday, February 22, 2020

#Yoga Today – How to #Prosper

To recap: Before you can prosper you must gain punja and remove papa. This means to gain merits through good deeds while removing improper and disastrous behavior.

The practice of yoga fully acknowledges the realities of living in a material world. It encourages us to incorporate the four important goals of; soulful growth, meaningful work, pleasure and wealth into living a fulfilling and meaningful life.

Each day look to create and appreciate. You will discover wealth, pleasure, harmony and liberation are not that difficult to establish.  Do not get caught up in the world of material wealth. Happiness is not found in the size of your bank account. Happiness is simple and pure. However, do seek to create wealth in the world. With material wealth we can build a better world with good health care, education, art, music, shelter and food for all. It is not wealth that destroys it is greed. Seek to create and then create more. Each time you reach out make punja and remove papa and you will discover how to follow the four paths that lead to prosperity.

Enjoy the pleasures of life but remember even the so called good pleasures can turn painful if you are not careful. Enjoy everything, but never to excess.

Move in harmony with life. This means to become the observer and not the judge and jury. Discord and dissention will never bring you prosperity. Except things as they are and make peace with them. You can then reach out to change something, but do it from a place of acceptance and peace. This will bring you liberation. If you have something you are struggling with, observe it and accept it for what it is right here right now. In a moment all things may change and what might be important today will be meaningless tomorrow. Count your blessings and appreciate all of life for it is all just a great opportunity to learn, know and master life. Even anger can be a great teacher if you learn to observe it and then use it to remind yourself to be kind. Awareness is the key.

In a world full of chaos and cruelty you will need balance, strength, flexibility and peace to navigate the pathway of prosperity - Let’s get started.


Make punja and remove papa. Observe as you move through life. Are you acting from the ego or listening to your soul? The ego will always fight to win but the soul cares not about winning or losing – it just wants to learn, know and master this life. You may not do that in this lifetime and that is why you need to pay attention to karma. You are here to work out the mission of your soul and in doing so you will discover the true nature of earthly wealth, pleasure, harmony and liberation and in this you will prosper.   

Next week the Nidhi.

Namaste ~ I celebrate the place where our souls meet

Doctor Lynn


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