Saturday, February 01, 2020

Harmony – the third direction or aim in life

Our third direction should be to dance in harmony with life. This requires a code of ethics and morals that act as beacons telling us how to behave. In yoga we would call these the Yamas and Niyamas.  The opposite of harmony is disharmony or discord. When we are in discord with the world prosperity is diminished.

Cultivating harmony we develop compassion and understanding with all our relationships on earth. We move from being separate and bound by the ego to merging past the barriers that keep us apart and at odds. When we develop impartiality towards others all living things in the world become one force of energy and with this the emotions of love, caring and empathy endure under all circumstances.  Impartiality does not mean to be indifferent. It means to be undisturbed by the ebb and flow of life.

According to the philosophy of Karma yoga the whole material universe consists of five everlasting, enduring substances. It is through these five substances and their relationship to each other that the whole world unfolds and evolves.

These five enduring substances are space, motion, rest, matter and soul. Space is the container of everything; motion is required for change to occur; rest is necessary for matter to accumulate. Matter exists as a finite number of points of energy that come together by resting in space. The soul is the unifying energy that gives birth to potential.  Therefore you are matter occupying space with the potential to create. Create harmony and you will prosper.


For the most part relationships provide us with an opportunity to discover who we are. We relate to people, to places and to things. We relate to nature, technology, art, music, food and every aspect of life. It is the disharmony within these relationships that creates fear, anguish and disappointment. Remove the D-GAP- deceit, greed, anger and pride. Replace them with compassion and understanding and in this you prosper.


Harmony requires commitment, understanding, patience, and forgiveness, a lot of hard work, compromise, balance, flexibility, strength and respect. It means to put aside our attachment to being right, or even being wrong, and come back to the present moment and do what it takes to remove discord. Then just like in music, arrange the notes so that what we experience is melodic harmony.

Remember the whole material universe consists of five everlasting and imperishable substances; space, motion, rest, matter and soul. What’s important is how matter relates to other matter within the space it occupies. All of life is equal, but different. And that is what makes life so interesting. Harmonize with life and the obstacles that block success will be removed and you will prosper.

Namaste ~ I celebrate the place where our souls meet

Doctor Lynn

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