Saturday, January 11, 2020

#Yoga Today ~ The Energy of #Prosperity

Lakshmi is the Goddess energy of the yoga of prosperity. Her name means, “aim” or “goal”. She has four arms which signify her power to grant the four goals or directions towards a successful and prosperous life. These four goals grant us a fulfilling life.  The aim of the goals is to direct your highest potential into creating prosperity.  

The practice of yoga fully acknowledges the realities of living in a material world. It encourages us to incorporate the four important goals of; soulful growth, meaningful work, pleasure and wealth into living a fulfilling and meaningful life.


Lakshmi reminds us that affluence should be respected because in reality affluence is a forceful stream of energy that has great power. It can create or destroy, depending upon how we use it.


Although many people have the determination to create wealth, their attitudes in doing so can greatly influence the outcome. Inert symbols of affluence are not wealth; wealth is the byproduct of the energy of prosperity. As you think, speak and act so you become.


Be forewarned many sacred texts mention Alakshimi the evil sister of Lakshmi. With Disregard for order, disrespect of nature and poor hygiene she will bestow poverty and misfortune upon your house.

If you want to bring prosperity into your life, let the energy of prosperity flow out towards others. Apply the Golden Rule of prosperity; do not take without giving back. Those who lookout for ways to help other and ways to contribute to the betterment of life, without expecting anything in return are sure to receive prosperity. They have found a need and are fulfilling it. This brings us wealth.


The goddess Lakshmi tells us that prosperity has far more to offer us than a beautiful home and a large bank account. You are the source of your wealth. Whatever you have increase it. Instead of saying it could be less; say it could be more. Say I would like to have this, but do it from a place of consciousness contentment. Be content with what you have and then reach out for more. Lakshmi gives wealth and success to those who ask with sincerity and are willing to do the work. The work involves developing conscious awareness of how to use the dynamics of potential energy in complete harmony with the soul’s path.  When you combine the infinite force of the soul with the finite source of the material world to create good anything and everything is possible. This is the pathway to prosperity.


Remember this – the most abundant thing in the universe is energy. Use it wisely. The punja or merits we accumulate as we travel through life are with us from lifetime to lifetime.  They define us and are by far our most valuable assets. Money can’t buy you happiness, but prosperity can!


“Although you may gather a million gold coins upon death you cannot take with you even one copper penny.” (Chinese Proverb)


Namaste ~ I celebrate the place where our souls meet

Doctor Lynn


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