Saturday, December 15, 2018

Reincarnation – how did I get here?

To understand karma we need to begin with an understanding of reincarnation.

Whether you believe in reincarnation or not it is an interesting subject for most people.  According to karma yoga and physicist we are simply a bundle of energy. And according to the laws of thermodynamics energy is never lost, but simply changes form. Our energy field (body, mind, soul) is a subtle form of motion like a wave or a pulse that goes on and on.  But to fully understand anything we must understand it’s opposite. So if we can only know on by knowing off is it possible that we can only know we are alive by knowing we had once been dead?


If we are simply a bundle of energy and we follow the laws of thermodynamics we can conclude that our energy is never lost, it simply changes form.  So it would stand to reason that when we die our energy just changes to a different form of energy and that energy maintains the potential to return again to earth and change its form again.  It takes strength, balance and flexibility to take on form. So as you work through the yoga class today, think about yourself as a bundle on energy that has taken on the strength to survive and flourish, balance so you might navigate through life and flexibility so that you might endure the ever changing nature of life. Let’s get started.


You are a bundle of energy that has chosen to reincarnate into this body and this life for the “soul” purpose of working through your karma. Hold onto your strength; you will need it to survive and flourish; work on your balance; it will be challenged with every step you take and stay flexible and open to change. For the one thing you can absolutely sure of is that life will change. In this you will evolve.

Namaste ~ I celebrate the place where our souls meet

Doctor Lynn

Saturday, December 08, 2018

The Spiritual Force

As humans we are all walking the path of life because of the spiritual force of the universe. We call this prana or the force that gives rise to all of life. We are here with a body, a mind and soul working to undo some piece of karma.

The body is the vehicle. The mind is the GPS. The soul is the part of you that sits beneath your body and behind the mind. Sometimes you get a hunch, a feeling or perhaps a quiet moment when you sense the nature of your soul. In that moment you know you are touching something deeper within yourself. The soul holds your mission and so the spiritual force initiates the process of discovery. This is how we learn, know and master our lives. Practicing karma yoga helps us to initiate the process of discovering which requires balance, strength, flexibility and the ability to find peace amongst the chaos of life.

Your soul has taken this body and this mind to complete your karmic mission. It’s up to you to discover the mission, get on the path, and walk with your soul. Most likely anyone who says they are spiritual may in fact simply mean that they are soulfully walking the spiritual path one step at a time. They are not the spiritual force; that’s prana, but because of the spiritual force they are on earth to walk the path. You are a soul walking the spiritual path and not the spiritual force walking the soulful path. There is a difference. The soul is you. The spirit is the force that gives rise to existence. “May the force be with you.”


Doctor Lynn

Tuesday, December 04, 2018

#Yoga Today ~The Observing Principle

Although the soul has an infinite ability for creativity it only has three central activities: thinking, speaking, doing. These three activities create our karma and all karma seeks expression through your thoughts, words and deeds.

To lighten or soften your karma (your aura) you need to manifest certain actions and prohibit others.  For example: practicing kindness rather than anger. The physical practice of yoga helps us to learn to become motionless and balanced without losing consciousness.  The mental emotional part of yoga teaches us to quiet and purify our thoughts and the soulful part of yoga reminds us to observe life without attachment while remaining present and aware. Observe, detach, but never be indifferent. It also reminds us that life is ever changing and so to navigate life we need balance, strength, flexibility and peace. Let’s get started.


The soul has infinite ability for creativity, but it only has three central activities; thinking speaking and doing. This is how we both create and annihilate karma; thinking, speaking and doing. Karma yoga teaches us how to be balanced, flexible, strong and at peace while holding onto awareness. This is how we change the coloration of our aura and thus create and annihilate karma.  Karma is simply cause and effect so observe everything you think, say and do. This is known as our witnessing consciousness; the observing principle of life.


Doctor Lynn

Saturday, November 17, 2018

#Yoga Today ~ Watch Out for D-GAP

I hope I have been a good steward of the practice of yoga and that each and every one of you has gained some insight and found strength in our weekly practice. I have had many conversations with each of you and shared many of your triumphs and your tragedies. Just remember I love all of your wonderful and beautiful souls.

Remember that yoga is not simply coming to class and doing the poses. It is a way of life that calls upon you to learn, know and master yourself. What I have learned is that life is full of incredible people and experiences; what I know is that life is constantly changing and as well as its beauty it is full of deceit, greed, anger and pride. What I have mastered is the ability to be at peace with what is – sometimes you have to stop questioning and just let it be.

Every single day you will be confronted with the four great passions of life. Deceit, greed, anger and pride reside within each of us. To master these is to be aware of them as they surface and then use the tools of yoga for change. When deceit arrives be honest, when greed arrives be generous, when anger arrives be compassionate and understanding, and when pride arrives be humble.

This requires balance, strength, flexibility and peace. Let’s get started.


John Wooden, a UCLA head basketball coach, nicknamed the “Wizard of Westwood,” said,” Talent is God given. Be humble. Fame is man-given. Be grateful. Conceit is self-given. Be careful.”

The ego is a powerful force,so remember life has handed each of us a special talent; be humble and grateful. If life hands you fame use it wisely to make the world a better place. Be grateful for those who support your efforts. But remember self-importance and conceit are self-given so be careful. Self-importance has a way of destroying both talent and fame.

I would like to thank all of you for supporting this yoga class for all these years. Do not think of it as an ending or a good-bye. We may not physically gather but when souls really touch each other they never disappear. Take what I have taught you and make the world a better place and we will all stay connected to the beauty of life.

Happy Holidays; I celebrate the place where our souls have met.


Doctor Lynn

Saturday, November 10, 2018

#Yoga Today #Pride

Pride is insecurity and fear turned outward in an act of defiance.  It is often used as a means of survival. We use it to disguise our insecurities by appearing strong, independent and full of bravado. Foolishly we use pride to keep other people at bay and away from our inner soul. This of course can leave us lonely and self-absorbed. The inner voice secretly cries out for love and devotion.

Life will presented you with many humbling experiences.  If you look to the work of karma you will discover how to let go of shame and step past the maya or illusion of life and discover the reality of our existence; to learn, to know and to master our karma. Just remember life is real; your perceptions are the illusions and these are often ego driven.

Let’s get to work because it takes balance, flexibility, strength and peace to correct pride.


Pride appears as arrogance, defiance and nonconformity. It is the ego falsely raising itself in importance in an attempt to disguise its fear and insecurities. The ego is artificial and transitory for how you see yourself and the world is constantly changing.  One moment you are full of pride and the next you are full of fear. The ego however should not be annihilated. We need it for preservation and evolution. The problem with the ego is in believing that it holds the knowledge of final reality. In this we set up barriers of arrogance and self-importance. When this happens we stop evolving. The karma term for this is ignorance and ignorance is the cause of all suffering. To transcend pride surrender your self- important arrogance to the compassionate nature of your soul.

Namaste ~ I celebrate the place where our souls meet

Doctor Lynn


Saturday, November 03, 2018

Yoga Today ~ ANGER - the third great passion

Anger is probably a passion we have all experienced. Although no one likes to be an angry person it is somewhat easier to admit this passion than the other three passions. Perhaps that is because anger is seen as a worthy passion if it is used to right an injustice. However, it is very difficult to practice the right amount of anger, at the right time, for the right reason; and what is justice?  Who decides what is right and what is wrong in a world without justice? That is why we have laws and one of the laws of karma is to do no harm. When someone is angry everyone gets hurts. That is why it is best to work on removing anger.

Anger is really fear based. Anger often times is an emotion we feel towards ourselves and yet we project it outward onto others. We are angry because we feel disappointed, hurt, used and abused. But the problem with anger is once it gets a hold of you; you become an angry person; things are said and things are done to hurt others. If the intellect is enslaved by anger the mind will also be enslaved.    Once enslaved with anger we lose our balance, flexibility, strength and peace of mind.

It is the nature of the mind to run outward and away from the chakras or self-awareness. We are here to balance the energy of the chakras; to feed them strength and keep them open to the changes and flow of life.  Let’s begin to work on finding our inner strength, flexibility and balance.

To combat anger be compassionate, understanding and kind. When angry the ego throws your body and your mind out of balance. They get weak and ridged. That’s why we need to practice karma yoga; to be more balanced, strong and flexible, and peaceful. Let’s get started.


Anger has a way of enslaving us. It never solved any problem. Being angry we give away our strength, our flexibility our balance and our peace of mind. The wise person realized that you are a result of whatever karma you let occupy your life. Therefore choose wisely what you let occupy your mind, because what you let occupy your mind occupies you.



With anger the ego tries to usurp its power in an attempt to even the score.  Don’t try to extinguish the ego. You need it for preservation. Just surrender it to something higher; your soul; and you will be wise.


Namaste ~ I celebrate the place where our souls meet

Doctor Lynn

Saturday, October 27, 2018

#Yoga Today ~ #Greed

Greed is a passion from which we recoil. No one likes to think of him or her as being greedy and yet each of us on some level has been consumed by greed. When we think of greed we usually think of avarice or excessive hoarding of money and material things.  Greed is really fixation upon objects of sensory pleasure and gratification. For example: alcohol, food, or sex. Greed causes us to commit violence against others and ourselves. In the practice of yoga, if we push ourselves beyond our limit while doing a particular asana (pose), it is said we practice greed. Because we desire to keep up with the teacher or go beyond the other students we risk injuring ourselves. When injuries happen we contract and must stop our practice and heal our injury. We therefore stop the flow of evolution and growth. Greed imprisons our time, emotions, and energy. It has nothing to do with the possessing of things and money. It’s really about a feeling of inadequacy and thus not wanting others to have more than we have. We feel a lack of empowerment and therefore greedily hold onto what becomes the most important source of our self-definition. Unselfishness and giving for the sake of giving transcends greed. We can often appear to be acting for others when in fact because we are not free of self-interest our deeds are simply pretexts for receiving gratitude. To transcend greed we need to give without any expectation.
To give without expectation requires the components of yoga; balance strength and flexibility. Let’s get started.
Greed is not excessive hoarding or possessing. It is feeling a lack of empowerment and therefore greedily holding onto and protecting what we think is the becomes the most important source of our self- definition; our ego. The ego wants power and therefore imprisoned itself into a battle to win at any cost. The soul gives without expectation transcending greed and this will set you free.
Namaste ~ I celebrate the place where our souls meet
Doctor Lynn

Saturday, October 06, 2018

The Root of all Karma

The root of all karma is seeded in the four great passions. One of these passions is more intense in your life than the others; but they all appear at one time or another. The four great passions which are the major causes of all of life’s problems are:

1.     Deceit  -not being honest especially with yourself-fear

2.     Greed – not being content-taking more than you need- fear

3.     Anger – fear of losing control - fear

4.     Pride –arrogance based in fear

These states, which lack honesty, tolerance, unselfishness and humility, are the triggering mechanisms for all karma. They also include a lack sincerity, fairness, joy, admiration, detachment and courage. These give rise to prejudice, sorrow, disloyalty, fear, disgust and cruel joking which will activate karma and get us into trouble.    They are all based in the three great fears; of not being loved of not being accepted and of dying.



Although the soul has an infinite ability for creativity it only has three central activities: thinking, speaking, doing. These three activities create our karma and all karma seeks expression through your thoughts, words and deeds.

Remember, to lighten or soften our karma (aura) we need to manifest certain actions and inhibit others. The practice of yoga (physical) helps us to learn to become motionless and balanced without losing consciousness. This is how we annihilate karma, being balanced and serene while holding onto awareness. This is known as our witnessing consciousness; the observing principle of life.

Namaste ~ I celebrate the place where our souls meet
Doctor Lynn


Saturday, September 29, 2018

The Karmic Struggle

Karma is not about punishment or reward. It is a mental or emotional force that causes things to happen. Karma is a tool that allows you to move from awareness of things (the world) to awareness of self. What am I here to learn about me and how can I use the world to discover who I am and not let the world use me?

 Karma is a mechanism that presents you with different events and specific energies that lead you to balanced self-awareness. What you do with these events and this energy determines the outcome.

Karma also means a gravitational pull of extreme importance that draws you to the center of your being. It means to have a leaning towards a particular thing. This could be your occupation, your attitude or your beliefs. It will also present you with blind spots or areas where your view of things gets distorted.  Here we can get disillusioned and confuse reality for something extraneous from us.  We need to be careful to not confuse the map for the territory; the objects for the meaning.

But mostly it is a strong desire towards one thing or another.  We are drawn to certain things in an attempt to learn something about the me that sits beneath the I or the ego.  This is where we need to pull back the ego and surrender it to something more powerful. It is far more powerful to be patient when confronted with a frustration that to burst into anger and thus lose your balance.            

Suggestion: Write a paragraph that describes your life’s struggle. What have you struggled with your whole life? For example, let’s say you have struggled with   loneliness, disappointment,  anger, feeling unloved, poverty, self-image (ex: over- weight), or any other struggle that you believe is a major part of your life. This is the theme that keeps reoccurring in your life. Now make this paragraph a sentence and then make the sentence a word. This is your karmic word. Now exchange it with its opposite word; if you struggle with anger replace it with kindness.


Namaste ~ I celebrate the place where our souls meet

Doctor Lynn



Saturday, September 22, 2018

The Four Patterns of Karma

According to karma ignorance is the source of all suffering and this suffering is the result of the four patterns of karma that obscure or conceal the truth.

The first is the karma that blocks knowledge. Our knowledge of the world comes about through the five senses. When knowledge is blocked one cannot see the subtle connection between things and events. It is like the person who is emotionally cruel to their partner and cannot understand why the partner is cold.

The second is the karma that blocks feelings of joy and grief, pleasure and pain. Simply this means that you cannot separate the opposing forces of nature. We cannot remove night from day. They both exist as a reflection of the other. Every experience in life can be seen as pleasurable or painful depending upon how we interpret things. A mosquito bites and you feel the pain of the itch. You scratch the itch and feel the pleasure in scratching. Same bite bringing both pain and pleasure.

The third karma is longevity or life span. The theory of karma states that the longer you live the more experiences you have, the greater your knowledge and so the wiser you become. The length of your life is one thing, but the vitality of your life is another. The vitality you have now is a direct result of the last life. Be tremendously enthusiastic about life now and it will affect this life, as well as the next life. The karma affecting your next life is formed during the last 48 minutes of this incarnation.

The fourth karma is that which hinders your will power. When this kind of karma is operating it makes us incapable of doing even the simplest of things. Negative thoughts grow and become more negative, more emotional and more dangerous. This develops into anxiety, fear, anger and even hostility. Finally it breaks out into self-destructive actions. When you lose the ability to harness your will power many complications will arise in your life.

Master lack of knowledge, blocked feelings, unhealthy lifestyle and inability to harness your free will and you will have the tools to work through your karma. But remember this takes work – that’s karma!

Namaste ~ I celebrate the place where our souls meet

Doctor Lynn


Saturday, September 15, 2018

Karma Particles

Karma particles come into our lives in percentages and these percentages have a great influence on the nature of our lives.

You cannot change your family of origin (your biological mother and father) or your individuality, but you can change everything else about you. You can change your name, the length of your life, your awareness, attitude, perceptions and happiness, but you cannot change the essence of who you are. Accept your being and then become aware of the ways in which you can change your life to make it better. Seeking to create balance, using your inner strength to maintain strong in the face of adversity, and staying flexible to the ever changing nature of life are all essential to finding peace and serenity, and thus happiness. Let’s get started.


We have chosen to return to a particular family as a particular individual for the completion of our karmic lessons. Our life is divided into percentages of things we can change and things we cannot change.  You have the power to control your attitude and your perceptions and thus have the power to create the degree and level of your happiness. Knowing this we can see ways to improve our lives. Find your power and seek happiness.

Namaste ~ I celebrate the place where our souls meet

Doctor Lynn


Saturday, August 25, 2018

The Forces of Karma – Yoga Today


Because everything in life is the product of cause and effect, what we think is what we become. First we have a thought and then that thought takes on human emotions. What and how we manifest these thoughts and the emotion we attach to them create the form and function of our lives. We are all here to work on our correction. No one is void of the karmic work.

Remember that energy is carried forward from our past lives and is brought into this life, not as a punishment or reward, but as a means of presenting us with the quickest way to learn our karmic lesson. We have chosen to be the person we are and to exist in the space we occupy for the soul purpose of working through our karma.

Before we can discover why we are here and what it is we need to work on, we must reincarnate. According to karma, in the last forty-eight minutes of your last life you had desires. These desires must then be realized again through your next life.

As we depart this earth we leave behind our bodies and our earthly senses. The soul cannot experience earthly desires without the help of the body and the senses so it chooses to return. These desires may be of an addictive nature, which means that the addiction, drama, and negativity will intensify in the next lifetime. They may be of a loving and kind nature and so we return to make the world a better place.


There are three forces of karma enticing us to return for another lifetime experience.

1.     Our deepest wish is to be free of all karma and therefore  we return to annihilate all karma - this leads to liberation or freedom

2.     Our desire to taste (experience) the things we tasted in a previous life. These are the cravings and desires of the flesh –  look to what  you crave and desire.

3.     The desire to taste (experience) things we never tasted before. This could be returning as a different gender or race.

Each of these forces will challenge us to find balance, flexibility and strength in our bodies and our minds while bringing peace to the soul. Let’s get started.


Remember that energy is carried forward from our past lives and is brought into this life, not as a punishment or reward, but as a means of presenting us with the quickest way to learn our karmic lesson. We have chosen to be the person we are and to exist in the space we occupy for the soul purpose of working through our karma. Look not to others but to yourself. Embrace and work to correct who you are and then you will find peace within your soul.


Doctor Lynn