Saturday, March 29, 2014

The second Impediment To Mastering Your Life

Engaging in heavy daily work/play schedules that make it difficult to find the time to practice concentration. With such a fast pace moving life and over stressed for time how does one find the time to stop and practice the art of concentration?

Every day I meet people who are over worked, stressed, and exhausted. Time, which is relative, seems to be the master. But practicing concentration only takes a moment. Master a moment, and you will want more, and when you want more quiet moments, you will find the time to concentrate and acquire them.

Here is how to practice a moment of quietude.

In my yoga class we do the sitting Zen. This only takes about thirty seconds. We stop and sit in Lightening (thunder bolt) Bolt or the Zen Pose. The pose is formed by a kneeling position with the tops of the feet on the floor and the buttock resting onto the heels with the knees touching each other. We then place our hands in our lap using the challis mudra. Place one hand on top of the other, making a cup, with the tips of the thumbs touching. This symbolizes being at peace and being content, and in that our cup is always full.
There are more bones in the feet than any other part of the body. The weight of the body is constantly pushing down into the feet. This is the nature of gravity. Zen Pose exerts pressure in the opposite direction putting pressure on the tops of the feet, relieving strain and muscle fatigue and pushing energy up into the body.
Mystically when sitting on the feet in Zen Pose the body-mind feels lifted and elevated.  Pressing the tops of the feet into the floor produces a quieting of the body-mind.  In yoga the feet are important spiritual symbols. When we sit on them we push fresh blood through the muscles and bones. Pushing fresh blood into them symbolizes a regeneration of our spiritual self. They are the foundation that supports the temple of our soul, otherwise known as the body. They both support and carry us.
We then close our eyes, clear our minds, and focus on three deep long breathes. The mind quiets, the body relaxes, and serenity is found. Remember, the mind exists in three states. Serenity is one of them.

Doctor Lynn

Friday, March 28, 2014

Reducing Belly Fat

About once a week I get asked about burning belly fat. There are two kinds of body fat; visceral which lies around the organs and subcutaneous belly fat which hangs over the waist line. Visceral is called warm fat and is easily burned. Subcutaneous is called cold fat and harder to burn.
Diet alone will not burn belly fat. Diet and exercise will help, however hormones play a big part in the accumulation and burning of belly fat.
Three steps are required to burn fat:
1.       Fat has to be released from a fat cell
2.        Fat then has to travel through the blood stream and be delivered to a cell that will burn it.
3.       Fat has to enter the destination cell and be burned

How do we get those little fat cells to do what we want? Well we need to call in the enzymes. Lipoprotein lipase (LPL) is responsible for fat storage. Hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) is involved in fat release. Did you notice the HSL enzyme is called a hormone?  The hormones responsible for fat storage and release are insulin and cortisol, as well as catecholines, estrogen, testosterone and progesterone.
To keep this from getting too technical, dieting alone does not work. Studies show you will lose weight by reducing calories, however 95% of diets fail and the weight including belly fat comes back. The reason is that we are not making lifestyle changes. Eating moderately and healthy is a lifelong habit. Exercise as well as, stress reduction are also important.
But just reducing calories and exercising won’t work either when it comes to belly fat. That’s because the hormones play a big part in weight management and belly fat. Insulin and cortisol produce the greatest negative impact on belly fat. An easy way to think of these two hormones is insulin is a starch and sugar hormone and coritsol is a sleep and stress hormone. To control belly fat we must control and balance the effect of these two hormones.
Here’s the problem –the natural response is to eat fewer carbohydrates and thus lower insulin. Eating fewer carbohydrates is actually a better strategy for reducing belly fat, than reducing calories, because when we reduce insulin we reduce fat storage and enhance fat release.  When there is an excess of starch and sugar the body uses this as fuel. When there is a deficit of starch and sugar the body uses fat for fuel. So it would appear that if we reduce sugar and starch intake we reduce belly fat. However, when we lower insulin we lower blood sugar and low blood sugar stresses the body and raises cortisol, thus raising your stress level, and affecting your sleep. High amounts of cortisol make us prone to increasing belly fat. This is because cortisol impacts hormones in the brain that increase appetite, and it causes small fat cells to grow bigger.  So what we want to do is lower insulin by eating healthy carbohydrates, but not so low we elevate cortisol.
Increasing protein intake along with a lower, but healthy carbohydrate diet, over the long run, is the best diet for reducing belly fat. Studies show that eating a plant based diet that is not necessarily vegetarian, combined with exercise and stress reduction is the best overall course of action. Add stress on top of a fat and starch/sugar diet and you multiply the negative effect. So to beat belly fat avoid the combination of fat, starch/sugar and stress. Every thing in moderation. But wait there’s more…
Next – how estrogen, progesterone and testosterone affect belly fat.

Doctor Lynn

How Estrogen, Progesterone and Testosterone affect Belly Fat
Human fat tissues have receptors for estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. These receptors have different concentrations is various belly fat regions. Because our hormones are constantly changing throughout life it is important to see how we can naturally manipulate them.
Estrogen has anti-insulin and anti-cortisol effect on belly fat. Progesterone is also anti-cortisol so the combination of the two is very effective in controlling belly fat. This is one of the big reasons why young women tend to be shaped like an hourglass and older women tend to be fuller in the waist.  Higher testosterone in women is associated with more belly fat while lower testosterone in men is associated with belly fat. Aging and the shift in hormones is a contributing factor to belly fat.
For men naturally raising testosterone will help reduce belly fat. Weight training with a combination of carbohydrate modification will help. It’s not about going carbohydrate free, but about the right mix. Increase fruits vegetable and protein and cut back on carbohydrates, especially starchy-sugar, and increase weight training.
For women estrogen allows women to be more insulin sensitive and less cortisol reactive. Progesterone also boosts the anti-cortisol effect. Stress has been shown to lower estrogen and progesterone while elevating testosterone and cortisol. Women should focus on stress reduction and moderate calorie and carbohydrate intake
What is the right formula? Follow Doctor Lynn for more
Doctor Lynn

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Reducing Belly Fat

About once a week I get asked about burning belly fat. There are two kinds of body fat; visceral which lies around the organs and subcutaneous belly fat which hangs over the waist line. Visceral is called warm fat and is easily burned. Subcutaneous is called cold fat and harder to burn.
Diet alone will not burn belly fat. Diet and exercise will help, however hormones play a big part in the accumulation and burning of belly fat.
Three steps are required to burn fat:
1.       Fat has to be released from a fat cell
2.        Fat then has to travel through the blood stream and be delivered to a cell that will burn it.
3.       Fat has to enter the destination cell and be burned

How do we get those little fat cells to do what we want? Well we need to call in the enzymes. Lipoprotein lipase (LPL) is responsible for fat storage. Hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) is involved in fat release. Did you notice the HSL enzyme is called a hormone?  The hormones responsible for fat storage and release are insulin and cortisol, as well as catecholines, estrogen, testosterone and progesterone.
To keep this from getting too technical, dieting alone does not work. Studies show you will lose weight by reducing calories, however 95% of diets fail and the weight including belly fat comes back. The reason is that we are not making lifestyle changes. Eating moderately and healthy is a lifelong habit. Exercise as well as, stress reduction are also important.
But just reducing calories and exercising won’t work either when it comes to belly fat. That’s because the hormones play a big part in weight management and belly fat. Insulin and cortisol produce the greatest negative impact on belly fat. An easy way to think of these two hormones is insulin is a starch and sugar hormone and coritsol is a sleep and stress hormone. To control belly fat we must control and balance the effect of these two hormones.
Here’s the problem –the natural response is to eat fewer carbohydrates and thus lower insulin. Eating fewer carbohydrates is actually a better strategy for reducing belly fat, than reducing calories, because when we reduce insulin we reduce fat storage and enhance fat release.  When there is an excess of starch and sugar the body uses this as fuel. When there is a deficit of starch and sugar the body uses fat for fuel. So it would appear that if we reduce sugar and starch intake we reduce belly fat. However, when we lower insulin we lower blood sugar and low blood sugar stresses the body and raises cortisol, thus raising your stress level, and affecting your sleep. High amounts of cortisol make us prone to increasing belly fat. This is because cortisol impacts hormones in the brain that increase appetite, and it causes small fat cells to grow bigger.  So what we want to do is lower insulin by eating healthy carbohydrates, but not so low we elevate cortisol.
Increasing protein intake along with a lower, but healthy carbohydrate diet, over the long run, is the best diet for reducing belly fat. Studies show that eating a plant based diet that is not necessarily vegetarian, combined with exercise and stress reduction is the best overall course of action. Add stress on top of a fat and starch/sugar diet and you multiply the negative effect. So to beat belly fat avoid the combination of fat, starch/sugar and stress. Every thing in moderation. But wait there’s more…
Next – how estrogen, progesterone and testosterone affect belly fat.

Doctor Lynn

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Master Your Life

Yoga Today – There are three states of mind; dull and lethargic, passionate and active, and quiet and serene. To master our lives we must learn to concentrate. In yoga concentration means to free the mind. When the mind is quiet and serene, you are free.
There are six impediments that must be mastered if you are to master your life and become free.
1. The first- the major obstacle in our way is that of unbridled emotionality. Remember the monkey mind, jumping everywhere. You must work on controlling your emotions.  Close your eyes, breathe, and let go.

Next week impediment #2

Doctor Lynn

Follow doctor Lynn

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Prepare to be Grossed Out!

US Drug and Food report shows that up to 12% of dried spices, mostly from India and China are fouled with bug parts, rodent hair and other repulsive ingredients. Another 7% are defiled by salmonella. And guess what? It may be the spices making us sick and not the food itself. What to do? Always when possible buy fresh and local. Spices are expensive. Buy the best.  Why? Because an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Remember it is not so much what you eat, but how fresh it is, how it is prepared and the cleanliness and safety of the cook.
Natural remedies -Sipping on different types of herbal tea can help soothe your disturbed system and keep your body well hydrated. Peppermint tea has a soothing effect on your stomach and can relieve stomach cramps. Comfrey root and meadow sweet tea will treat your stomach infection. If you are experiencing nausea, try licorice tea or chamomile tea as these teas will reduce inflammation and calm your stomach.
Doctor Lynn

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Yoga Today- Concentration

Concentration (freeing the mind) is a technique for centering and re-balancing the mind. Most humans are out of balance with life. This disharmony causes us to be dull and scattered. The person who learns to moderate eating, sleeping, working and playing is capable of mastering yoga.

The practice of yoga is about removing the physical and mental imbalances from your life. This effort is reciprocal for when you learn to concentrate (free your mind) in yoga, your life will become more balanced and meaningful.

However we must remove the impediments to concentration .Follow along as I take you on the journey known as the mastery of your life. Follow each week and discover the six impediments to concentration.

Doctor Lynn

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

A successful Life

To cry with deep emotion and to feel a deep passion for life. Your emotional well being is directly tied to a healthy body- mind. Tears of emotion allow us to express and release. Did you know that the body uses tears, urine and sweat to release stress and anxiety? Feeling down? The B-vitamins found most plentiful in whole grains have been shown to relieve mild forms of depression. Oats which are a good source of B Vitamins have been used by naturalist to relieve mild depression.  Sex has also been shown to relieve mild depression. Oats have been used by naturalist to strengthen the sexual drive. Where do you think the phrase sowing your wild oats comes from? One such definition is that it is an expression for idling away precious time by indulging in a colorful lifestyle and wasteful activities. Another definition is that farmers would feed wild oats to young stallions and the stallions would then become quite frisky. That’s why I added oat straw to my nectar; Damiana’s Nectar. It will lift a sad mood, help you stay on your diet and add a little friskiness to your life!  Cry, laugh, sing and dance – feel the passion and live a successful life.

Doctor Lynn

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Pop This for More Antioxidants

Here is a 2014 food trend – popcorn is coming back. Watch for it with new flavors and seasonings. Seems popcorn is a great snack. It contains more polyphenols (healthy antioxidants) than fruit and vegetables! Popcorn contains only about 4 percent water while fruits and vegetables contain about 90 percent. Because of this the polyphenols in fruits and vegetables are diluted while those in popcorn are concentrated. Popcorn contains about 300mg of polyphenols per serving, sweet corn 114mg and fruit 160mg.
While popcorn is a great snack and a good source of fiber, we still need to eat our fruits and vegetables. They contain valuable phytonutrients that are not found in popcorn.
Caveat – popcorn needs to be air popped. Air popped is healthy and is only about 100 calories a serving where oil popped has two to three times the amount of calories. Adding butter adds calories!
So air pop and when hot sprinkle the popcorn with spices such as oregano, basil or fresh ground pepper. Try chili pepper or seasoning salt.
Spices sprinkled on hot popcorn enhance the flavor without adding calories!
POP for health! Check out an heirloom popcorn – Tiny But Mighty Pop Corn.

Doctor Lynn

Saturday, March 08, 2014

Yoga today – Free the mind and find spiritual growth

There are three states of mind- dull and lethargic, passionate and active, and quiet and serene. In yoga we call the active mind the monkey mind because it jumps from one thing to the next. But although it jumps it gets attached to some karmic idea. In other words we get stuck in our beliefs and live out our karma. We believe life is difficult and thus life is difficult. What we want to do is free the mind from notions that inhibit its spiritual growth. This can only be done with concentration which aims to quiet and thus free the mind. Sit quiet and breath. Do not concentrate on any one thing. Only focus on the inhale and exhale of your breath. You will begin to feel the body-mind settle into a quiet place and at the same find the freedom that is necessary to fill self with spiritual growth. You are at the same time here and everywhere. The universe is full of infinite possibilities. Free your mind and travel it with peace and serenity. In that you will find all that you seek.

Doctor Lynn

Thursday, March 06, 2014

A Recipe for Great Sex – Bring on the Latin fruit

From Recipes for Health, Sex,Happiness and Love


Doctor Lynn

According to an array of commercials great sex can be had through the ingestion of pills, shampoos, make-up, clothes, cars, vacation…you name it…sex sells. But the real truth is that great sex begins with good health and good health begins with a healthy diet.
On the scene arrive the avocado; a sexy fruit. I know you thought it was a vegetable but actually it is a fruit that is related to the same family as cinnamon and bay laurel. It is high in essential fatty acids, potassium and B vitamins; all nutrients that are good for sexual health. Native to Mexico it was called the fertility fruit. The name avocado actually means testicle; named because it was believe to make a man virile. In some ancient cultures at harvest time women were not allowed to come out of their homes while the men were harvesting the fruit.
However, it takes a more than an avocado to create great sex. Just like great guacamole, where the avocado must be fresh and mixed with a good salsa; great sex needs to be ripe and spicy. An avocado is just an avocado until it ripens and blends into a smooth and tasty dish. So how do you ripen into the mood and spice things up?
Oh the mood…that’s the secret to great sex. Without the right mood sex is, well just sex. It’s becomes an act of obligation. Is it any wonder we lose the desire for sex once it becomes as plentiful as a new crop of avocados? I live in Los Angles where avocados are a major fruit. When the avocados season is here we are inundated with cheap and plentiful green looking testicles things that are hard and bitter. They come in bunches and seem to all ripen at the same time. So even though they are cheap and plentiful buying one at a time and letting it ripen to perfection is better than paying less and then rushing through a half dozen or more ripened fruit.
If we  let sex ripen slowly until it is soft and sweet we might just find that sex like the avocado becomes a sexy fruit. Start with the idea of sex and then let it ripen with several hours of foreplay. Tease it like you tease an avocado; slowly let the skin get dark and flush. Give it time.
Then gently slice open the moment, revealing the inner seed of desire surrounded by soft creamy fleshy goodness. Peel away the outer protective skin, softly massage the inner meat and then revel in the sweet taste of passion.
I bet you didn’t know that an avocado could be so sexy? Great sex is all about the interplay. If an avocado is just another thing to eat it becomes common place. But when an avocado is appreciated for all its nuances it becomes a thing of passion. Want great sex? Take your time, let things ripen and appreciate the passion of the moment.

Wednesday, March 05, 2014

A Successful Life

To laugh often and hear those you love laugh often. Laughter is perhaps the most beautiful sound in the universe. As Jimmy Buffet put it,"if we all couldn't laugh we would all go insane."
Laugh today, alone and with others. To laugh -That's a Successful Life!

Doctor Lynn

Saturday, March 01, 2014

Yoga Today

Yoga Today
Concentration can only be performed when the mind is free of all distractions. The mind must be clear of all external or internal thoughts. It begins with the breath. Why do this? Because if we can pull back from everyday life and quiet mind we will achieve balance, and balance brings clarity, and clarity brings tranquility.
You learn to do something by practicing it. You cannot learn to ride a bike by thinking about it. You must do it. So to learn to concentrate you must practice it. This is why we practice yoga.
 old your mind to one object for 12 seconds. Nothing else must enter the mind ,but your focus on the object.
Concentration, meditation and Samadhi are something the yogi does, not something the yogi is. These are not of the body, but of the mind. These are internal mind action which is called kriya Yoga. You can never truly learn to free the mind until you learn to concentrate. You free the mind by teaching it to become free of distractions.
For example – if you wish to succeed at something you need to remove the distractions that keep you from concentrating. Focus brings results. To truly love you must remove anger, fear and mistrust. In this you will find true love which can only be found in your heart when the mind is free of distractions.

Yoga today –In yoga the mind is divided into three stages; dull, overactive and calm. The mind is dull and lethargic. It then becomes passionate and wild. To balance itself it becomes calm and serene. As human being we are physically and mentally in a constant interaction within these three states.

When the mind is dull it lack power and the ability to differentiate between foolishness and wisdom. When it is passionate it is draw towards ambition and discontentment. This creates cravings. Ultimately the mind becomes consumed by its own cravings. When the mind is quiet and serene we concentrate and discover spiritual insight. Sit quiet and concentrate on freeing the mind.

Doctor Lynn