Saturday, November 13, 2021

Karma ~Watch Out for the Troublesome Four


The Troublesome Four are envy, jealousy, resentment and revenge. These four will surely get you into karmic trouble!

Envy is a widespread feeling today. We think of it as being present only in the business world, but it also rears its ugly head along the soulful path. Secretly individuals may wonder how far the other soul has gotten and whether he or she has already reached a higher level of being. This of course creates conflict as an unhappy soul may wish to inflict misfortune onto others. This conflicts with the guidepost suggestion of doing no harm.

Jealousy is a morbid emotion that looks for anything that will cause suffering.  With jealousy an individual feels threatened by the loss of control over another person or situation. It is a feeling of suspicion and mistrust. Jealousy corrodes and destroys everything it touches. Jealousy is really a feeling of being unlovable and in constant danger of losing.  It is based in uncertainty and fear.  The opposite of jealousy is trustworthiness.

Resentment is a negative state where an individual blames everybody and everything, but self for the state of his or her life. This individual feels he or she is the hapless victim of a cruel fate. Life is seen as unfair and full of disappointments. Resentment results from expectation. We expect something and when it doesn’t turn out as expected we experience resentment.  We then begin to see ourselves as a hapless victim when in fact the responsibility for our destiny and happiness has to do with how we see things and not what another person does or does not do.

Revenge is an act of wanting to conflict hurt or harm on someone for an injury or wrong suffered at their hands. You want to even the score by one-up-man-ship. Retribution in the form of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth is the focus of revenge.

The worse thing about revenge is that it gets inside your head and hijack your focus. Once revenge occupies the space within your head fighting it is like fighting yourself. Be careful with what you let occupy your mind; it will occupy you.

To master the Troublesome Four requires balance, strength and flexibility, as well as the ability to be content and at peace with your life just as it is. Circumstances happen. You cannot un-happen them. Accept what happens. Learn from it and focus on using what you have learned to prosper. If someone has done you wrong don’t try to correct it with another wrong; because two wrongs will never make a right. Let’s get started:

END:   Life will present you with the troublesome four: envy, jealousy, resentment and revenge. You cannot avoid them but you can see them for what they are:

Once you know who you are (the infinite capacity to be) and why you are here (to discover this infinite capacity) envy, jealousy, resentment and revenge become irrelevant.  To master the troublesome four, be content, trustworthy, generous and objective, and remember the world is real. It is your perception (how you see things) that is the illusion. Remove the maya (illusion), detach and be objective but never indifferent, and you will see the world and all its events as opportunities to learn, know and master your life. Change the way you see things and the way you see things changes.

EGO:  it is the ego that uses the troublesome four in an attempt to control. Pride and deceit are mighty passions that cause one to justify envy, jealousy, resentment and revenge. The ego wants to win and yet in life whenever we employ any of the troublesome four, we always lose. The best way to master the troublesome four is to pull back to the soul. Be content with what comes into your life, trust yourself, be grateful for what you have and forgive. These are not easy things to do. It takes work and that is karma.


Doctor Lynn

Visit my website to purchase the Karma e-book as well as other books and to register for classes – check out upcoming classes   Twelve Secrets to Proactive Aging and How to Prosper with a Purpose

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