Saturday, December 28, 2019

#Yoga Today ~Now You Have Your D-GAP

Armed with the knowledge of your D-GAP and the troublesome four you are now ready to start Soul Walking. Don’t carry your D-GAP – deceit, greed, anger and pride, or the troublesome four; envy, jealousy, resentment and revenge, too heavily. They are here to assist you and can be easily changed. However, it will take some work. That’s Karma!

In life you will have to act on two levels; living in the moment while looking into the future, and acting in the present moment to serve your universal mission, which is to remove your karma.  We all have karma we need to remove. The key is to have faith in the cause you are serving. Are you working to make your life and the world a better place?

The underlying essence of life is infinite energy and because of its infiniteness it always has the finite potential to be.

I would describe the potential to be, as the infinite possibilities (effects) available for final causality. This is karma; cause and effect.

Be cautioned: in life you will be deceived, lied to, used and abused. You will experience anger, fear, sadness, loss, hatred, greed and all the emotional states that are part of being a human. You will experience each component of the D-GAP and encounter the troublesome four. Humanness involves experiencing all the aspects of what it means to take on human form. What you do with your humanness (experiences) determines whether you prosper, or live in emotional poverty.

When someone deceives you and destroys trusts remember this; trust is the union of intelligence and integrity.   Ignorance and deceit is its counter opposite. Where is this intelligence and integrity you need so you can trust yourself?  It is located in the third eye; the seat of the intellectual self also known as the soul. Here you know beyond knowing. Remove human emotion and trust yourself. This takes balance, strength, flexibility and peace – let’s get started.


When trying to walk along a certain path you must take your time. Karma yoga teaches us that nothing comes instantaneously. Everything is a long learning process. So be patient and kind. Both will serve you well.

Everyone is Soul Walking whether they are conscious of it or not. We are all living out this life in our own fashion. Look for the moments of AHHH!  These will lead you towards discovering life’s treasures and a prosperous life.  Pay attention to the guidepost and work on your karma. Don’t worry about mastering anything. Just be open and aware. The gifts of prosperity are everywhere. Look for the time gates. When a positive one opens step through it. Remember we are all here just trying to do the best we can possibly do. Respect everyone’s Soul Walk, but most of all enjoy yours.

Happy New Year – follow next year as we walk the pathway to prosperity!

Namaste ~ I celebrate the place where our souls meet

Doctor Lynn


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