Saturday, August 18, 2018

Generating Karma

Before we are born we choose the circumstances in which we have the greatest opportunity to discover the nature of our earthly mission; what we are here to learn.  Just remember you are here as the I (ego) to discover the me (your inner soul).To learn we must seek knowledge and experience. Be aware that karma is the way of action and every action (cause) has its effect. The universe is a perfect accounting system. Nothing goes unnoticed. Everything gets balanced. Be mindful and choose wisely.
Basically we have three tanks or holders of karma:
1.      the total tank of all your karma from all your previous lives
2.      the karma you brought into this life; the karma you are here to work through
3.      the karma you are creating in this lifetime.
Just remember karma is the result of past action whether it was a lifetime ago or a moment ago you ae constantly generating karma.
Let’s begin to work on generating some balance, strength, flexibility and peace.
At the same time these three types of karma will manifest themselves at different times. Remember, karma is from the past. It is the effect (result) of past action. You have:
1.      karma from the past that will manifest itself in future lifetimes
2.      karma from the past that will manifest itself in the next immediate lifetime
3.      Karma from the past that will manifest itself in this lifetime.
There is also a special karma you create in this lifetime that will annihilate karma from the past, as well as in this lifetime and in future lifetimes.  Just remember karma is not retribution. It is an emotional and mental impetus from the past and that past could be one minute ago or many lifetimes ago.  Be on the lookout for this special karma. It will help you to prosper. What is it? Look for opportunities to practice kindness and you will discover it.
Doctor Lynn






































Basically we have three tanks or holders of karma:

1.      the total tank of all your karma from all your previous lives

2.      the karma you brought into this life; the karma you are here to work through

3.      the karma you are creating in this lifetime.


Just remember karma is the result of past action whether it was a lifetime ago or a moment ago you ae constantly generating karma.

Let’s begin to work on generating some balance, strength, flexibility and peace.


At the same time these three types of karma will manifest themselves at different times. Remember, karma is from the past. It is the effect (result) of past action. You have:


1.      karma from the past that will manifest itself in future lifetimes

2.      karma from the past that will manifest itself in the next immediate lifetime

3.      Karma from the past that will manifest itself in this lifetime.


There is also a special karma you create in this lifetime that will annihilate karma from the past, as well as in this lifetime and in future lifetimes.  Just remember karma is not retribution. It is an emotional and mental impetus from the past and that past could be one minute ago or many lifetimes ago.  Be on the lookout for this special karma. It will help you to prosper. What is it? Look for opportunities to practice kindness and you will discover it.

Doctor Lynn

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