Saturday, June 10, 2017

Master Fear – Master Life

Love is the greatest desire on earth. It is programmed into every cell of our being. Every being wants to give and receive love. If we are denied love we experience unbelievable disappointment and will begin to believe we are destined to be denied the love we seek. We then become cynical and hard hearted. Karma yoga teaches that there are three fundamental fears in life. All fear comes from one of these; fear of not being loved is at the head of the list, followed by fear of being rejected and fear of dying.

Love is a tremendous power. It can destroy and it can create.  In yoga we find it in the heart chakra. . Here love means expansion and the unwavering nature of the human soul. Love is the capacity to sacrifice for the sake of sacrifice. To love someone, something and yourself is to touch the heart of your soul.

With an imbalance in the heart chakra a person may find they are unable to say no and thus develop feelings of jealousy, revenge, hatred, envy, resentment and malice resulting in hardheartedness, and lack of compassion.  These feelings (none of us are entirely devoid of them) either express themselves openly or continue to manifest at a more unconscious level. Either way they bring destruction and ill health.

Envy is a widespread feeling today. We think of it as being present only in the business world, but it also rears its ugly head along the soulful path. Secretly individuals may wonder how far the other soul has gotten and whether he or she has already reached a higher level of existence. This of course creates conflict. Transcending the egocentric self allows us to connect with the infinite energy of the universe where oneness is achieved. Here we begin to realize that everyone is on their own soulful walk.

Jealousy is a morbid emotion that looks for anything that will cause suffering. The individual feels threatened by the loss of control over another or a situation. Because the individual feels he or she is unlovable, they constantly feel in danger of losing. Unable to let love flow the individual radiates uncertainty and fear. Even love focused entirely on another human being cannot bring fulfillment in the long run. Transcending this emotion we find divine and eternal love. This frees us to rejoice in the pleasures of others without envy or jealousy even while dealing with our own disappointments and problems.

Greed is the negative side of the soul quality of love and tolerance for others. Greed can mean having excessive avarice for material wealth. It is also desire for power. Greed is never about the obtaining of things or money, but about the power of usurping the freedom and individuality of others. Greed is never satisfied so it tries to dictate, mold, command and usurp.   

Resentment is a negative state where the individual blames everybody and everything, but self for the state of his or her life. This individual feels he or she is the hapless victim of a cruel fate. Life is seen as unfair and full of disappointments. As a victim the individual refuses to accept responsibility for his or her own destiny and firmly continues to point to the outside world as the problem. Clearly, resentment blocks one off from the guidance of the soul. Success then is falsely measured not by inner experience, but by outward appearances. In a positive state, one realizes that they are the architects of their own destiny and that the human mind, and thus the soul, have unlimited possibilities. Realizing that limitations are self- imposed the individual is able to lift the veil of illusion (maya) and master one’s own fate. You can see the forest for the trees.

Once you know who you are (the infinite capacity to be) and why you are here (to discover this infinite capacity) envy, jealousy, greed and competition become irrelevant. Be the love you seek and the heart chakra will bring you compassion and understanding. Apply them to your life and in this you will be know that you are infinitely loved, always accepted and endless potential energy. Because you are infinite energy you need not fear love, acceptance or death.  Remove fear and pure love will open the doorway to eternal happiness.
Doctor Lynn

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