We have a body and
an aura and then we have the astral layer or the place where our
emotions reside. In the astral layer we give emotion to our thoughts. These
emotionalized thoughts then penetrate the etheric layer or our aura. Our
presence is thus affected by the emotionalized
thoughts. If the thoughts are strong enough and have duration they
penetrate the gross physical self. If the thoughts are of anger, jealousy,
greed and hatred, or if we are over stressed they have the potential to manifest into disease.
For example: stress is about fear and
disconnects one from the spiritual essence of self because the spirit exists
without fear. The thought (fear)
becomes emotionalized and penetrates the aura. Your presence changes from
harmony to fear and stress. It is evident in the energy you give off. If the
fear and stress are of duration they affect us physically, as we know through
the adrenal response. If the fear and stress is a continuum the physiological
response manifests into heart disease,
cancer and other diseases.
Being spiritually connected we are able to separate the thoughts and the emotions
and connect with our eternal self
which is void of fear. We literally become the witnessing consciousness to the dynamics of our lives. We learn
that we are not our emotions and therefore do not need to keep them. We can
release them.
Spiritual Fitness
This does not mean we suppress our emotions, but rather
experience them as something separate from our pure and true self, which is void of fear. We begin by catching
ourselves having an emotional thought. As if being a separate being we are able
to stand back from ourselves and watch
the drama unfold. As we watch our actions and reactions we become witnesses to a state of being that we now know we have
the full power to change. We literally catch the emotionalized thoughts and
release them. This then is how we manage
to change fear into harmony.
Doctor Lynnhttp://www.doctorlynn.com
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