Thursday, July 03, 2014

Spiritual Fitness – feeling down, lost and out of sorts?

Perhaps this is simply the darkness that has come just before the light. Darkness is necessary. It teaches us to appreciate the light. Kali (the cosmic energy of darkness) reminds us to stay stable and yet flexible at the same time. These are necessary when darkness invades.

In a world full of darkness, obstacles and negativity, finding purity and health, sparks the majestic spiritual self with a power that overcomes all limitations. The body-mind is only a reflection of the health and conscious awareness of the soul. By simply observing the body-mind one can determine both the nature of one’s journey and how far down the spiritual path an individual has ventured.  As the spirit takes on the light of wholeness and holiness, the body-mind becomes the embodiment of spiritual fitness.

Just as the body-mind must attend to health and fitness if it is to enjoy a quality life, so must the spiritual self-awaken. And more times than not, spiritual awakening comes about in the depths of chaos and darkness. It is only in the dark that one can truly find and appreciate the light, and thus we plunder deep into the dark night of soul so that we may have the opportunity to experience the radiance of the light. It is only the soul that can find its way out of the dark and past the obstacles of chaos.

From the Doctor Lynn book Aero*boga-the way of the heart

Practice Spiritual fitness – Aero*boga- fitness for the body the mind and the soul

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