Friday, February 11, 2011

A Successful Life – Baking a Honey Cake

Today I’m baking a honey cake so I can take a picture and email it to my PR firm so they can email it to a website that wants to feature it as an alternative to chocolate for Valentine’s Day. It’s a recipe I discovered and changed a bit. It is a feature in my book about Sex and Love. I’ve never had a cake featured or for that matter any other food I’ve created. It comes for a cook book I have in hand written (collected and organized long before we used computers at home) form that I always intended to publish. Perhaps the time is near. It even has a theme – well it has two themes: one is to catch a man with your interesting cooking and the second is to keep him healthy. The recipes are all healthy and low calorie-low fat. It’s a project that will take time and thought.

I’ve cooked every one of the recipes. I only included one’s that I thought was good and that my family and ex-boyfriends really liked. The idea was to become an interesting healthy cook. I grew up in a place where the basic were cooked never veering off from local dishes. The food was good and hold some but heavy, fatty and sometimes a bit boring. It was easy for me to master comfort home cooking. I wanted to do something more. With no one to teach me I began to explore other taste and other cultures.

I moved to Los Angles and was exposed to a variety of foods and cultures. I love the variety and like most every food except kimche, some Korean, some Vietnamese and old Chinese. Thai and sushi work for me however I will eat just about anything – and have! To my surprise sweet bread is quite good!

So late today I’ll bake the cake and then decorate it so I can take the picture to match the story to be posted on a few website. This is fun and creative. I’m thinking about making it a feature on my blog – a healthy dish with a theme. Together it will become a healthy cook book. May-be after twenty-five years it will get published.

A honey cake is not a simple thing to make. It is sweet but it is also healthy. It’s not low in calories. It’s not the best cake I’ve ever made but it has a theme. It’s a honey cake for your honey – an aphrodisiac of sorts. Honey and the spices in it are all foods that support a healthy sexual self. They inspire energy, endurance, circulation, warmth and strength.

The sight of a fresh baked honey cake made specifically for your lover will insure that he or she gets in the mood. The thought, the time, the effort and the magical ingredients will spark the fires of love making. Because you see – nothing brings on love like a caring thought and, something you made to give from your heart. And if that doesn’t get them – the ingredients will!

Doctor Lynn

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