Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Back story – Post 7 July 14

About two weeks later I got a call from this woman. To this day I can’t remember her name or even what she looked like accept she was tall and pleasant looking. Her son had been offered a job from a company based in Boston to relocate to Los Angeles. They were looking for people and if I wanted to go to Los Angeles I should give the company a call. She put me in touch with the hiring person and told me to use her son’s name. I called and after a brief interview was hired. They would move me and set me up in Los Angeles after I went through two weeks of training in Boston. I should just briefly mention that the main reason I wanted to leave Maine was that the love of my life had broken my heart. We had been the “it” couple of Portland Maine, a small city of 60,000 people. The pain of seeing him and losing him was too much for me to bare so I wanted to get as far away as possible. LA seemed like a good choice.

I rented out my house, packed up everything I owned and my daughter and I left for Los Angles, where we knew no one and where I would need to learn to navigate the freeways of which I had never driven on in my life. I was a country girl with not much of a great sense of direction heading for Loa Angeles where driving will make you crazy. I had a five gear standard Saab, which was great for Maine winters and horrible on the freeway in stop and go traffic. I had two Thomas Guides that a friend had so kindly told me to buy, no cell phone and no sense of how this network of roadways works. The 405 and the 101 were like a nightmare to me. I would avoid them and soon learned how to navigate the back roads of the San Fernando Valley. I left behind a Maine woman and became a Valley Girl.

That first year was so stressful. The constant sound of traffic and the overload of people and building, no green foliage and the lack of space made me very tired and stressed. I never really understood how noise overload can bring on stress until that first year in LA. I never really understood loneliness until I moved to LA. But the weather! It was heaven! On the weekends in January, we would go to the beach. No shoveling snow and soldiering through zero and below temperatures. My daughter and I clung to each other and explored the many personalities of LA. After a year we settled in and decide to stay another year. This was the turning point…

Doctor Lynn

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