Monday, May 10, 2010

No, No, Yes, Yes

Last week I felt the wrath of rejection. We’ve all felt that painful emotional low that comes from hearing the word, no. Rejection is so hard to take unless we can separate it from the personal and accept it as simply a step along the way to success.

Last week I receive two rejections. Not because my product and idea were not good but simply because it did not fit with the image, style or direction of the companies. One rejection came with an understanding and a bit of kindness and the other came with a harsh and cold, “no.” I did not take it to heart because I know that life is full of ups and downs. You just have to keep trying until you find the right fit. And if your first plan doesn’t work, make another plan until you find the one that fits.

Because of the rejections a doorway opened and in popped two acceptances! And then I met with a person who showed me another opportunity that I would never have seen had I been accepted by the first two and put my energy into fulfilling an obligation. A whole new opportunity and direction opened up to me because I got rejected!

Yoga teaches us that there are three basic fears in life. The fear of not being loved, the fear of death and the fear of being rejected or not accepted are the ultimate fears in life. Fear manifests itself in the body as an imbalance in the water element. In a state of fear a person sheds tears, sweats and loses control of the bladder. If fear creeps in, especially through rejection, sit on the floor with your legs crossed, lean forward and with your fists lightly pound the kidney area. Then sit up straight, close your eyes and visualize the sun inside your body behind your navel point. As you inhale the sun gets warmer and as you exhale the sun gets brighter.

So the moral of the story is; open yourself up to rejection and you might just find an opportunity!

Doctor Lynn

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