Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Every book begins with a blank page

The idea rumbled around in my head for a good six months. I knew I wanted to rewrite a book I had written many years ago. I wantd to update it and give it the maturity and professionalism that it lacked. I wanted it to be more than just another book on health. After all the subject matter is sexual health and sexual health is sure to get attention. Like it or not - sex sells! So for six months I thought about the project and stared blankly at a blank screen unable to get it started. The book dovetails my nectar, Damiana's Nectar - an herbal concoction mixed with chocolate, honey and a drop of magic. It was from the discovery of this nectar that I happened to find sexual health. Now if you think sexual health is only about the "deed" you'll miss the point of the book and the magic of charisma, sensuality, passion and love will slip through your fingers. Follow along with me as I soldier through the discipline it will take to get this book ready for the agent and then onto the publisher. I'll share with you my progress as well as the sory of  Damiana's Nectar.
Doctor Lynn

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