Saturday, February 17, 2018

Center Everywhere Circumference No Where

According to Eastern thought, our being consists of seven layers of energy. The final and most noticeable layer of energy is the physical body. This layer of energy vibrates at a frequency lower than the other layers, which accounts for its visibility in the physical world. The higher frequency layers cannot be seen, but still have an effect on our physical self. All of the layers of energy are interdependent and cannot be separated. As long as consciousness exists the layers exist.  Our task is to find balance so that we stay connected to the center of our being and not the extraneous dramas, stresses and problems that are the circumferences of life.

The seven layers of energy are as follows. The first is the physical self, the second is the etheric self or the vital energetic self (known as the aura), the third is the astral or emotional self, the fourth is the mental self where thoughts are formed, the fifth is the soul or intellectual self, the sixth is the cosmic self (sometimes called the “pure intelligent self”), and the seventh is like the Tao impossible to name, as it is beyond name and form. It is the integration and balance of all the layers of energy that create a harmonious aura and thus a healthy body, mind and soul.  We then use this integrated energy to project our strength, flexibility and balance outward from the center of our being.  When in balance we exude self-confidence, self-esteem, happiness and peace.

When we attach ourselves to the extraneous dramas, stresses and problems that are the circumference of life we lose sight of our center and thus we lose our balance, flexibility, strength and peace. So stay connected to the center of your being and remember center everywhere circumference nowhere.

Doctor Lynn

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Karma – how do you know you have a soul?

If we can’t measure the soul how do we know we have one?  How do we know it exist? Take a breath. What causes you to breathe? Not oxygen, but the power that causes movement and that is prana the life force that gives rise to your existence. Here you discover your soul.
In yoga the life force that vitalizes everything in the universe is called prana. It is actually the energy responsible for the movement of all consciousness in the world. What lies beneath your consciousness is a force (prana) that causes it to rise. This we call thinking. As you think so you become. Prana gives rise to the breath and this gives life to the body and the mind. When this happens your soul begins to walk its earthly life.

Prana is pure self. It is pure consciousness. This is the force that pushes the soul to reincarnate. It is the vital energy that brings everything into being. It lives in the organs of our body and unites all parts of the body into one unit. The soul gives consciousness to the mind. And so the mind begins to think. You must now work your karma. But we can’t do the work without the help of the body. That’s Hatha the physical aspect of life.  And so we are here on earth to work on finding our balance, flexibility, strength and peace of mind.

Karma exists as the manifestation of pure energy. It is the vital force behind the movement of all action and thus the resulting effect. Prana is simply the movement that gives rise to breath, but is not the breath. Karma is the energy that gives rise to your actions and thus you experience the results. Prana gives us the power to think. Karma gives us the power to act. Unlike Descartes who professed,” I think therefore I am.” Karma yoga teaches that I am therefore I have the power to think and act. Prana is pure and simple energy that gives birth to the complexities of life.  Karma embraces the complexities, acts as it wills, and must therefore except the consequences.  So think kindness, contentment, generosity, happiness, love and peace and you will discover liberation. And it is here you will find your soul.

Doctor Lynn

Saturday, February 03, 2018

What Are the Three Biggest Obstacles that Challenge our Karma?

Two of our three biggest obstacles along the pathway of life are our beliefs and attitudes.  Our beliefs are tied to our value system, which is ingrained into our consciousness by our upbringing and experiences. An attitude is the feeling we have regarding our beliefs. We defend our values through selective perception, or the ability to disregard anything that challenges what we believe. Although it is important to have a value system it is necessary to be open to the values of others if you are to Soul Walk. One of our biggest challenges is to be nonjudgmental, tolerant and compassionate, as well as open toward others who may have opposing views.  Our attitudes and beliefs get tainted with deception, greed, anger and pride. This is the challenge of karma. These take us off the soulful path. Practice nonjudgement, tolerance and compassion and your beliefs will take on an attitude of respect and benevolence towards all of life. To meet this challenge you will need balance, flexibility, strength and tranquility.

Our third biggest obstacle is keeping the body and the mind healthy in a world of disease, pollution, corruption, and low self-esteem and self-worth. We have measurements and definition for what is consider physical and mental health. IQ test, blood test and many more tests give us insights into our health. But they cannot measure with accuracy the existence or the health of the soul.  But if you take a moment to be quiet and listen to your soul, your soul will tell you how to proceed. The only test needed is your ability to truly listen to your inner self. When this happens your attitudes and beliefs will shift and change. You will begin to see the world not as physical measurements of gain or loss, but as soulful pursuits. This is karma and why you are here.


Doctor Lynn