We practice yoga to improve, in our body, balance, flexibility and strength. But yoga is also about building strength, flexibility and balance in the mind. The body and mind together in a state of balance supports the mission of the soul. It takes strength of character to combat the troublesome four. We need flexibility to detach, adjust and let them go, and we need balance to remain calm when they appear; and appear they will!
Each time you override them with positive thoughts you diminish their
power. If you resent what someone has done to you it is your perception of the situation
that holds onto the resentment. If you envy someone it is your perception of
their life. Most likely your perception is not accurate. Everyone has something
they must battle with in life.
The reality is that what comes
into your life always brings with it a lesson that if learned leads to self-mastery.
The events and situation in your life are challenges that the soul has taken on
for its evolution. It is the ego and the sensations of the body that get in the
way. So as we work through the class today let’s focus not only on balancing, strengthening and
flexing the body, but also on calming the
mind, adjusting your focus, and strengthening your inner voice.
Once you know who you are (the infinite capacity to be) and why you
are here (to discover this infinite capacity) envy, jealousy, greed and
competition become irrelevant. To master
the troublesome four, be content, trustworthy, generous and objective, and
remember the world is real. It is your perception (how you see things) that is
the illusion. Remove the maya (illusion), detach and become
objective and you will see the world and all its events and situations in your
life as opportunities to learn, know and master your life. Check Mate.
Doctor Lynn