Saturday, October 28, 2017

Review The Troublesome Four

The troublesome four affect all of us to some degree and at various times in our lives. They appear somewhat like chess pieces challenging us to check mate and remove them from the game of life. First we must consciously become aware of them and then we must experience them so we can master them. They are envy, jealousy, greed and resentment.    Be on the lookout for this troublesome four. It will require discipline, strength, balance and flexibility if you are to master them.

We practice yoga to improve, in our body, balance, flexibility and strength. But yoga is also about building strength, flexibility and balance in the mind. The body and mind together in a state of balance supports the mission of the soul. It takes strength of character to combat the troublesome four. We need flexibility to detach, adjust and let them go, and we need balance to remain calm when they appear; and appear they will!

Each time you override them with positive thoughts you diminish their power. If you resent what someone has done to you it is your perception of the situation that holds onto the resentment. If you envy someone it is your perception of their life. Most likely your perception is not accurate. Everyone has something they must battle with in life.

 The reality is that what comes into your life always brings with it a lesson that if learned leads to self-mastery. The events and situation in your life are challenges that the soul has taken on for its evolution. It is the ego and the sensations of the body that get in the way. So as we work through the class today let’s focus  not only on balancing, strengthening and flexing the body, but also on calming the mind, adjusting your focus, and strengthening your inner voice.   

Once you know who you are (the infinite capacity to be) and why you are here (to discover this infinite capacity) envy, jealousy, greed and competition become irrelevant.  To master the troublesome four, be content, trustworthy, generous and objective, and remember the world is real. It is your perception (how you see things) that is the illusion. Remove the maya (illusion), detach and become objective and you will see the world and all its events and situations in your life as opportunities to learn, know and master your life. Check Mate.

Doctor Lynn

Saturday, October 21, 2017

The Troublesome Four

A part of our purpose or being here on earth is to learn how to remove envy, jealousy, greed and resentment. To remove envy be content. To remove jealousy be trustworthy. To remove greed be generous. The fourth of the troublesome four is resentment.


Resentment is a negative state where the individual blames everybody and everything, but self for the state of his or her life. This individual feels he or she is the hapless victim of a cruel fate. Life is seen as unfair and full of disappointments. As a victim the individual refuses to accept responsibility for his or her own destiny and firmly continues to point to the outside world as the problem. Clearly, resentment blocks one off from the guidance of the soul. Success then is falsely measured not by inner experience, but by outward appearances. In a positive state a person realizes that they are the architects of their own destiny and that the human mind, and thus the soul have unlimited possibilities. Realizing that limitations are self- imposed an individual is able to lift the veil of illusion (maya) and master one’s own fate.  It is not the world that is the illusion, but your perceptron of it. You now can see the forest for the trees. Like all the troublesome four to master resentment requires balance, strength and flexibility, as well as the ability to be content and at peace with your life just as it is. Let’s work on this today.

Once you know who you are (the infinite capacity to be) and why you are here (to discover this infinite capacity) envy, jealousy, greed and resentment become irrelevant. To master the troublesome four, be content, trustworthy, generous and remember the world is real it is your perception (how you see things) that is the illusion. Remove the maya (illusion) and see the world as it is; an opportunity to learn, know and master your life.   


Doctor Lynn

Saturday, October 14, 2017

The Troublesome Four - Today we focus on greed


A part of our purpose or being here on earth is to learn how to remove envy, jealousy, greed and resentment. The only way to do this is to become consciously aware of them as they appear in our life and then to consciously work at removing them. We can only do the work when the task presents itself.  Be on the lookout for this troublesome four. It will require discipline, strength, balance and flexibility if you are to master them.  Mastering these you will begin to experience peace and serenity even in a world full of fear.

Today we focus on greed

Greed is the negative side of the soul quality of love and tolerance for others. Greed can mean having excessive avarice for material wealth. It is also desire for power. Greed is never about the obtaining of things or money, but about the power of usurping the freedom and individuality of others. Greed is never satisfied so it tries to dictate, mold, command and usurp.

We all carry a bit of greed. It is a human quality.  Don’t think of it in terms of acquiring and hoarding material goods or money. Greed means to be selfish and this comes from the ego. We all want to do more and be more. What we need is to learn to be content with what we have and who we are. If you reach out and extend beyond your limit you risk getting injured. That is why we need to always practice balance in body, mind and soul. Just remember center everywhere circumference nowhere. Put aside any misgivings about yourself and your life and let’s work to find balance and contentment. If you can find it for a moment you can find it forever.

By finding balance we remove greed. It is recognition that we are not our mind. We are our soul whose goal is to find balance and harmonize with life. This does not mean that we should not enjoy life. We as humans are hardwired for pleasure. We should enjoy every moment of life but never to excess.  Just do it from a place of balance and contentment. Remember not to reach out beyond your soul to physically take, mentally want, or verbally flatter in an attempt to take that which is not yours. Earn your merits, be trustworthy and generous.

Doctor Lynn


Saturday, October 07, 2017

What are the Troublesome Four?

A part of our purpose or being here on earth is to learn how to remove the troublesome four. Last week we explored envy and how widespread it is in the world. Envy involves comparison. In a world of unique beings with unique gifts and talents there is no room for comparison. Don’t confuse material acquisitions with success. Many people are good at acquiring things but, lack the ability to soulfully achieve.


The second of the troublesome four is jealousy.

Jealousy is a morbid emotion that looks for anything that will cause suffering.  With jealousy an individual feels threatened by the loss of control over another person or situation. It is a feeling of suspicion and mistrust. Jealousy corrodes and destroys everything it touches. Jealousy is really a feeling of being unlovable and in constant danger of losing.  It is based in uncertainty and fear.  The opposite of jealousy is trustworthiness. It means to trust in your own ability to rely upon yourself to feel loved, honored and worthy. Trust always has the advantage because trust seeks to create good will and not destroy. Replace jealousy with trust in yourself and give up trying to control others or other situations. Find your balance, your strength and be flexible to the ever-changing nuances of life. Trust in yourself.

 Love yourself by focusing on your wonderful qualities. Use your trustworthiness to make the world a better place and jealousy will be replaced with prosperity. Remember this; even love focused entirely on another human being cannot bring fulfillment in the long run.  Focus on your self-worth and you will find the fulfillment you seek. Transcending jealousy we find divine and eternal love. This frees us to rejoice in the pleasures of others without envy or jealousy even while dealing with our own disappointments and problems.

Replace jealousy with trustworthiness and the worth of your soul will shine through in all of life’s ups and downs.

Doctor Lynn