overcome the obstacles in life you need to Soul Walk. It is not a religious path, but it is a path of
faith. It is about walking consciously with constant devotion towards making you
a better person and the world a better place. It is about never forgetting the importance
of health; body, mind and soul. It is an understanding that the path may take a
few zigs and zags and a few divergences along the way. Remember from here to there is never a straight
line. But that is o-k - it makes life so much more interesting.
Our biggest obstacles along the way are our beliefs
and attitudes. Our beliefs are tied to
our value system, which is ingrained into our consciousness by our upbringing
and experiences. An attitude is the feeling we have regarding our beliefs. We
defend our values through selective perception, or the ability to disregard
anything that challenges our beliefs. Although it is important to have a value
system it is necessary to be open to the values of others if you are to Soul Walk. One of our biggest challenges
is to be nonjudgmental, tolerant and compassionate, as well as open toward
others who may have opposing views. Our
attitudes and beliefs get tainted with deception, greed, anger and pride. These
take us off the path of soul walking
Our second biggest obstacle is keeping the
body and the mind healthy in a world of disease, pollution, corruption, low
self-esteem and self-worth. We have measurements and definition for what is
consider physical and mental health. IQ test, blood test and many more tests
give us insights into our health. But they cannot measure with accuracy the
existence or the health of the soul. But
if you take a moment to be quiet and listen to your soul, your soul
will tell you how to proceed. The only test needed is your ability to truly
listen to your inner self.
If we can’t measure the soul how do we know we have one? In yoga the life force that vitalizes
everything in the universe is called prana. It is actually the energy responsible for the movement of all
consciousness in the world. What lies beneath your consciousness is a force (prana) that causes it to rise. This we
call thinking. As you think so you become. Prana gives rise to the breath and
this gives life to the body and the mind. When this happens your soul begins to
walk its earthly life.
So be kind, content, generous, happy, loving and peaceful. And never forget
to take care of your health; body, mind and soul.
Doctor Lynn