Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A Successful Life Merry Christmas with a Birthday Twist

It’s that time of year for celebration, family, friends and good cheer. Another year has passed us by. It is a time to reflect and a time to set new goals. For me it’s another year older as I approach my birthday which happens to be December 23rd.

Now I know for most people the older you get the harder the birthdays come…but to have your birthday in the middle of the Holiday season adds a twist to all the nostalgia. Anyone who shares this birthday time with me knows what I mean.

There is so much hustle and bustle about that your birthday can slip through the cracks unnoticed due to all the holiday parties that somehow take presentence over your birthday. There are presents to buy and holiday treats to bake. Who wants to stop and by a birthday card, a present and bake a birthday cake in the middle of all the celebrating?

When you were young you got the same toys for your birthday that you got for Christmas. Other children who had birthdays in the spring or the summer got new bikes. You got skates and a sled…just like all the other children got at Christmas time.

As we get older some birthdays hit us harder than others. Thirty hit me hard and I must say the transition to forty-five was a bit of a wakeup call. Forty-five just seemed like an adult. But up until now I’ve just rolled with the years. I won’t share with you how old I’m about to be…that would be ungracious of me but let’s just say it’s giving me time to pause. The years roll by so very fast. I realize that now is the time to do the things that I want to do and now is the time to enjoy my present state of being because I will never be any younger than I am now. Now is the time to enjoy a fading decade.

This year on my birthday I orchestrated a birthday party for me in Maine. My immediate close family will be there to celebrate. It will be a festive and joyous time for our family. A quiet dinner with my parents, two children, daughter in law, two grandsons, my brother and my husband – my family.

I haven’t been home to Maine or had my whole family together to celebrate my birthday and Christmas in twenty years. Next year when I reflect back I’ll be very glad I was born two days before Christmas so I could orchestrate a family party just before Christmas when the chaos of gifts opening, last minute parties and holiday feasting sometimes overshadow a special family gathering that is all about sharing a birthday cake with the one’s you love.

Another year and another reminder to live and enjoy NOW! Happy holidays.

Doctor Lynn

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