Saturday, January 20, 2024

TIME GATES-the endless possibilities

Time gates are passageways or spaces we step into at a particular time that changes the direction of our lives. Time gates exist everywhere without regard for time. Wherever you are in the world, you will face time gates. These gates are constantly opening and closing. When we step through a time gate, we consciously or unconsciously set off a stream of time-space events that can influence our lives. In an instant, our lives can change. An artist is discovered, a lover is found, or a leader is toppled. From the outside, it appears that a person’s life has changed dramatically for better or for worse when, in fact, one has stepped through a time gate, and the space one occupies has changed. Whether it is prosperous or not depends upon awareness and a number of circumstances. What might appear to be a stroke of luck might be a burden. Balance, flexibility, strength, and awareness are needed to discover time gates. END: Being aware and open to opportunity allows you to discover time gates. You cannot be in a hurry to find them, but you must know what you are looking to find and then stay open to all the possibilities. EGO: Flip your palm up and extend out the index fingers – the symbol of the ego. Don’t let the ego's control and fear for survival hold you back from allowing the time gate doors of opportunity to open for you. You will find prosperous gates when you allow yourself to move through time with balance, flexibility, and strength. Pull your finger in and place your thumb on top. Take a breath and surrender to your soul. The soul can feel and see opportunities where the body-mind closes them off. Be aware, quiet, and listen to your soul – your intuition or that small voice inside knows which gate to open and which to close. Choose consciously. Don’t Confuse the Map for the Territory Here is an example of a time gate. I was living in Maine and wanted to move to LA, but I had no idea how I would do this. I kept feeling this tug to move west. One day, when I was working with a real estate client, I mentioned I wanted to move to LA. Later that day, she called me and told me her son had been offered a job in LA but would turn it down. The company was looking for people to move and would pay all the moving costs. She gave me the contact information. I contacted the company, was hired, and moved to LA, which completely changed my life. Be on the lookout for time gates! Doctor Lynn

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