Saturday, February 03, 2024


Sometimes, it is better to define something by what it is not. That is probably the best way to understand karma. In our Western world, we use the pop culture definition of karma as good or bad actions and results. We use phrases like, “What goes around comes around,” or “It must be my karma.” Good and bad imply judgment. Karma is not about judgment. Judgment is a very subjective impression. Good and bad signifies punishment or retribution if a deed is not morally correct. But morally correct is also subjective and often based on cultural norms. What might be morally acceptable in one culture may be different in another. For example, in some cultures, if you steal, you get your hand cut off. Other cultures find this morally unacceptable. So, karma is not the impressions but the result of specific actions. Whether you get caught or punished, a thief is a thief, and the impressions of stealing get embedded into the subconscious or the soul. Tell lies, and you become a liar whether you get found out or not. You carry this energy, and it affects your life. Karma, therefore, is not about punishment or rewards but simply the energy of cause and effect. The laws of karma state that every action, thought, word, or deed produces a physical or mental effect. It also produces an invisible intention or inclination. This proclivity is stored in your soul (the memory track of your spirit). Everything we do, say, or think affects us on all planes: body, mind, and soul. It takes work. That’s karma. Let's get started. END: Recap: Karma is simply energy that moves—there is a cause and effect to all movement in the universe. According to karma, we have chosen to reincarnate, choosing our parents, the place and time of our birth, and the environment that will give us the most incredible opportunity to work through our karma. Our karmic percentages rule us. We can change 84 percent of them, but we cannot change our individuality or family of origin. Pay attention to the things you can change and the things you cannot change. Know the difference, and you will prosper. EGO: Flip your palm up and extend out your index finger – the symbol of the ego. The ego can make us believe that our way of life is the right way to live, yet every culture has its norms, rules, and conduct. Karma reminds us to do our work and not judge others. Pull your finger in and place your thumb on top – the symbol of the soul. Take a breath and surrender to the soul. The soul reminds us that we are not here to judge but rather to do the work that brings about a higher level of being body, mind, and soul. Remember, you are what you think, say, and do, so choose wisely, and you will prosper. Namaste ~ may you walk the path of life with health, happiness, and peace Doctor Lynn For FREE newsletter, online classes, books and more

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