Thursday, December 31, 2020

The Spirit of a Virus is not so Small and the Spirit of an Elephant is not so Big


Everywhere you hear,” good ridden to 2020”, like it’s some kind of an infectious disease that has disrupted the world. (ha ha) It’s not 2020 that is the disease, but a tiny virus that has turned the world upside down. It is humbling experience for all of us because we as humans tend to think of ourselves as superior to the rest of life. But look at how a tiny virus has the power to disrupt the world. If 2020 has taught us anything it is that much of life is unpredictable and uncontrollable, but what we can control is how we see things and how we react to things. If we take two steps back and observe without emotion, we can see the resilience and the ingenuity of humankind. We all found a way to stay connected and to survive even when being somewhat imprisoned within our homes.

2020 will not pass into 2021 and suddenly the shroud of covid will lift and life will return to what we all considered normal. 2021 will also bring its challenges. We cannot look ahead and predict anything, but we can get up every day and be grateful for what we have and what we can learn.

Life is uncertain. The best we can do is stay healthy, be happy and find peace within ourselves amongst the chaos of life. For with those three things we can adjust, modify and survive against any and all contagious energy whether it be a virus, or it be hatred, fear and prejudice; which are so prevalent in our modern-day world.

I hope if anything karma yoga has taught you that you have the power to control the most powerful thing in the world – your body, your mind and your soul. What you think, say and do is what you become. This year we have all stayed connected and proved that the power of a tiny virus may disrupt the world, but it cannot destroy the love, kindness and caring that can only be found in the human species. Yes, our pets may be loving, kind and caring to a degree, but it is humans who can take a perfect stranger and demonstrate the loving, caring and kindness of humanity.

Let’s look upon 2020 as a year that taught us all so much about the world, other people and about ourselves. Let’s look upon 2021 with open eyes observing the movement of life without expectation, but always with a focus on our health and happiness while never forgetting to share, care and support each other.

Life is unpredictable and uncontrollable. Covid has taught us that. But we can control our energy. Join me in2021 as we explore the energy that is all around us and within us and how this energy has the power to elevate or defeat us – depending upon what we seek.

Seek to practice honesty, generosity, kindness and humility and then you will avoid falling into D-GAP.  Join me in 2021 as we explore the healing and powerful force of Vital Energy; the essential energy of life; use it wisely and in 2021 you will prosper. The spirit of a virus is not so small and the spirit of an elephant is not so big.

Happy New Year 

Namaste ~ May health, happiness and peace be with you always.

Doctor Lynn


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