Saturday, May 05, 2018

What is Karma?

Sometimes in life it is better to define something by what it is not. That is probably the best way to understand karma. In our western world we often hear karma referred to as good or bad. Karma is not about judgment. Judgment is really a very subjective impression. Good and bad signify punishment or retribution if a deed is not morally correct. But, morally correct is also a subjective impression. Karma is not the impressions, but rather the result of certain actions.  Karma therefore is not about punishment or rewards, but simply the energy of cause and effect.


Essentially, the laws of karma state that every action, thought, word, or deed produces a physical or mental effect. It also produces an invisible intention or inclination. This proclivity is stored in your soul (the memory track of your spirit). Everything that we do, say, or think, affects us on all planes; body, mind, and soul.


Because the invisible effects of our actions are stored in our souls, they endure beyond our earth life, maintaining the potential to be energized in future lives. According to karma, the soul chooses the nature of its earthly experience based upon the desire to present itself with the potential to work through a piece or pieces of karma.


Karma is present energy that, under certain conditions, changes from invisible to visible form. We look upon these manifestations as either rewarding or punishing when in fact they are simply results of past actions and attitudes. Basically life becomes what life does.


All creation is the result of energy. The process of creation is change. So remember everything that happens is the result of past action, whether it happened a minute ago or lifetimes ago. Karma is a result of the past. Choose wisely.

Doctor Lynn

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