Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Fruit compote is a 17th century French desert made up of fresh slightly cooked fruits. It is seasoned with orange, lemon, vanilla, cinnamon and cloves. Many Jewish people associate it with holidays. The fruit compote served on holidays is supposed to indicate sweet wishes and good luck in the coming year.

For dessert its fresh homemade fruit compote. Your choice of fruit, but I chose:

1 pear ripened

2 peaches ripened

3 black apricots soft and ripened

1-      ½ cup unsweetened apple sauce

¼ cup of brown sugar

¼ cup of uncooked oatmeal or any other dry cereal

A few dabs of butter

In a bowl combine the first four ingredients. Mix well and turn into a square baking dish coated with cooking spray. Sprinkle sugar, oatmeal on top and dab small amount of butter randomly on top. Cover and bake at 350 degrees for 40 minutes. Serve warm.
Happy New Year- sweet wishes for good luck and good health
Doctor Lynn

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