Monday, November 05, 2012

Ten Weekly Tips For Maintaining and Losing Weight over the Holidays

Tip 1 week 1- Nov 5th

EXERCISE – I know you’ve heard this a million time, but whether you like it or not at least 30 minutes of vigorous exercise per day is needed to maintain and lose weight. So you need to commit to 30 minutes a day. This can be walking, jogging, spinning or dancing. Make a 30 minute music playlist on your IPOD and listen to it while you walk, clean house, do chores and exercise and don’t stop until the music ends.  If you need a little more motivation come to my Aero*boga dance class or my spin classes and I’ll give you a great workout. Can’t make it – check out Aero*boga which gives you a 30 minute, sweating, calorie burning dance workout that you can do anywhere and time.     Enter doctorlynn and get a discount

Commit to participate in 30 minutes of exercise a day!  Next week eating tips from skinny chicks

 Check in each week for a new Tip -together we'll make the Holidays Hapay Healthy and peacful.
Doctor Lynn

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