Monday, June 28, 2010

Measure of Success

We measure our success by the number of fans we have, the amount of money we make, where we live, what we do, what we drive and the money we have in the bank. But sometimes success is measured by our failures. About a year ago I had an idea for a new exercise class. I put the class together, found an open time slot to teach and  taught the class for 4 weeks. It bombed!  The idea was good and everyone liked the concept but it lacked structure. One month ago I taught a segment of the new and revised version  of this class and it was a success. My success came from my failure and because I taught the class to the same group of peole who took this class a year ago,  I knew I was getting good feedback. They loved it and asked for more.
The moral of the story is; had I of given up and went out in defeat I would not have developed my new class. Instead I realized that it was not a failure but simply something wrong with my plan. So I set about to restructure my idea into a new plan and this time it looks like it's going to work. There are no failures just plans that need to be restructured. Each time it appears you have failed just revise your plan and go at it again. Thinks about this: - how many times did it take Edison to get it right?
Doctor Lynn

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